What Organs Are Involved In The Circulatory System

What is the main organ of the circulatory system?


What are the major organs of the Circulatory system?

The circulatory system is composed of the heart and blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries. Our bodies actually have two circulatory systems: The pulmonary circulation is a short loop from the heart to the lungs and back again, and the systemic circulation (the system we usually think of as our circulatory system) sends blood from the heart to all the other parts of our bodies and back again. The main organs involved in blood circulation are...

1) The Heart: it pumps blood throughout the body.

2) The Brain: It tells the heart when to pump and how fast to pump. ( The Brain tells the heart to speed up during exercise, and to slow down during rest. )

3) The Lungs: The lungs bring in air, and the blood goes through the lungs to pick up the oxygen and bring it throughout the rest of the body as the heart pumps.

The arteries, blood vessels, veins and capillaries are part of the circulatory system, but are not considered organs.

What are the major organs of the circulatory system? What are their functions?

The three major organs I would say are the heart, blood vessels, and blood.Blood’s function is to carry nutrients and or waste. Blood helps the body by dropping nutrients off to all parts of your body while taking waste away from all parts of your body and allowing your body to dispel of it (by filtration of the kidneys or expiration).The heart’s function is to pump blood throughout the body so that blood can get carbon dioxide and other waste out of the body, AND so that blood can get nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body (like the digestive system, your brain, your muscles, etc.). The heart can be divided into 4 chambers, Left and Right ventricle, Left and Right Atrium. The atrium accepts blood into the heart, the right atrium takes in deoxygenated blood and brings it to the right ventricle. The left atrium takes in oxygenated blood and brings it into the left ventricle. The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood out to the pulmonary arteries (so that it can go to the lungs and become oxygenated) and the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood out into the systemic arteries (so that it can provide oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body).The function of Blood Vessels is to just carry blood throughout the body. Blood vessels can be classified as artery and veins. Artery carries blood AWAY from the heart and to parts of your body, veins carry blood TO the heart from other parts of your body.The circulatory system travels like this… Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium of the heart via major veins (Inferior and Superior vena cavaes). Then the right ventricle pumps that deoxygnated blood out through the pulmonary arteries. The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs, where they become oxygenated. Then the blood continues and returns to the heart via the pulmonary veins. The newly oxygenated blood enters the left atrium, and then into the left ventricle. The left ventricle pumps out the oxygnated blood into the aorta… The aorta then branches out again and again and again and these are all known as the systemic arteries. As blood continues giving oxygen it becomes deoxygenated and eventually returns to the right atrium via the major veins… Beginning the cycle anew.

What are the main organs involved in the circulatory system of a jellyfish? What function does each organ serve?

Do you think you could tell your teacher to assign better homework questions? Please? Because this question really sounds like something you’ve been assigned. People who are just interested in jellyfish don’t phrase questions like “What function does each organ serve?” My apologies if I’m wrong, but this really sounds like you cut and pasted this question from a homework assignment. Amirite?A jellyfish doesn’t have a “circulatory system” in the sense that you do. Jellyfish are generally thin enough that most of their cells are close to the outside and can absorb oxygen directly. There’s no heart and no blood. In fact, jellyfish don’t even have organs as such—they don’t have integrated structures made up of several tissue types to serve a common function, which is what an organ is. They do have several tissue types, but they don’t form these integrated, isolated structures that we think of as organs. So your question is kind of travelling on square wheels—jellyfish have no circulatory system and no organs of circulation.The closest thing to a “circulatory system” in a jellyfish is the gastrovascular cavity—basically the stomach, where food is taken in from the mouth and digested. Usually that cavity leads into a set of canals that transport digested food to all parts of the body.In the best-known jellyfish group, the class Scyphozoa, the gastrovascular canals typically branch a lot. You can see them nicely on this picture of the moon jellyfish, Aurelia aurita, extending from the squarish stomach in the center. (The four whitish C-shaped things are the gonads; they surround the stomach.)In the class Hydrozoa, there are generally four or eight canals that run from the stomach to the margin of the bell, and a ring canal connects them. You can see these very clearly in this deep-sea Atlantic species. (Source: Scientists discover new marine species in the hidden depths of the Atlantic Ocean)So those canals do some of what your circulatory system does—enable all cells to receive nutrients. But they’re not a separate “system”—they’re part of the digestive system, to the extent that you can even say that jellyfish have “systems”, which you can’t because they don’t really have organs.So once again: please tell the teacher who gave you this assignment not to assign trick questions like this. Tell him (or her) that my consulting rates are quite reasonable. And in the future, please do your own research and don’t post your homework on Quora. I was nice. . . this time.

What are the main organs in the circulatory system? What purpose do they serve?

Do look it up on Circulatory System: Facts, Function & Diseases

What are 3 major organs in the circulatory system?

Okay, to the first two answerers:

Blood vessels, blood, arteries and so forth are not organs!

The three major organs of the circulatory system are:

1) The Heart: it pumps blood throughout the body.

2) The Brain: It tells the heart when to pump and how fast to pump. The Brain is what tells the heart to speed up during exercise, and to slow down during rest.

3) The Lungs: The lungs bring in air, and the blood goes through the lungs to pick up the oxygen and bring it throughout the rest of the body as the heart pumps.

What are the 4 main organ systems that are involved in the maintaining homeostasis?

Circulatory System - blood flow
Respiratory System - breathing
Excretory System - getting rid of wastes
Nervous System - brain, controls the body

How are organs related to the components of the circulatory system?

The organs need nutrients and that comes from the circulatory system. The blood flows throughout the entire body and vasculizes almost every cell in the body (fat and skin receive minimal blood flow naturally) and without blood flow, the organs will shut down because its more then carrying nutrients to the tissues, its remiving waste that the cells produce when they work.Blood flow is extremely important for the organs to work correctly.Oh and when you mean organs.. you mean like the heart? The heart is the key to the circulatory system, infact it is the center of the circulatory system.Followed by the lungs, liver, kidneys, muscles, bones. The liver and kidneys filter (in different ways) the blood. Lungs oxygenate the blood and remove gaseous waste. Bones to produce red blood cells, and muscles like the calf are regarded as a secondary heart because as the muscles squeeze in the calf and the blood would be constricted and forced back up to the heart.

What are the main organs involved in the lymphatic system?

What Organs Are Part of the Lymphatic System? - dummies Here’s a great link that says and shows it better than I could.