What People Wear Under The Sea

What should I wear to an 'under the sea' costume party?

mmm.. I like the idea of a navy officer, although that's "above" the sea, but i would think that would be really acceptable for the British Embassy! I guess you could go as a Pirate as really they could be looking for treasures "under the sea". I reckon you could get some really good inspiration over at this site. I always have a look here when I need a few good ideas.

What colors do people wear to an under the sea dance?

Anything bright. The sea is a colorful place. Blue & green would be terribly boring if that was the only thing people wore. Heck, I would say you could rock off yellow if you knew how to make it work.
But if you are looking for a color scheme:
Pink (sea shells)
White (pearls)
Bright colors (fishes)
Blue and green (obvious reasons)

Gawsh, that will be one heck of a Homecoming xD

Do people wear something under surfing shorts?

I don't wear anything with them. I have some shorts that
I probably should 'cause they chafe when walking when they are wet. Some of the surf clothing companies make lycra shorts to wear under them. I haven't tried them but it would probably be a good idea during sea lice season so they can't bite my more sensitive parts.

Since I had somebody email me and ask: Sea lice, at least in the mid-Atlantic, are crab larva. They bite you causing a stinging sensation, sort of like a jelly fish sting, only they like to get up in your board shorts. They show up for a few weeks in the late summer.

Why do deep sea divers wear special diving suits? How do they differ from regular diving suits?

There are different diving suits used depending on the type of diving a person is doing. The main reason a diving suit is worn is to allow a person to retain their body heat. Water cools a body much faster than air so the colder the water is and the longer you are underwater, the more thermal protection is needed to prevent hypothermia.Someone who is diving recreationally in warm waters (such as Floida, Caribbean, Figi, Pulau, etc) may not wear a suit at all or will wear a wetsuit. The wetsuit is made of neoprene or a similar material that has thousands of tiny airholes inside it. These airholes act as insulation. A wetsuit allows some water to get inside it at the wrist ankle and neck openings, hence the name.Someone who is diving colder waters such as the Great Lakes typically wears a drysuit. A drysuit has seals that keep water from getting inside the suit and usually includes gloves, boots and a hood. The diver wears a thermal top and pants under the suit to keep warm. Some of these thermal garments even come with heating elements like those in an electric blanket that run through the fabric for diving in very cold waters.Commercial divers (who do things like underwater construction or demolition and dive much deeper than a re rational diver) have specialized suits that provide both thermal and physical protection. They spend far more time underwater and expend a lot of energy so need more help staying warm than someone who dIves for only 45 minutes before climbing back aboard the dive boat. Their dive suits can include a helmet with a full face mask and communications gear.


1. Why did you spend all your money on expensive trendy clothes that you'll only wear a month or so? (answer 4 requires a comma after first editions).

2. At her place at the table, a beautiful gold locket was wrapped in the small blue box.

3. Painted a bright yellow, the kitchen was a cheery place.

4. Beside the front door, a cat waited patiently for Mindy's return.

Sorry I can't help you with the rules on italics and titles.

What should I wear for spirit week, under the sea theme?

Dress as a mermaid.

Can we swim while wearing a bra?

It depends on individual's comfort, body, size, and shape. According to me, support is what, that would be necessary for everything. Yes, we can wear a bra while swimming because it's your choice to be comfort with it or not. You can wear a bikini top, tankini or bikini set while swimming it may let you feel free. Here are some suggested dresses for you that are available on various online shopping stores.Source: Variety of Swimwear for Women Available at Couture Candy