What Makes You Beautiful

What makes you beautiful?

My mind. If your mind is beautiful it shines through.
Also others. The people around me make me who I am. They make me beautiful:)

What makes you beautiful?

I will tackle this definition from several perspectives. “Beautiful” is an Adjective meaning, “Having qualities that delight the eye”.- Roget’s II The New ThesaurusWhat makes YOU Beautiful? What makes YOU, YOU? What is YOUR definition of Beauty? Is it physical? mental? emotional? spiritual? social? or is it something totally separated from the aforementioned? The term “Beautiful Soul” comes to mind when looking at something and labeling it as Beautiful. Our perceptions of Beauty are just that, “Perceptions”. When we misconstrue our perceptions of what Beauty “is” or “should be”, we begin to act out in various ways. We begin to look to others for our beauty, when all along it is within us. The media/entertainment industry, pop culture, rock/rap artists, and a plethora of other sources, all of which are physical traits that one will do almost, if not everything in their power to attain or achieve. For those that feel that someone has a “Beautiful Soul” and tries to replicate that will fall extremely short in success at what one may consider as beauty.What Beauty IS, in and of itself is coming to terms with ‘who’ you are as an individual. Has nothing to do with the outer vain physical qualities that delight the eye, but with the individuals inner ability to shine forth in the most trying times of their humanity, One who accepts the challenges in order to be better refined into that precious gem that exudes confidence with a firm belief in ones’ own powers. Pleasing to the mind and engaging, exemplifying a stunning character. An attitude if you will, of selflessness and grace toward one and all. One who’s actions determine who they are not based on past mistakes, but present successes. One who never gives up on themselves, or others but chooses to believe in them, even when it costs without detriment to self. One who sees the good in every situation no matter how hard things may appear to be at that time. These are the qualities that make one Beautiful.

What makes me beautiful?

As they say, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.Mostly though, beauty is associated with your physical attributes. Like you face, smile, eyes, curves and so on.However, I believe beauty is perceived from the environment. Depending on where you are and the people you are interacting with;Your mind and intellect make you beautiful when you in an environment that appreciates that and people who are intellectual as well.As people get to know each other, then they are exposed to other forms of beauty. That’s your personality, intellect and soul.

What makes me beautiful inside?

This confident girl with Vitiligo redefines the meaning of beautyThis.

How can you define beautiful and what makes you beautiful?

Thoughts those empower, bring a smile, and enhance the self esteem of a person can be called beautiful.My peace of mind makes me beautiful.

Are you beautiful? What makes you feel like this?

In school, I used to worry a lot about being accepted by other students as I kept shifting schools when ever my dad had a transferIn college, my friend commented I have a big nose without meaning any harm and that became my new obsession to worryWhen I started working in Chennai, my skin flared badly and all I focussed and cursed was the humid weatherThen years later I chanced upon this, an excerpt from the entire articlePeople might forget how you looked.People might also forget what you said..People might even forget what you did.But they'll never forget how you made them feel..The last line made a profound impact and changed how I perceive the world. Instead of being largely self absorbed, I can work on treating others the way I want to be treated.I now believe I am beautiful not solely by the way I look but because of the entwined soul in my body. I also firmly believe that every person is beautiful who is kind, considerate and loving, who are making this world a better place in their own splendid ways.

Meaning of 'What makes you beautiful'?

heyyy i have a english project about finding the meanings of songs
i know this song by one direction-what makes you beautiful is fairly obvious but i dont know how to word it, so if someone could give me a description to use id be so greatful, thanks:)x