What Meaning Of Root3

What does root mean on Facebook?

Root means, to have sex with.
Boot means, to leave.

What is the LCM of root 2 and root 3?

Let's first just look at the common multiples of √2 and √3. Say ‘x’ is a common multiple.Then x = √2m = √3n for some integers ‘m’ and ‘n’.Therefore, m/n = √3/√2 = √(3/2) which is irrationalThis says that the ratio of two integers m and n is an irrational number. But by definition of rational numbers, the ratio of two integers is always a rational number.This, in conclusion, √2 and √3 have no common integer multiples, let alone least common multiple

What is the value of root 3 I?

I really think you mean “How do I find it”.If you mean what is √(3i), there is only one answerIf you mean solve x^2 = 3i, there are two answers.I will do both.Let x^2 = 3iTo use De Moivre’s theorem:I will let x = rcis(θ) and I will change 3i to its polar form 3cis(90 + 360n)So r^2 cis(2θ) = 3 cis(90 + 360n)This means r = √3 and 2θ = 90 + 360nθ = 45 + 180n = 45 and 225So THE single square root of 3i ≈ 1.22 + 1.22iOr the two roots of x^2 = 3i are 1.22 + 1.22i and – 1.22 – 1.22i

What is the value of root 3?

The square root of 3 is the positive real number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the number 3. It is more precisely called the principal square root of 3, to distinguish it from the negative number with the same property.The square root of 3 is an irrational number. It is also known as Theodorus' constant, named after Theodorus of Cyrene, who proved its irrationality. He was an ancient Libyan Greek and lived during the 5th century BC.The first sixty digits of its decimal expansion are:1.73205080756887729352744634150587236694280525381038062805580… (sequence A002194 in the OEIS)

Can anyone explain me the meaning of parabola?

Hi Manisha,
You have so many different kinds of problems!
Only the ones with x^2 ( square of x) are parabolas.
1) there is a rule on quadratics that if you know the zeroes of a quadratic, then their sum is -b/a and their product is c/a. So on the first one, Edward got the zeroes to be 4 and -2. Since a=1, b=-2,and c=-8, you can verify this rule. Their product is -8, which equals -8/1. Then their sum is 2,
which is -(-2)/1
4). You are using the same rule, but i don't understand the way you wrote the roote.
If you are saying the roots are sqr(2) and 1/3, then the product is sqr(2)/3, and the sum is (sqr(2)+1/3)
so the quadratic would be x^2-sum(x)+ product
= x^2-[sqr(2)+1/3]x+sqr(2)/3
Or you can multiply by 3 to get rid of fractions.
this looks bad, but it works better with whole numbers!

2) and 3) are working with higher degree polynomials. I will give you some suggestions.
2) if the remainder is 21 when you divide by (x+3), this means f(-3)= 21
so plug in (-3) for x, set = to 21, and solve for k.... I found k to be -9
Now if you take the same equation, and subtract the 21, you will have the new equation. You already know one factor is (x+3)
so factor by long division or synthetic

3)a fourth degree polynomial should have 4 zeroes. If you know a zero, then you know a factor.
So the first two zeroes are 2+sqr3 and 2-sqr3
Use the rule from problem 4)
Sum=4 and product =4-3=1
so the quad factor is (x2-4x+1)
then (x^2-4x+1)(2x^2-x-1)
so x=-1/2 or 1

Good luck!

How to devive Square root 3 for 3?

i suspect you are asking cube root of 3.
let y = cube root 3
take log on both sides
logy = (log3)/3
use log table and find out log 3.
so log y =0.159
apply antilog on both sides.
so y=antilog 0.159 =1.442
so cube root 3 = 1.442

What is root 3 multiplied by root 3?

What is root 3 multiplied by root 3?The meaning of “square root of 3” is that it is the number which when multiplied by itself gives 3.

Tan 30+2(sin 45)(cos 60)?

Not quite sure what your problem is here, Just do what the question says you should do.

tan 30 = 0.5774
sin 45 = 0.7071
cos 60 = 0.5


tan 30 + 2(sin 45)(cos 60) = 0.5774 + 2(0.7071)(0.5) = 0.5774 + 0.7071 = 1.2845 to four decimal places.

Durarara: Square root of 3?

Mikado just means that Kida's joke is extremely lame that it only deserves square root of 3 points. He would have chosen a whole number if the joke was decent.

“…square root of 3 points.”

“Square root?! What’s up with the square root?! At least answer with something easier to understand, like minus 20 or something! Wait…are you telling me even elementary school students who don’t understand square roots wouldn’t understand my jokes? How dare you! I’ve hardly finished talking and you already backsass me! Since when have your comprehension skills become so bad? Is it the liberal education system? That’s what caused you to turn out this way right?!