What Person Is Worth The Most Money

How much is 1.5 pounds of solid brass worth in american money?

My mom got a 1.5 pound block of solid brass from her office in 1990 and she just found it, I weighed it with a scale and she wants to know how much it is worth if she gives it to a person who can melt it down. If you can help me then leave an answer.

Is a net worth all the money a person has?

No. That's only part of the equation. Net Worth is the sum total of ALL a person’s assets. Yes, that includes money. But it also includes real estate, stock, furniture, clothing EVERYTHING a person owns.From that you subtract EVERYTHING HE OWES! House note, car note, credit card balances, student loans, all debts!After all debts have been paid, Net Worth is what's left over!

What's the most money you've ever given to a homeless person?

The most money I have ever given a homeless person is $5. One summer I saw a family with children in the car and it was a hot summer afternoon.They had a sign asking for food. I went to a grocery store and bought meat for sandwiches, cheese, bread, chips, cookies, and a gallon of cold fruit drink, and water. I took it to them I told them I didn't have money to give. They was grateful for the food and thanked me.

In the Iliad,why is a person's reputation worth more than wealth or power?Is this still true today?

Because wealth and power are just superfluous things which don't reflect a person's character. It is, however, possible to build a good reputation based on personality and behaviour alone. Wealth and power don't make anyone a good person.

At what net worth would you start considering someone wealthy?

Wealth is not based on net worth, it’s based on a sustainable rate of spending. Once someone’s net worth gets high enough, that large surplus provides a source of income that can be one way to achieve a sustainable spending rate, but someone with $0 in net worth might still have a very lavish lifestyle that they can sustain for years simply because they have a high-paying job.The Pew Research Center has a good breakdown:World Population by IncomeIf you live on $2 or less per day you are part of the 15% of the world’s population classified as the global poor.If you can spend up to $10 per day, you are part of the global “low income”, a group that makes up 56% of the planet.Double that, to $20/day and you’re in “middle income”. You’re now in the top third of planetary wealth.At $50/day (a little over $18000 per year) you are now wealthier than 84% of the world while in most developed countries you would be considered at best “middle class”.Above $50/day you’re considered “high income” and you’re in the top 7% of global income.From here, wealth is all relative to your local cost of living and the social groups you compare yourself with. At any point above this, you will be richer than literally BILLIONS of people but still much much poorer than a select few. And of course, as you go higher on this spectrum the difference matters less and less in real terms while the people you will associate with will obsess over it more and more.

Are Victoria's Secret Bras really worth the money?

I love Victoria Secret bras they are the best quality I have ever bought! I got mine for only about 11 dollars a bra. You just have to wait for a sale. The price I paid online at victoria secret was the same I was paying at walmart. I love the VS cotton brand, they are 100% cotton so they breath, also they have really pretty patterns and different type. They have padded, not padded, underwire, no underwire, the list is long. Just make sure you buy online if you buy in the store you are over paying, search google for "free shipping victoria secret" and most times you can find a coupon for free shipping, I always do.

I have about 8 bras two white (casual) one white (fancy) one black (fancy) and four patterned ones. I love all my bras!

If someone's net worth is 1 billion, does that mean that its bank account has exactly that amount?

The short answer is “No”.The definition of net worth is:Net worth for an individual. This is total assets minus total liabilities. The information may be compiled from a number of sources, and typically includes the following:Assets: Cash in the bankAssets: Personal investmentsAssets: Resale value of houseAssets: Resale value of automobilesAssets: Resale value of furnishings and jewelryLiabilities: Credit card debtLiabilities: Mortgage debtSource: Net Worth Definition - AccountingToolsNet worth is what a person is worth when you sum up his assets and minus off his debts/loans.So a billionaire may have, say,$50 million cash in the bank$900 million in investments (equity funds, bonds, etfs, shares in listed companies, etc)a residence worth $20 milliona few more properties worth $80 millioncars worth $2 millionjewellery, watches, diamonds, art worth $20 millionprivate jet worth $30 millioncredit card debt of $100,000Loans (business/property/personal) of $100 millionHe would have assets of $1.102 billion and liabilities of $100.1 million.Thus his net worth would still be slightly more than $1 billion, but he would have only$50 million in his bank account.Billionaires would have most of their money making more money by investing in all sorts of funds in the financial markets.