What Might Be The Benefits Of Seeking Knowledge Using Yahoo Answers As Opposed To Just Googling It

Why do people prefer Quora over Yahoo! Answers?

Oh boy, this is going to be fun.Q1: Why do we need water to survive?Quora: Our bodies are mostly made of water, so we need to continually replenish our water supply in order to survive.Yahoo! Answers: WE DONT!!! I ACTUALY FOUND A HEALTHY WATER SUBSTITUTE IF U GUYS R INTRESTED!!!!!!!Q2: What is 2+2?Quora: 2+2 is equal to 4. For instance, imagine you had two cookies and your friend gave you two more. How many do you have now? You now have 4 cookies.Yahoo! Answers: 2+2 is an aDITION PROBLOM. your duMb.Q3: Why is the grass green?Quora: Grass and many other plants have a pigment called chlorophyll which absorbs light to be used for photosynthesis. However, green light is the one wavelength in the spectrum that chlorophyll cannot absorb. Therefore, it is reflected back to our eyes, which perceive the grass to be green.Yahoo! Answers: the same reason teh skys blue god made it that way now just be happyBONUS: Yahoo! Answers strikes back!I’ll let you be the judge of why people prefer Quora.

For experts or knowledge:what are the benefits of ninjutsu?

Hi there

Modern ninjutsu teaches armed and unarmed fighting techniques from 9 different schools (ryu ha). Each school is different in its approach. Some use fast direct striking skills called koppo jutsu whilst others use koshi jutsu techniques which are attacks to the muscles and skin done with a circular motion. You also have jutai jutsu and dakentai jutsu . Both use grappling techniques and some involve fighting in armour yoroi kumiuchi.

You are taught lots of traditional kata then encouraged to henka them which means you apply your own interpretation and knowledge based around your own natural movement. Everyones taijutsu is different and is unique to the student.

Here's a link that roughly lists most of the school kata we practice. Its missing some forms from togakure ryu mainly shinobi ukemi gata, shinobi gaeshi gata and the goton no jutsu. Shinobi iri is no longer taught.

There's also a medicine component called amatsu which is similar to shiatsu only its Japanese.

The real benefits are lots of henka which enable you to think fast without having to resort to memory. We dont do forms for perfection we only extract the principles they teach. Forms restrict your ability to move in a natural way but they do teach principles that you need to understand.

Its not a sport nor is it rigid and it takes ages to be able to get the hang of it but once you get it you start to move very differently. This art is based on freedom which most people struggle to grasp as a concept. You are not forced to eat kata because there is just too much.

Taijutsu doesnt resemble TV ninjas or the bad commercial image they reflect. Many people fail to get past this image because its so ingrained.

If you are seeking instruction only train with a shidoshi who is 5th dan or greater, is registered in Japan and is part of the Bujinkan or Jinenkan. Forget the rest because they are either fake or they are not following the traditional ryu ha as taught by the soke.

Hope this makes sense?

Best wishes


Is Yahoo Answers dangerous source of advice?

I think Yahoo answers is a great place to get non-medical, non-professional help. If you want general information or opinions then I think this is a great forum. Just remember not to take everything too seriously, and get a second opinion if it is important.

Does yahoo answers actually make people stupider?

LOL! Just a suggestion, the next time you soapbox about the stupidity of others, you may want to do so using actual words. What kind of business is 'stupider'? But to answer your question, no, it doesn't make people stupid. Some people who are new to the Internet may not know where to look for -- relative to someone who has a command of technology like yourself --simple answers. Or perhaps the answers they find are so technical (such as someone wanting to know more about the Grand Unified Theory), that they would like a 'real person' to explain it to them. It can build a sense of community, which is the core of Yahoo!'s business model, and people may feel more comfortable seeking advice and knowledge from other humans than from an uncaring, nameless database. Further, by allowing people to cite their sources, a 'witty' answer can act as a springboard to furhter exploration and study. There is more to seeking knowledge than immediately finding the 'right' answer. Indeed, it is the very essence of what makes us, human beings, social creatures. Regards.

What are the advantages of giving feedback to your staff?

You gain their confidence, make them feel involved with the firm, build a good team and by watching their reactions you gain a lot of information about morale. Try to make your feedback honest and unbiased but always positive (meaning that if you have to talk about negative issues, there are ways of doing that constructively), always give credit where it is due and encouraging words to those who didn't get a special notice this time round.

I'm glad you didn't ask about disdvantages!