What Makes People Like Certain Kinds Of Music

Are people predisposed to like certain types of music?

Indeed they are. Evidence suggests that music preferences are driven by a whole host of influences, including age, gender, personality, where you live, your friends' preferences, as well as a wide range of socio-economic factors. Of these possible sources of influence, I would say that age, gender, and personality are the most likely factors that predispose us to like certain types of music. For example, Peter Rentfrow and Samuel Gosling have carried out extensive research into how personality is related to music preferences. They found that our genre-level preferences correlate with our scores on the Five Factor Model of personality, in which personality is characterised along five dimensions (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism - OCEAN for short). High scores on Openness, for instance, tend to be related to a preferences for genres such as Alternative, Rock and Heavy Metal. High scores on Agreeableness tend to be related to a preference for Country, Pop, Religious and Soundtracks. And so on.This knowledge can be used to predict what kind of music a person will like. Here, for example, is a prediction of what Donald Trump listens to.Tentative evidence suggesting that personality characteristics might arise from small, individual differences in brain structure further supports the idea that we are predisposed to like certain types of music.Age plays a role in our predispositions in that our music preferences are usually shaped during our formative years in a critical period that extends from our mid-teens to our mid-twenties. This is the period during which we construct our musical identity, and we tend to have very fond memories of music we were exposed to at this time in our lives.Finally, gender plays a role, too. Men, for example, are more likely than women to use music to create a certain impression of themselves. For example, men are especially more likely to use music in a cognitive or intellectual way in order to make themselves appear more clever or intellectual. Why? Because, like it or not, this actually renders them more attractive to the opposite sex..

I like certain kinds of music because it makes me feel certain feelings (ex: happiness, inspiration, comfort), can I use that to reach a goal or dream or would I need something else to drive me?

Someone (JR) asked: “I like certain kinds of music because it makes me feel certain feelings (ex: happiness, inspiration, comfort), can I use that to reach a goal or dream or would I need something else to drive me?”Let’s simplify your question to achieve a simplified answer:“I like music because it makes me feel. Can I use my feelings to reach a goal or dream or do I need external motivation?”Music is an external motivator to help you experience feelings. So now we have:“Can I use my favorite form of external motivation to reach a goal or dream or do I need variation?”The answer to THAT question depends upon you, JR: are you a one-note, monotonous kinda guy, or do you believe that variety is the spice of life?This really boils down to one thing: are you achieving your goal(s) or are you stalled upon the highway of life and need an alternate source of fuel to get your butt back in gear? Hopefully by reevaluating your own question you’ll also be able to reevaluate any answer that comes your way.

Why Do Some People Not Like Certain Genres of Music :( ?

It's really hard for me to understand some people's hatred for another genre of music, and why they feel the need to talk sh*t on other types of music all the time, this coming from someone who'll listen to anything--from classical to rap, funk to screamo, techno to country, indie to blues, jazz to folk... I just don't get it. And it saddens me. I can't go listen to a single song on YouTube without seeing some kind of spiteful comment against other types of music.

Why do people feel they need to act this this? And what makes a person decidedly hate ALL hip hop or trance or heavy metal music? I just don't get it. :(

Why do people have different tastes in music?

For example someone likes rock music, someone else likes western or pop style. People have different artists they like. Do you think this is a conscious decision people make what music they like or are certain types of people inclined towards certain types of music naturally?

Why do people resonate with, or like, different kind of music?

I am siding with John Locke regarding this matter. He said that a human being is born with no knowledge about anything whatsoever. Our knowledges come with experience. From what i have seen, people's love for a certain kind of music has a correlation with their personal experience, regardless we realize it or not. For example, say i love jazz. Probably it is because when i was 3, i was listening to jazz when i ate my favorite cake, surrounded by my beautiful family. I may don't remember it, but now, years later, my brain will bring back that state of happiness when i listen to jazz.

What makes someone to like a particular kind of music?

