What Lol Champ Should I Try

Which champ should I buy in LoL?

Vladimir is a very versatile champ and very "slippery" which can help you get out of ganks with pools. Syndra, on the other hands has the aoe stun, but its a skill shot so it can be difficult to hit.
I personally like vladimir better. btw, if you like nocturne, you can get him as well as his legendary skin for free at the moment at i hope that helps. choose wisely :D

The best League of Legends champion?

There is no "best" champion in League of Legends. If there was then everyone would be trying to use him/her and that would be pretty effing boring. All you can do is try out the different champions that they let you play for free each week until you find something you like. You can also use that oppurtunity to find out if youre better suited using one of the 5 categories (melee, ranged, tank, support, mage) over the others.

If you go to the message boards you will see monster debates over which champs are overpowered and needs to be nerfed or who needs a buff. The truth is that the champions are only as good as the person controlling them.

There are, however, a number of champions that are easier to use than others (ie no complicated game mechanics or not too many skill shots). The characters generally seen as easier to use are: Ryze, Nunu, Soraka, Garen, Ashe, Poppy, Kayle, and Sion.

The hardest to use are: Tryndamere, Anivia, Cassiopeia, Janna, Cho'Gath, Karthus, Dr Mundo, Malzahar, Twisted Fate, LeBlanc, Kog'maw, and Shaco.

The #1 thing to remember in this game is that recklessly diving in to battle will get you killed. The game thrives on strategy, ambushes, teamwork, and staying alive. Never over-extend. Pay attention to the map. Help out teammates.

Most of all, this is a game and it should be fun. So, find a character that you have fun with. I've heard people talk about how powerful and fun characters like Mordekaiser or Ryze are. However, when I use them I fail. I've also heard that Kayle, Heimerdinger, Irelia, or Tryndamere are difficult yet those are some of my mains and I have fun with them.

There's almost 70 champs in this game and growing constantly. There has to be someone in there for you.

Any fun champions to play in League of Legends?

You didn't really mention what position you are playing. Anyway, if you're looking for challenging champions here are my recomendations:

Support: 1350 IP - 585 RP Janna is very hard to master but also very satisfying as you can really pull off plays that will leave your whole team astonished. (WTF janna ult OP)

Top lane: 3150 IP - 790 RP Nidalee has an interesting position in the game. As she is quite weak in teamfights, you are better off split pushing. She has a strong laning phase and very high mobility. You can also play her as an ap carry and snipe down their team for a lot of fun.

Ap mid: 1350 IP - 585 RP Zilean is very underplayed. He lacks the damage after mid game. Anyway playing League of Legends is not all about the damage. Try him if you want to win your lane 100% of the time without the jungler's help. Help your team a LOT (speed boost, revive on a very low cooldown) You'll never have had easier lanes than with Zilean mid.

Jungle: 4800 IP - 880 RP I have just seen a stream of scarra playing Jarvan IV as a jungler. Rushing a tiamat seems like a lot of fun. He outfarmed his whole team by a lot with an incredible clearing speed. His ganks are very strong and he scales extremely well into late game.