What Major Should I Study Help

Will the deep study on Algorithm help me when my major is Robotics?

Understanding algorithms is essential to program on any kind of computing machine. More so for robots because of their requirement to work in real time. Figuring out what a robot is looking at or which path to take to reach a certain place is a difficult problem to solve in a short amount of time. In certain cases the desired solution may be one out of 10^100, for reference there are only 10^68 atoms in the galaxy so if you don’t know to write efficient algorithms your robot is as good as a greek statue standing still through eternity.

What major should I study or career I should pursue to become rich and wealthy?

Depending on your standard, there are different strategies. So the first step is become clear on a few things:What is rich and wealthy to you? Is it about owning lots of land, having lots of money in your account, being connected to the most influential people in the world?What is your standards for wealthy? Would $100,000 mean rich to you? Would $1,000,000 mean rich to you? Would 1,000,000,000 mean rich to you?Do you count that as net worth (assets-liabilities), pure cash, easily liquid assets (stocks, bonds, etc)?What do you like ALOT. I mean bordering on obsession?Can you find a way to turn what you like a lot into a money making enterprise?What skills would you need to make that happen?What major/career would get you those skills in the deepest level and as quickly as possible?There you go…study that.

Will studying as a math major help me become a data scientist?

I agree with @Jon Wayland, my math degree was very helpful at many levels:To get my first analyst job. I felt like companies put me ahead of other candidates that had administration type degrees.To talk with senior management. Contrary to some belief, senior management is often very good at descriptive statistics. It was easier to gain their confidence by having a deep understanding of it.To code. I can pick up any language pretty quickly because they always come back to the same logic concepts.To learn machine learning. I'm not a data scientist, but I do use regression algorithms and some others. It was easier for me to understand the concepts. For ex instead of solving gradient = 0 analytically like I saw in school I just had to learn gradient descent.To get respect at parties. There's always that guy who starts talking about how smart he is. Then he asks you what you do for work and what degree it took. Then his attitude changes.

Help with "Lord of the Flies" study guide for chapter 1?

1. What major characteristic do we get of the first boy?
2. What major characteristics do we get of the second boy?
3. What happened to the plane that made these boys stranded on the island?
4. What are the two boys’ names?
5. Why can’t Piggy run or swim?
6. How does Ralph behave when he learns what people called Piggy at home?
7. What does Ralph’s father do for a living and why does this provide hope for Ralph?
8. What did Piggy’s aunt do for a living? And why did he live with her?
9. According to Piggy, why is it likely no one, including the people at the airport, knows where they are?
10. What does Ralph find?
11. What does Ralph use this item for?
12. What are the names of the twins?
13. Explain the outfits of the last group of boys to arrive at the platform.
14. Instead of introducing himself by Jack, how does Jack introduce himself?
15. What does Ralph suggest is necessary for helping out with their rescue?
16. What does Jack argue?
17. What does Roger suggest?
18. What three boys go on the exploration to see if they are indeed on an island?
19. What item does Jack have?
20. What job does Ralph give Piggy?
21. What type of animal do the three boys see?
22. Why does it get away?
23. What does Jack promise about “next time”?

I want to be a Model, what should my college major be?

well models dont go to college .. and therefore there isn't a modeling major perse. You could major in fashion or advertising or business. All these majors will help you later on, but not in the modeling aspect of modeling (if you get what I mean). Most of the models you see in magazines and on TV were picked up by agencies at or around 14 years old, so a good number of them never even finished high school. Good luck with your aspirations

Please HELP!! What can I do w/ a Bachelors in Legal Studies? What can I get a masters in?

Go with nursing. The person who was telling you your potential earnings saw how you form paragraphs and sentences. In the legal world you need to have passed 10th grade English, I doubt you have.

Also seeing as you are that deep into a Law program and you can't think beyond what's in front of you, stop pursuing that program and go into nursing. Tunnel vision is a detriment to anyone inside of the law field.

To your final question, really? You are in the law field and don't know what the name of the masters program is? I could go to Marine Biology students and get 2/5 of them to say that the MBA is the masters of businesss. You have no excuse being in the program AND nearing completion of that program to fail to understand what the masters degree is.

In internet speak;
stfu, y u no grammar. YOU'RE TEARING ME APART LISA! gtfo.

As an electronics engineering major, would self-studying computer science help me in my career?

Definitely yes, it will be very useful for you. Companies these days are looking for candidates who are proficient in multiple fields and also with computers playing a major part in today's world it will help you a great deal. Also remember learning coding is like learning your alphabets,the more you practice and use it the better you will be at making efficient programs.All the very best!!!

What should my college major be if I am wanting to get into designing artificial intelligence?

AI is a pretty broad field. Which one are you talking about? There's perception (e.g., computer vision, speech recognition, object recognition), there's Machine Learning (e.g., anything that would require making a decision), there's planning (e.g., motion planning), there's Natural Language Processing (e.g., information retrieval, machine translation), and so on. Oh, by the way, all those fields overlap quite a bit.Then there's the subfield you want to be in. Are you into robotics? Video games? Search? All of these has a natural bias in the sorts of things that you should study. If you're in ML, you'll want a strong foundation in statistical analysis and linear algebra. In NLP, you might want that, plus a strong foundation in linguistics.Then of course, there's the type of thing you aim to do. Are you a theorist? Are you implementing algorithms? Are you just an engineer? This will affect what you should study.[math]\vec{S} = \frac{1}{N} \sum^N_{n=1} \vec{x}_n \vec{x}^T_n[/math]One thing's for sure, you'll need a lot of math; math is the language of AI. If you don't like math, this is a bad field for you. I cannot stress this enough. The above is actually incredibly tame: it's literally just a covariance matrix, which is usually used for things like PCA. Not all fields use linear algebra as much as ML (which is my field), but you will need to be comfortable with it in general.You will need a strong foundation in theoretical CS. I'm not talking about an in-depth knowledge of quantum computing or complexity classes, I'm talking mostly about data structures like trees and hash tables. This goes both for theoretical AI and for engineering-based AI. It is inevitable that you will need to deal with CS at this level, and not having a good knowledge of it will probably be bad for you.You might need to be really strong in implementation-oriented CS. This will depend on your field. NLP, for example, requires a robust programming component, because your goal is really to process language automatically. In ML it is entirely plausible that you get away with much less coding, especially if you're mostly theoretical.BOTTOM LINE: don't worry so much about majors, just spend time learning what you need to learn. If you do that, you'll be fine.