I am not sure if my answer has the information you are looking for but i read about this and came across a research done byThe social and applied psychology of oxford stating that the genre of music a person likes is deeply related to their personality. The list below states the above relation. Blues fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle and at easeJazz fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing and at easeClassical music fans have high self-esteem, are creative, introvert and at easeRap fans have high self-esteem and are outgoingOpera fans have high self-esteem, are creative and gentleCountry and western fans are hardworking and outgoingReggae fans have high self-esteem, are creative, not hardworking, outgoing, gentle and at easeDance fans are creative and outgoing but not gentleIndie fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard working, and not gentleBollywood fans are creative and outgoingRock/heavy metal fans have low self-esteem, are creative, not hard-working, not outgoing, gentle, and at easeChart pop fans have high self-esteem, are hardworking, outgoing and gentle, but are not creative and not at easeSoul fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing, gentle, and at easeI hope this helps.

Why do people bash other's music tastes?

It's a lack of maturity, and respect for the right of others regardless of the genre sub genre and style within a sub genre. Also by trashing the music of others it gives a feeling of superiority to them and makes them feel better about themselves. Age becomes of little relevance where musical maturity is concerned. I respect all music, whether it works for me or not.

However people are another matter. If they show a lack for respect for others, or my preference musically then then that respect goes out the door. As an example call me stupid, backwards, illiterate for liking country music, and I'll can pull out the stops, and the words will flow that are far from simple, and definitely not that of someone that's backwards. Call me a druggie for liking rock, and I'll laugh in the face of the person who says that as I didn't use drugs. Call me a stuffed shirt for liking classical music, opera, or ballet, and when I'm actually anything but.

Simple basic music can be just as enjoyable as the most complex can be for people. No one should be subjected to being trashed, for what appeals to them. Some of the most intelligent people enjoy simple basic music, while you have others who aren't as intelligent that equally enjoy some very complex music. I see no need to run anyone down for their preference as it not only demeans that person, but shows a musically shallow mind, and personality. Something as an eclectic I can not condone.

Of course the fanatics will run down anything that they don't approve of, or those who don't have a solid history of music or songs. This has become far more common in the past few years, and as a general result, there is far more trashing done. Of course the internet has helped out, in that people can feel safe, and secure in saying things that normally they wouldn't tell someone face to face.

Why do some people prefer strongly to listen to only a certain kind of music, e.g. heavy metal?

It’s almost entirely to do with how the music “moves” you.I for one love patterns, complexity, intricacy, speed and overall “bad ass beats”.Most music is just too “light” for me. I don’t feel anything when I hear a Taylor Swift song.But, double bass on 3/4 whilst snare is at 13/16 and ride is on 8/16 blows my mind. Playing a samba beat, in the same time as a rock beat, with a DnB / Jungle accenting at 280bpm is just so satisfying! You rarely find this anywhere else.You will however often find that Metal Heads also enjoy a lot of classical composers (like Chopin and Bach). These guys played really fast and complex tunes.If you could drive a super car, why would you waste time driving a pick-up truck. Or if you could eat a gourmet meal, why would you choose a carrot instead? Metal heads see Heavy Metal as superior. Most other genres are seen as boring and uninspiring.

Why do people like rap music?

Well, firstly the rap played on the radio is certainly not representative of the many different types of sounds you can encounter in this genre. Perhaps any type of rap may not be your taste, but for me, I love rap because of its roots as a means bringing light to social issues and problems that occur in the Black community and America as a whole. Music is a powerful means of communication that can bring healing and comfort to and individual or community as a whole that is in pain. Artists like Kendrick Lamar, J.Cole, Lupe Fiasco, Mick Jenkins are rappers that really manage to touch my soul and my spirit, I find their music beautiful and thought provoking, and hip hop music is the only genre that has been able to do that for me though I enjoy other genres as well. I also listen to less serious rap artists and enjoy them, simply because I do, but those are the artists I love.