What Message Is Obama Sending To Struggling Americans By Him Constantly Going On Foreign Holidays

Why are Republicans opposed to Obama as a policy?

The Republicans currently are beholden to big money interests in various industries that are threatened by the coalition that elected Obama: labor unions, minorities and the left. The leaders of the GOP oppose Obama because they are paid to do so. The leaders of the Tea Party influence the GOP as well and they oppose Obama because they have gathered together and are beholden to that proportion of the electorate itself who think that all their troubles are cause by The Other, mostly meaning labor unions, minorities and the left. The leaders of the Tea Party oppose Obama because without that opposition, their constituency would find someone else who would oppose him.Meanwhile, the left steams and stews because Obama is what would have been called a conservative two generations ago; he has progressive ideals but he approaches them in much the same way Eisenhower would have. And the labor unions distrust Obama because they see that he is not wholly with them and perhaps even fears their power since he is old enough to have witnessed the corruption that unions are capable of. And the minorities are disappointed in Obama because of his go slow policies. Obama tends to approach his goals with oblique movements and this makes many of his supporters uncomfortable. And it gives fuel to his enemies in the GOP who see it as weakness.Why does the GOP oppose Obama? Because it has been working for them; it keeps the money people happy and it keeps the fearful at least pacified.

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?

What short letter would you like to write to Obama?

Dear Mr. President,I count myself fortunate to have had you as president and to have you always as a fellow countryman.As a card-carrying member of the first of the postwar generation (‘46), who opposed Vietnam, but served anyway (not in Vietnam), while Trump did five college draft exemptions, finally winning a 4F and a way of out of harms way, I left the USA after Reagan built a cheap-shot political campaign targeting politically active young people like me, a campaign aimed at decapitating the thinking end of my generation. He split the Boomer generation and opened the doors to the halls of congress for the B team, who agreed to be nice boys, mea culpa, and to profile themselves for dress on the standard Sunday-school teacher poster-child. They went servile as good sons and sons-in-laws and never were asked to explain how they had avoided Vietnam or military service of any kind. In earlier periods where conscription was the law, draft dodgers were often shunned by society and were marked for life in the job market.When you were elected, I thought my generation had passed into that good night of history and that our martyred soul as a cohort could safely fade into eternity and silence without setting off a civil war among us. But, instead of taking the mandate for moving on that your election represented with a clear minority of USAmerican voters at the ballot box, a small number of fanatical obstructionists of my age elected to grant themselves the power, a last stand, to be better judges of history than the electorate which voted its conscience for the promise of hope and intelligence the you personify.Now —pray us silly with blossoms of burping bombast—we have invited a twisted Richard III to roll about on our much struggled over pubic stage like a goofball Boy-nasty with red, white and blue sequins flaking off so pole-dance “presidential”, and give us every reason you can possibly dream up to immortalize this moment of infamy as superbly forgettable a tick in the tick-tock clock of Time.Everything goes down in history, but this time just how far down is anybody’s guess. We could not have dreamed how hard an act you would be to follow, but the first women president for the USA would have been so very positive to see as an encore. How could eight years, even eight years of B-team imposed political suspended animation, have gone so quickly. Thank you.

If you dislike Donald Trump, is it appropriate to say, "That's not my president" if you are a US Citizen?

Having been an adult during the time of ten presidencies, I have never said to friend or foe “that’s not my president.”Obviously, as a private citizen and a relatively conservative fellow, I have not been happy with many of the policies that have been signed into law during the past half century.But I have always been able to separate the policies promoted by those presidents from the personality of those presidents.Ike was boring, but brought us the interstate highway system, which in retrospect has provided many benefits, and many disadvantages to our country.JFK has become an icon in our society, but few people remember he was a serial womanizer, and presided over the beginning of our misguided foreign policy regarding Vietnam.Johnson was also a womanizer, and promoted the Vietnam war, but also got his well intentioned Great Society legislation passed. I applauded the passage of that legislation. In retrospect, those laws have had many unintended consequences.Nixon succeeded in normalizing our relationship with Communist China, and is most known for his trying to cover up the Watergate scandal. As a person, he used very crude language, and was disrespectful toward many people.The list of foibles and accomplishments goes on and on to the present day.I disagreed with most of President Obama’s policies, but I am very sure that I’d enjoy having a beer with him, even today.I agree with many of the policies that President Trump has promoted, but I cannot imagine myself sitting across a table from him … ever!He is rude. He is coarse. He lies. He is a bully at times.If, during the next presidential election cycle, an acceptable conservative candidate runs against Mr. Trump, I will do what I can to make my tiny voice heard in support of his challenger.Until then, however, Mr. Trump will continue to be my president.That’s the way I’ve always been, and will continue to be.