What Marvel Characters Should Have Their Own Movie

Marvel characters vs DC characters?

I would have to go with Marvel

What Amalgam character should get their own movie?

Dark Claw. The answer is always Dark Claw.Dark Claw, aka Logan Wayne, is the amalgam of Batman and Wolverine, and the single greatest thing to come out of the Amalgam universe. Of course he gets his own movie.With that out of my system, there are a number of existing DC/Marvel characters who should have gotten their own movies by now. For DC there’s Nightwing, and for Marvel there’s Moon Knight - and lucky for us, there is an amalgam character combining the two - Moonwing.Image sourceAn acrobat with a vigilante split-personality, Moonwing can have a movie with an original story, and there’s always room for other Bat-amalgam-family members, including Dark Claw. Or maybe a live-action crime series.

What other Marvel characters need their own movie, but probably won't get one?

Squirrel Girl

What single MCU (Marvel) character, good or bad, deserves their own movie the most?

Hi,Dr Doom, it would be great watching him transform from a little gypsy latverian child into one of the greatest villains from Marvel, and a good start for a new epic crossover with the other Marvel characters :)Regards!

What Marvel hero should get their own movie?

Kamala Khan, the latest iteration of Ms. Marvel.Obviously, Marvel has a lot of ground to make up for when it comes to female-led superhero movies, especially with women of color. And Kamala has one of the most interesting stories to offer, precisely because of how her identity plays into the story.Kamala is a newer character in the comics, thus a strikingly relevant one. She’s a teenage Muslim living in Jersey City. Her faith-based lifestyle is present and important, but not in a way that preaches doctrine, but rather in a story about how we struggle with labels and presuppositions based on our appearance and religious identities—where we come from and how that informs where we’re going.We could get a deeply profound narrative on the big screen with this level of source material, controversial as it might be, and I have to believe Marvel knew this when they laid the groundwork for the character in 2013, well into their planning for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.Add to that Kamala’s unique shape-shifting powers, and you’ve got a Marvel movie unlike anything we’ve seen before.True, we’re getting a Captain Marvel movie next year and that might be confusing for some because of the name, but Ms. Marvel is a natural follow-up to the Carol Danvers story for obvious reasons, not even getting into the compelling conflict we see between the characters in the recent Civil War event. And to be clear, these characters don’t really have much in common beyond a similar moniker.And with the success of Spider-Man: Homecoming and Black Panther (one featuring a teenage hero and the other a man of color with female supporting characters of color), Ms. Marvel seems like a no-brainer for Marvel’s next generation of super movies.

Which Marvel character needs their own stand-alone movie the most?

Black WidowAt this point in the MCU it is both ridiculous and unbelievable that she hasn't got her own stand alone movie.While the character doesn’t have the most extensive history as a solo character in comics, Johansson’s super-spy has been a consistently engaging part of the MCU since her debut in 2010’s “Iron Man 2.” Thanks to her continued presence in Marvel’s movies, the Black Widow has unexpectedly risen from Marvel’s B-list to become one of the most visible superheroes in the world.Scarlett Johansson has made Black Widow a character that you just can't keep your eyes off.Everytime she is on screen you know she's gonna pull some badass spy stuff.A Black Widow thriller could easily give MCU a great ground for its female superheroes as well.

What should Marvel do with Blade? Should that character get another movie series or a show?

Seriously, this is a no brainer. (As mentioned by Raymond Davis & Jacob Duke)Netflix is fast becoming a meeting ground for the B-squad of Marvel heroes.Which Kevin Feige refuses to acknowledge even though they are brilliantly written with flawless acting. Some at least.Blade getting his own series would further draw the blood-thirsty bunch that stay indoors streaming multiple TV shows and binge watches into wee of hours of the morning. (Sounds awfully similar to Vampires).Blood. Gore. Slashing Uglies. Cross paths with The Punisher. More gore. Team-ups with Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones & Iron Fist.That’d totally be worth a lifetime membership.Due to the popularity, who knows maybe one day Kevin, despite his dislike for R-rated content, might include these heroes into the MCU?Self-taught life navigator with an interest in everything.Follow me, Sid Mohialdin for more.

Which Marvel characters have not yet been featured in their own movie?

Drax - though he is more powerful than Thanos, per comics, anyway he is Batista(he is powerful)MantisGamoraGrootRaccoonBlack WidowVision