What Kinds Of Personal Essays Do Ivies/top Schools Want

What type of students do top schools (Ivies, Stanford, UChicago, etc.) like to admit? What’s the general vibe of the student body at each one?

Top schools admit the top students — it’s that simple. To get into Stanford, one of the best schools in the world, you need to be one of the best applicants in the world. Aside from excellent standardized test scores (ACT/SAT/Subject Tests) and a strong GPA, you need strong letters of recommendation (LORs), extracurricular activities and essays to get into top tier schools like Stanford and UChicago.Many applicants underestimate the importance of LORs, but they shouldn’t! My MIT admissions officer told me that recommendations help the admissions committee separate the great students from the good students. Thus, start building strong relationships with your teachers.As for the “vibe” of each student body, Stanford is known to be very entrepreneurial and creative. MIT is considered very technical and academic. UPenn has a strong business community, especially in traditional industries like consulting and banking. Of course, these “vibes” for each school are mainly stereotypes — you’ll find creative and entrepreneurial students at every top school, for example.Best of luck in the application process, and you can find more information at Elite University Admissions.

Can a college entrance essay get you into an Ivy League school if it is good enough? Even if you only have a 3.7 GPA in high school?

I hate to say it, but based on my experience, the answer is no or highly unlikely.I've interviewed close to 100 high school seniors as an alumni interviewer for Yale. Guess what, they all have interesting stories, backgrounds and experiences that make them stand out from the pack! But what do you get when you take the top 1% of a million students? You get ten thousand exceptional students, each with a great story to tell, each with inventive ways to surprise and amuse or inspire with an essay.So no, in all likelihood, you can't make up for a "just good" GPA with an exceptional story, because there are so many exceptional stories. Now if you are truly one in a million, e.g. an Olympic level athlete or a chess international grandmaster, you might still be exceptional in that group. But if you're going to write about overcoming your fears to participate in that school play, then it's likely your essay will not be enough to make up for the GPA.I don't like giving students these types of answers. But I also don't want students to have unrealistic hopes only to be sorely disappointed later. The truth is that every year I see exceptional students who have everything you want, great GPA, lots of activities, great personality, a vision for the future, and a moving story about their life. And then they get rejected despite my strongest recommendations.I hope you do apply to the top schools. Truth is, there's still a lot of randomness in the process. Even if the chances are low, you should still apply. It's too important a decision and process for you not to knock on every door. Just temper your expectations realistically. If you get a stroke of luck and get in, congratulations, I would be thrilled for you!! If not, don't be heartbroken, there are many routes to success, and while an elite school will help, it is by no means a requirement to a happy and fulfilling career and life.

College admission interview?

I'm going to be a high school senior next year, and I'm thinking about applying to college soon.
I'll be the first generation who go to college in my family, so I don't know anything about it.
I know I have to submit an essay, teachers' recommendation, SAT/ACT score, resume, transcript, etc.
Also, I know that there is an interview if applicable. I'm a little bit concern because I don't know what to expect.
My first choice are University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. I really want to get into one of two schools. If I don't, I'll go to SUNY Binghamton, which is one of the best state school in New York state.
Anyway, what should I expect?
Also, help me on the following questions.
If the interviewer asks me: tell me anything about yourself. What should I say (my personal history, my interest, my personality?)? What should I start with at least. A brief example will help!
Will they ever ask you anything about your favorite movies, books, foods, drinks, sports? If they do, how should I respond? Should I just word-vomit anything I can? Should I expand and elaborate my response, so I can be more "stand-out"?
What if they ask you anything you don't know, such as what is your weak spot or disadvantage? Even if I know my weak spot, I'll look bad if tell him/her about it.
Also, when they say: do you have any question for me? What should I ask? I know you'll get rejected automatically (most of the time) if you say "no".
Thank you for anyone who can help me!

The Best Placement in Private High School in Los Angeles for Our Son- What Would Be the Best Fit- Prep or Not?

I wanted to ask the community (hoping to get an answer from maliboo_girl because her posts have been very informative) what private high school would be a good fit for my son. He is strong in both the arts and sciences. He loves figuring things out in his own, is self-driven, is knowledgable in Adobe programs, loves to experiment with computer programs and at the same time, enjoys science. It seems like he is veering towards the entertainment arts, but want to keep him grounded with a school that fosters personal growth and creativity, where he can mature and really shine in a healthy way, not just unhealthy competition. He scored above the 85th percentile in standardized testing, and academics are important to us, but looking for a school that is rigorous but allows some room for artistically talented students, too.

We are divided and application periods are open now for next Fall. My son fell in love with Harvard Westlake last summer since he took a Film Production class there, but not so sure that is the right place for him after having read maliboo_girl's feedback on some questions, saying that the students are competitive with each other. We are also considering Campbell Hall, Flintridge Prep, Poly, St. Francis & Loyola. It's a tough choice and any help/feedback would be appreciated based on the info I've provided. We are a legacy family at Prep & St. Francis, but none of the other schools. We are also considering the factor of college placement and how that plays out in the admissions game- both for now and for later, upon graduation. I would be more than happy to provide more info as needed.

Many thanks for your time!

What are some examples of Ivy League accepted students' essays?

I could have shared my essays here, but I wont for YOUR benefit. Be original. There is nothing like 'good enough'. Every essay is different and has it's own peculiar quality. Before my process I did not read a single essay and I think it was the best choice ever. Reading will just make you think in a direction and you will lose the originality.However, if you are not satisfied with this, I am sure that some people will be ready to share their essays, but trust me you dont have to read them. It will just worsen your position. Best of luck.