What Might My Body Fat Percentage Be Should I Do Steroids

What was the body fat percentage of Brock Lesnar in 2003/2004?

I'd say about, 12%.... Fat

Steroids and fat people?

If an overweight person used steroids they would definitely experience the same benefits as someone using that has a lower body fat percentage. But there are considerations.

Steroids have an amazing ability to add lean muscle mass. Adding lean muscle mass raises your metabolism and in turn allows you to burn more fat. Some steroids also have fat re-proportioning effects (like testosterone) and would definitely benefit anyone using them when combined with a good diet and workout plan.

Overweight people however have elevated levels of estrogen compared to those who have lower body fat percentages. Because of this estrogen related side-effects can be more pronounced (which of course is completely combatable with the use of anti-aromatase drugs or selective estrogen receptor modulator compounds).

Overweight people will retain lean muscle mass as good as someone with lower body fat if the proper post cycle therapy is done after cycle, and diet/training are maintained. Anyone will get fat again if they do not maintain good on-cycle habits. Steroids are not a crutch, but just another tool to promote lean muscle mass accumulation. Everyone will lose some of the gains achieved on a steroid cycle once the cycle is discontinued. How much you lose depends on your habits post cycle - skinny or fat.

What is the lowest body fat percentage one can achieve without taking steroids?

Good question! Let me explain..Theoretically as low as you want, but it become a trade-off between muscle mass and low bodyfat. What happens when naturals go below about 8% bodyfat is that the body can’t function as well as it does normally. The stress hormone cortisol shoots up, which is very bad for muscle mass. Cortisol also supresses testosterone, which we all know to be essential for muscle mass.Steroids make sure that the muscles aren’t broken down by the catabolic effects of cortisol. This is why people on steroids can get really low bodyfat percentages while maintaining mass!So you can go down as low as you want to, but it will impact your health at a certain point. What point this exactly is varies greatly, but probably around 8% bodyfat or lower, maybe a bit higher for some people.This bodyfat percentage is really low even for someone on steroids.

Which steroids are helpful in reducing fats from the body?

A2AAlmost all of the answers below, which list specific substances - are wrong. Here’s why:There is no physiological mechanism by which an anabolic steroid can increase fat loss. None.Fat loss is a product of dietary control (ie restricting calories, watching your macronutrient intake) and exercise to burn calories.Clenbuterol (mentioned in several answers) is NOT an anabolic steroid. It is a stimulant drug. Not even remotely related to anabolic steroids.Anavar (oxandrolone) and Winstrol (stanozolol) are often touted as “cutting steroids”. This is NOT because they cause fat loss. It’s because they increase/maintain strength (and to a minor extent muscle mass) without also causing water retention or significant mass gain. So when you’re in a cutting cycle (calorie restricted, doing things to lose mass etc etc), they help maintain muscle mass - so you end up with muscles that look (and arguably are) harder and leaner. But the fat loss is not caused by the steroids themselves.Trenbolone (mentioned at least once) is not a cutting steroid. It’s a veterinary steroid for gaining lean mass. If your diet is crappy and you use tren…you will get fat gain as well as muscle gain.Human Growth Hormone (mentioned at least once) - is an effective fat burner. It is not an anabolic steroid, it is a peptide hormone. Different thing. Also one of the most widely faked IPEDs around.So the short answer is…….none of them. However there are steroids that people use WHILST in a fat loss cycle to provide support for maintaining muscle mass. Whether that works for you depends on a wide range of factors.

At 35% body fat (male), would Clenbuterol help while going to the gym and dieting or would DNP be better?

At 35% taking a medication like clen or a chemical like dnp should be out of the question. I'll repeat steroids and these other things are not a magic pill. I get it, after being in the 10 percent range for a long time or lower with the help of T3. I went through a bad separation and divorce were I found myself depressed, drinking and taking anti depressants. In 3 years I tipped the scale at 305lbs were my body was at 37 percent. I to wanted a shortcut. But taking something like dnp can be dangerous and lethal. Their has been cases of people taking dnp and dying because their body couldn't regulate temperature and even being submerged in cold water they had a core temp of 106 farenheiet. I took dnp once and I hated every minute of it. I felt like was running a fever, when I checked my temp was at 100 with that came a headache, nausea, sweating, muscle cramps etc..never again my vanity was not worth my life.Clen also increases your temp by 1 or 2 degrees which aides in fat burning, but you have to know how to cycle it. Some people can't handle the side effects, like tachycardia, non stop trembling from body, high blood pressure etc. All this things can exasperate any health issues you have at the moment.Best fat burner is change your life style. Eat clean and healthy and in moderation. Go to the gym and lift heavy and do some cardio after lifting like stair climber or glider. Avoid high impact like running only because you have to look after your joints. Over all muscle burns fat. Gaining all that weight didn't happen over night, nor will be loosing it so set realistic goals for yourself .If you change your life style, eat healthy, lift heavy, learn how to properly use supplements like protein, creatine, bcaas supplements that have huge amount of studies showing they work and you get yourself below 20% then youve shown you have the discipline and intelligence to endevor with things like clen and t3.I'll repeat it again stay away from dnp.Wish you the best.

Are there any legal steroids?

I am not going to go into an anti-steroid rant because I am a realist and educated on the subject. be that as it may, steroids are not the answer you are looking for. if you can answer the following question truthfully, you can really get an idea of what you need to do...

*What is your total calories consumed in a day and what ratio between Protein, fat and carbs?

*What is your caloric expenditure in a given day?

*Your workouts, do they consist of compound exercises or is loaded with isolation exercises?

*How many days / week do you train?

*What is your current body fat percentage?

-When deciding to use steroids, you need to think long and hard about what you are going to do and ensure you know exactly everything you need. If it means getting clomid, pins, pushers and all the supplements to go along (to keep you healthy), you will have to spend the money.

I suggest the book below to help you get to where you want to go. The writers are top notch and I watched the workout portion get written (my former boss) and trust me, he researched everything!!!

Do steroids help geting abs?

ignore anyone that says steroids will shrink your dick they could shrink your balls which would be an extreme reaction and very very rare, you can get really sick from roids because you dont know how much you should be taking and you could react badly to them. roids will help your muscles grow faster and huge but not without working out also. roids dont just give you mass just by taking them. and besides that you can get your abs without roids. leave the roids to the pros