What Percentage Of Human Life Is Luck

What percentage of life on earth is non-human animal life?

It is estimated that about 0.02-0.03% of all life on earth is human life, on a population (number) basis.

Perhaps this can help you:

What is a difference between human life, luck, and hard work?

When we are totally present in the moment then only we really exist or in other words life exists. We can recognize our breath and also our life. Word luck and hard work are related to success but not life. We don’t need to be lucky or work hard to start living. If we do what we don't like then it becomes a hard work. Luck is some kind of feeling realization only for others who seem successful. We are born intelligent but some have conciously recognized but some have not yet.

What is the percentage that there is life outside our planet knowing that we got extremely lucky in our evolution, if you believe it?

We got extremely lucky & some. Your question encompasses all life not just human or even animal. There is no definitive set of odds but if we are talking about microbiology the odds are significantly narrowed. Of course we don’t actually know for sure that the same conditions for life to thrive on Earth are required in other worldly environments or if there are an infinite number of extra elements out there which we are completely unaware of.With regards to believing in evolution, it’s a scientific theory that has stood up to probably more scrutiny than most & for longer, It would only take one little thing to prove it false but as it happened every single piece of evidence discovered since it’s inception has gained credence to the original work put forward by Darwin’s origin of species.

What percentage of animal life on earth is made up of humans?

We do not know the total number of individual animals on the earth, but by biomass:

Humans account for about 100 million tonnes of the Earth's total biomass.
The total animal biomass is about 10 billion tonnes. So humans are about 0.1% of the total biomass of animals on earth.

The animals with the highest biomass are probably Antarctic Krill, which amass 500 million tonnes of biomass (five times that of humans).

FWIW - humans are the most common large animal on the earth, but we are far, far outnumbered by many other animals, like squid, beetles, ants, rats, etc.

How much percentage do you attribute to the role of luck played in any great success story or in any great discovery?

I am inclined to think about 98%About the time Einstein discovered relativity, A lot of people were getting close to the idea of lack of absolute time. If Einstein had not, someone else would have figured it out.Keplers laws of planetary motion are enough to derive the gravitational formula, but sadly it would have needed knowledge of Newtons 3 laws. It is only sheer bad luck that someone who could derive the planetary stuff did not derive the motion and gravity stuff - If only he had observed the nearby as keenly as he did the faraway!Were it not for pure chance, MS-DOS would have been never chosen by IBM and they would have chosen Gary Kildall's CP/M 86 and Microsoft may not have been the giant it is today.There are countless things that happen mostly by chance - effort and will increase probabilities but ultimately it is chance.

Does luck play an important role in human life?

Luck is just like another player playing in the same game as that of yours. It will play its role as always, sometimes in your favor and sometimes not. You don't have any control over that.But, the question is,What are you going to do about it?Can you control your Luck?Answer is NO.Can you control what's going to happen to you?Answer is still NO.But, Can you control your response and efforts?The answer is absolute YES.In life, you can categorize everything broadly into two types: one which is in your control and another which is beyond your control.Always keep focus on what's in your hands. Put your energy and efforts in what you can control.YOU yourself are the biggest asset which you can take control of and do wonders.YOU have the very important role to play in your LIFE.

How much of life is chance/luck and how much is planning/skill?

I believe in probability. I never believe in saying that, “had I been lucky I could have got successful”. I wonder how even some successful people say that luck plays such a great role in getting success.If you could not get what you wanted, that means there is a scope of improvement. If you ever tend to believe, it was luck because of which you failed, then you are rewiring your brain to form this habit of not looking as to why you failed but you would believe that it was luck behind it and not your fault.People who always want reasons as to why they couldn’t get what they wanted use this phrase : “Oh! I was unlucky”, just as an excuse for not having given 100 percent.If you are doing something and want a positive result then “leave no stones unturned”.Now my final answer to my friends or dear ones who say: “God has already written everything and we should settle with what we get rather than to try for more”. What if God would have written: “You will succeed or get more ONLY IF YOU WOULD TRY”.Skills :Take a plane paper and divide it into two halves:On the first left half write the things you know which are tangible(physical like programming or any other skill which can be put up on to a CV). And don’t forget to write the things you should learn.On the right side of the paper, write the intangible(communication skills,persuasion,writing,things related to personality) things you know or you’re weak at. NOW, this is where our education system should be a bit more concerned about.

Since Karma is the driver of Bhagya (luck) - how can humans correct their past Karma?

No one can ‘correct’ their past karma. You CAN however correct your present karma. You do so by living by Dharma.Keep in mind that even after you correct your present karma and start living by dharma, you will still have to suffer the results of past karma. There is no way to avoid that.Now before you get all depressed, keep in mind that you don’t know what percentage of your past life deeds were good and what percentage were naughty. You will certainly have to pay for all the naughtiness that you know you committed in THIS life, but there is no harm in being optimistic and assume that you did plenty of good deeds in past life and will be rewarded for that.In short, stop worrying about karma and just concentrate on living your life.

How are humans so lucky? Read this logically?

Hello ! Okay so I've been thinking a lot about these things about life. I was sorta becoming an atheist until I realized a few things..

1. I found it crazy how every organ has a job to do, also that every vein in our body pumps blood to parts of our body's that keep us alive.

2. How earth is perfectly placed in our solar system. We are not too far from the sun and yet we are not too close.. Because if we were where Mars is we wouldn't be able to live! Because between Jupiter and mars is the biggest astroid belt in our solar system ! And if we were where Venus is or any closer planet we would have high temperatures that would make it impossible to live in.

3. Water is one of the main sources of life, almost all of our world is surrounded by water...

4. If you didn't know ! For some people who didn't know this... We don't inhale 100% oxygen! We breathe in 0.04 percent carbon dioxide
21% oxygen... If we inhale 100% oxygen then we would basically be intoxicated

5. Our athompsher burns up the majority of the asteroids that are on it's way to entering earth...

I mean this just sounds too crazy to just be science? If we didn't have water , or if we happened to be placed were mars is.. Or if our oxygen level was 100%....

How do you find the percent of water in a tomato?

its very simple experiment you must weight your tomato before the experiment then you can squeeze it and dry it in over at 105 C for 1 hour then you can re weight the dry remains after that ,, and you can use this equation to know % water in tomato
% water = weight of water loss / weight of tomato before drying X 100