What Methods Does Fitzgerald Use To Introduce Setting In Chapter 1 Of The Great Gatsby

What is Fitzgerald's message about the American Dream in the Great Gatsby? Does Fitzgerald believe that the American Dream is achievable? Why or why not?

Look at Jay Gatsby and his journey: a man who comes from nothing who changes his name and his fortune through hard work and good fortune and bending the rules to achieve success. He's immersed in hope-- hope that he'll find Daisy, hope that she'll come to him in the end, but what happens in the end? Does he really achieve that dream?Look at the East and West socialites. What are they really chasing? What are their dreams? Certainly they've achieved some level of success, but at what cost? Do they seem happy or do they seem shallow and immoral? Look at the George and Myrtle Wilson. George is, in a sense, like Gatsby in that he is seeking love as his dream as well as financial success, but he's focused on Myrtle who is certainly focused on bettering herself through finding and keeping a rich man who will take her away from the slag heaps. Do they have their own versions of the American Dream and are they able to achieve them?Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald shows people at various stages of pursuing their dream of something, be it wealth or love or success of some kind. Are they happy? Have they really achieved what they set out to achieve? Or are they like Gatsby's books in his library: to appear as if the owner is erudite and well-read, but upon closer examination, un-opened and un-read?Do any of the characters really achieve their American Dream?

The Great Gatsby anyone know these or where to find them?

I understand your problem. I hated the great Gatsby too. it sucked. I didn't likea single character

The Great Gatsby Book Questions Help!!!?

1. Think about Gatsby and his relationship with time. What is significant about this? How is the scene in Nick's home when Gatsby knocks the clock over symbolic?

2. What is symbolic about the green light across the water from Gatsby's house and the fact that he often stares at it?

3. Why does Daisy say that she hopes her daughter will grow up to be a beautiful fool?

4. What is significant about the fact that Tom is a racist?

5. What is significant about the fact that Gatsby is always having parties? What characterizes those parties and why is that significant?

6. What is the billboard with the picture of T.J. Eckleberg symbolic of?

7. What does the Valley Of Ashes Represent?

8. What makes Gatsby Great, according to Nick? What does Nick sees as his flaws?

9. What is significant about the geography and setting in the novel? What does the Middle West Represent? What does the East Egg represent? West Egg?

10. Why do you think Daisy chooses Tom over Gatsby? What differences characterize the two men?

11. What is the novel's stance on "The American Dream"? What critique is Fitzgerald making of America? How does Gatsby embody the ideal of the American Dream?

12. "The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was the son of God - a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that - and he must be about His Father's business, the service of a vast vulgar and meretricious beauty. SO he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen year old bot would like to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end". ANALYZE THIS QUOTE.

13. What does Jordan's attitude about carelessness say about her, Tom, and Daisy? What does it foreshadow?

14. Is Nick a reliable narrator? If so, what makes him thus?

PLEASE HELP ME ANSWER THEM IN AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. No comments about how I should just read the book. I am asking for answers and it would be greatly appreciated if I could get them answered.

THANK YOU. Best Answer gets 10 pts. Please note: The book is the book with the blue face on the cover just incase there are mix ups.