What League Of Legends Champion Should I Choose

Which champion to buy League of Legends?

Ok, i have over 3k IP and i would like to know who you think are some good champions. There are a few different types i am looking at. Preferably a ranged like vayne or annie or maybe a ganking melee, whom do you think is a good idea?

League of Legends: Which champions should i buy?

i would spend rp on skins and ip on champions so buy skin for Ashe, Ezreal, maybe sejuani. she's not that good. btw, if you want more riot points for free, visit this giveaway site

Any fun champions to play in League of Legends?

You didn't really mention what position you are playing. Anyway, if you're looking for challenging champions here are my recomendations:

Support: 1350 IP - 585 RP Janna is very hard to master but also very satisfying as you can really pull off plays that will leave your whole team astonished. (WTF janna ult OP)

Top lane: 3150 IP - 790 RP Nidalee has an interesting position in the game. As she is quite weak in teamfights, you are better off split pushing. She has a strong laning phase and very high mobility. You can also play her as an ap carry and snipe down their team for a lot of fun.

Ap mid: 1350 IP - 585 RP Zilean is very underplayed. He lacks the damage after mid game. Anyway playing League of Legends is not all about the damage. Try him if you want to win your lane 100% of the time without the jungler's help. Help your team a LOT (speed boost, revive on a very low cooldown) You'll never have had easier lanes than with Zilean mid.

Jungle: 4800 IP - 880 RP I have just seen a stream of scarra playing Jarvan IV as a jungler. Rushing a tiamat seems like a lot of fun. He outfarmed his whole team by a lot with an incredible clearing speed. His ganks are very strong and he scales extremely well into late game.

League of Legends:Which champion should I buy?

The "best" champion for 3150 is unfortunately Teemo, since the little f**k is nearly unkillable and comes back hard with a few "lucky" shrooms.

Though of those two you mentioned, Shen's got the greater impact in a team fight, as his Ult allows him to split push and join the team fight if needed. Gragas on the other hand, requires more "finesse" when figuring placements for his kegs and other skills for the burst, as he's similar to Ziggs in which he's reliant on his Q to proc all his damage and status effects (like the slow from the crystal scepter or the burn from Liandre's)

On League of Legends which champions are the best supports?

The pure supports are those that will benefit their ADC lane partner in the bottom lane directly by healing, improving resistances, or the like, yet they tend to be squishy. Examples of these would be Sona, Soraka, Zilean, Lulu, Nami, and Karma. Some supports provide a great amount of crowd control (CC) or other abilities that make it easier for the ADC to secure the kill and are generally tankier than the pure supports, such as Blitzcrank, Leona, Maokai, Thresh, and Nautilus. Then there are those that are a bit of a combination tank/support and are generally built as such, including Alistar, Taric, and Galio.

I think Taric is one of the best, as he can heal, has an ability that provides an Armor bonus to all surrounding allies, has a very reliable stun, and an ultimate that increases AP/AD for all neaby allied champs. He packs a good deal of burst damage and is tanky to boot - excellent all around support/tank. If your ADC lane partner is mana hungry and needs to spam abilities for maximum effect, like Ezreal, then Soraka is a good choice because she has a no mana cost ability with the utility of either giving mana to an ally or silencing/damaging an enemy. She can also heal with a regular ability and her ultimate in addition to increasing MR with her passive. Sona is great since she can deal a great amount of poke damage and constantly has auras active as part of her abilities, with the ability to heal as well.

Each support can be nearly equally useful to their lane champ, however, if played well. Choosing your support is situational as well, since if you already have a tank that is going top or jungling, it would probably be more useful to the team to have a pure support instead.

In League of Legends, which champ is better - ashe or annie?

annie is ability power and has high burst. shes not melee btw. ashe is a ranged ad carry with steady attack damage output. fortunately, you can get both champs for free at so just get both and see who you like better. play with me sometimes :D