What Message Is The Author Trying To Convey In

What message is the author trying to convey in “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”?

Stay away from bridges!
War makes men cruel and indifferent to human life.
Whatever can go wrong, probably will.

Soldiers must follow orders regardless of their personal feelings.

What message is the author trying to convey in the book called "the hobbit"?

the world sucks and fantasy worlds are much better

What message is this poem trying to convey?

yes,the poem has been written by a male lover whose beloved  is in love with another guy and ignorant that someone else loves her   too and is devoted to her and her only. He is patient , he is dedicated , deeply in love with her ... he wants her happiness , her charm glowing on her face .. . he has not a word of complain for her in lieu of her own pain and suffering. rather he  owes himself to her to be used , used for her purpose whenever she wish doing so. yet at last he wishes if any day any hour she will be present for him , perhaps the day when she will come to know how much he loved her

What is the message Kate Chopin is trying to convey in her book The Awakening?

We can read The Awakening as a primarily feminist text with a subversive female protagonist, Edna Pontellier. She was quite liberal during the era in which the novel was set. If you remember, she was quite rebellious in her choice of clothing (whether it may be her skirts or dresses), her choice of friends (Mademoiselle Reisz, the pianist, if I’m not mistaken), and her choices when it came to her marriage. She was falling in love with Robert Lebrun, as was he; she also had an affair with Alcee Arobin.Chopin, I believe, was writing about the possibilities of being ‘awakened’ in a highly rigid Creole society. Awakening may be sexual, emotional, or psychological, as you may have read.But then, Edna chooses to drown herself in the end. We can either interpret this as finally freeing herself from the shackles of marriage and society’s expectations. We can also read this as an adverse, psychological reaction towards the rigidity that Creole society afforded Edna.Ultimately, the message was about female freedom, and the situations wherein the female could be pressed against rules and traditions in American society.(I hope that helped. You can also read Ibsen’s A Doll’s House/A Doll House to compare this Chopin text with.)

What message is the author attempting to convey for the essay One Hundred Percent American by Ralph Linton?

that America is not original it came together by piecing other cultures together.

Can anyone tell me the message that the author wants to convey in the story oliver twist?

Two more obvious points are:

(1) Children without resources in Victorian times, both in London and in the outlying villages, had a very difficult time. The workhouse system was a failure, and apprenticeships were cruel, exploitive, and often failed to teach the usual trade for which they were designed. Dickens himself, as you probably know, worked as a child laborer in London.

(2) If a child had a fundamentally 'good' nature, as did Oliver, then he was protected by that nature from corruption. It isn't quite clear where the goodness arose. Oliver's environment could scarcely have been worse, while his heredity was mixed with a mother who fell from grace through trusting Oliver's unworthy father, and Oliver's stepbrother, 'Monks', was certainly a scoundrel.

What message is the author trying to give in the book "Hoot" by Carl Hiaasen?

That people should form their own opinions about the books they read when answering homework.

What message is Dmitry Glukhovsky trying to convey in the book "Metro 2033"?

Be careful while traveling by metro in Russia.Humanity is cruel without a strong ruling mechanism.In constant danger some people become bad, some good.You should prepare yourself to apocalypse.Normal people pay for governments decisions.Rich people will be in better situation then poor ones, either now, or after nuclear war.Loyalty bounds people and organisations.Or maybe, just maybe he has written a good book without thinking like a boring humanist “what deep, unoriginal message can I pass in this book?”.