What Natrual Forces Help Form An Island

History help please!!!!?

After Columbus' voyages to the New World, there arose the question of "Who owns the New World?" Was it Spain or Portugal? (The Native Americans weren't given a "say" in the matter.) How did Spain and Portugal resolve this problem?

After the Albany Plan failed, the First Continental Congress was convened. Describe the First Continental Congress and its purpose.

Why was James Madison's Virginia Plan important in the formation of this country's government?

Can anyone help me?

My Economics teacher gave us this ridiculously hard assignment. I suck at Eco and I need all the help I can get. Can anyone answer any of the questions on this website. IT's where my teacher got the questions.

What is the driving force behind crustal movement?

A2AThe crust moves because it’s on top of a layer called the mantle. The mantle is not truly solid, it’s more like silly putty. The crustal plates “float” on the mantle, and move because the mantle has convection currents. What are those? The mantle is a layer that goes down some 1,800 miles to the outer core. It’s mostly silicate rock. Since it isn’t completely solid, it flows, because the outer core is hotter than the mantle surface. That heat difference means some mantle matter rises (slowly) and bubbles up. Meanwhile the stuff of the outer mantle cools and sinks. The effect is like a conveyor belt.This isn’t uniform all over the Earth, though, so if you could see the mantle sped up by a factor of 1,000,000 and without the crust you’d see areas where the mantle comes up, areas where it sinks, and in between the mantle moving in various directions. That’s why the plates collide and slide past each other or slide under each other, or spread apart. Some areas are a little hotter and stationary (called hot spots) — Hawaii is above one of these and that’s why the islands are where they are, far from a plate boundary. On the other hand the Hawaiian islands demonstrate the movement of the Pacific Plate, since the islands form a pretty clear line roughly northwest, with the biggest island at one end. (Had the Pacific Plate moved a bit slower you’d have a long, thin island as opposed to several small ones).

What forms the basis for evolutionary process?

The changes and copy errors in the DNA code of a particular organism during procreation when DNA code is being replicated. These changes bring about changes in characteristics of species, and in the size, shape, and functioning of their body parts. The good changes are naturally selected for because of advantages in predation, enhanced environmental survivability, and enhanced reproductive prowess. They bring about the formation of all body parts, all species, and all biochemical and biological systems. The weak changes are eliminated due to disadvantaged procreation, predation, and survivability. The only problem is that DNA can only make proteins; not body parts and species. Errors in the DNA code causes toxic proteins, nothing else, which results in anything from no harm to birth defects and horrible illness. So the foundation of evolution, DNA code errors, cannot bring about new species, body parts, or biological and biochemical systems. Ergo poof. The theory of evolution is dead. It’s nothing but fable that just keeps on living because the people that believe it are so numerous. The fable can’t die as it should. Reality is that no human, no science, and no scientist has any idea what caused the origin of species, biological systems, biochemical systems, body parts, life, cells, human intelligence and consciousness, animal instincts, flight, or dog shit.

How is natural selection a mechanism of evolution?

Natural selection is the result of Nature "selecting" organisms that are better adapted to their environment because they have characteristics that allow them to survive and reproduce moe than other organisms. Since these adaptations are genetic, they are passed on to future generations; the entire population eventually changes or evolves.