What Learning Type Am I

What is your learning style?

I'm definitely a kinesthetic learner. Auditory a big no-no. People can give me instructions and tell me stuff and I take it in, but if they waffle on too long I lose interest and tell them to stop because I won't remember, lol. I just need to go and do it, or follow someones example. So in saying that I can be visual too.

I'm a teacher and like to talk lots, lol, but I understand most of my kids, especially the boys are zoning out... so after instructions are given, and they repeat them back, they can go and do the activities. A lot of visual (reading) but in their activities are a lot of fun, kinethestic real-learning, outside, moving activities. It's boring to stay seated too long.

What is your learning style?

Have you ever wondered what your learning style is? Have you ever sat in a lesson and struggled to comprehend the subject? It may all come down to your preferred learning style (PLS).There are 3 main onesVisual- you prefer pictures rather than sound to be used. You are keen on spatial understanding too. You love mind maps as well. When you revise, consider using diagrams. Make use of color coding as much as possible. Write down information. Buy flashcards and use them often.Auditory- People with this learning style need sound. You process information out loud. Effective revision techniques include a tape recorder or stories. Repeat the information to friends and family members. Have quizzes on the material covered.Tactile- You are a hands on learner. Take breaks often. Role play things, move around quietly, or gesture with your hands. Models, charts and diagrams may come in handy when asked to revise for exams.Bear in mind that no learning style assessment (LSA) is foolproof. Furthermore, most people have a tendency to mix two or three learning styles together. The best teachers are those who effectively manage to cater for a variety of learning styles.My personal style is Auditory/Visual. This means that I primarily prefer pictures, I can be versatile and do not mind music or sound.

How can I learn how to type 45 wpm?

I am looking to apply for a job that requires 45wpm. I do not know how fast I can type. How can I practice for this? A couple of years ago I could type 35 wpm. Thankyou in advance!!

How to learn to type fast?

I recently decided to start learning to type faster. Before this i had no particular technique when it came to typing and averaged at about 85 wpm. But I want to increase it to about 130 so I started learning this new method where I keep my fingers on certain keys because it supposedly makes you type faster. However, it feels so uncomfortable is this the only way?

Should I learn typing with 10 fingers?

Yes, you should!I am used to the hunt-and-peck method of typing, using only 2 fingers to type. I thought I was typing really fast back then, recorded a typing speed of 32 wpm that time. I was already an average typist with this speed.However, last February 2017, my co-worker’s mom was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. Her mom that time was somehow obsessed with using the computer and typing a lot - this may have triggered the carpal tunnel syndrome.Upon hearing this news, I immediately got hold of myself and started learning how to type using all the fingers. It was a hard start, I am not really used to using all fingers when typing but I must do it in order to avoid Carpal Tunnel.Therefore, I have promised myself to learn how to touch type ergonomically. I have trained myself on a daily basis, at least for 10 mins per day. It is hard at first since learning how to touch type is hugely different from the hunt-and-peck method. But I got used to it eventually and now I am working my way up to 100 wpm :)For me to reach my 100 wpm goal, I am using our touch typing program. Typesy has definitely helped me transition from hunt-and-peck to touch typist.

How long did it take you to learn to TYPE well/fast?

I only type about 40 wpm also, and that really isn't horrible. It just depends on what you will you be doing. If you are not in a data entry situation and you don't hunt and peck, often, your speed is not going to matter. I thought it would, but I have had job after job in marketing and administration that requires my thought processes more than typing. Once I figured that out, I even got faster because there is no pressure. But...

The easiest way to increase your speed is believe it or not, is through here, and casual e-mail. Without thinking about it, you type faster. Because you aren't typing something with a deadline, it's always faster.

Pssst....many errors and backspaces used while typing this myself.

Acura RSX Type-S & beginning to learn on a stick?

I am 17 years old and I am a beginner and in the process of learning how to drive a manual transmission. I thought I could take a big step forward by looking to buy a 5 or 6-speed manual car. While here recently I have been learning on one of my friend's 1991 5-speed S10.

Well I really like the 6-speed Acura RSX Type-S (w/ 210 HP) or the 5-speed base version (w/ 160 HP). But I've heard from other people here on Yahoo! Answers that if I'm a beginner, I shouldn't buy or even learn on a vehicle with more than 200 HP. Is this true?
Also, does it make a difference for me (a beginner), whether I learn on a 6-speed or 5-speed transmission?

Can anyone tell me if this is a good or OK car to learn on?

Thank You.
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