What Problems Could I Face If I Did This Is It A Good Idea

Can Men Exfoliate their Face with out any problems?

Yes, of course men can exfoliate! Traditionally, shaving brushes weren't just intended to brush off excess hair trimmings, but to exfoliate the man's face before a shave. Exfoliating before a shave will give a man a more even shave and smoother skin.

There are currently lots of scrubs intended for men on the market, such as the Nivea for Men one. I honestly don't think that they are any different from scrubs intended for women. I think that the men's scrubs are purely for marketing purposes, so that men will feel like it is not too effeminate to use scrubs.

Men should use a scrub just as women do. They should wet their face, gently rub the scrub into their face in a circular motion, avoiding the eye area, then rinse the scrub off with warm water. After that, they should wash their face with a cleanser, and then proceed with their shave.

I hope I helped!

What are the top 10 problems or worries that Teens face Today???

1. Pregnancy
2. Peer Pressure
3. Drugs
4. Alcohol
5. School
6. Family Problems
7. Body Image
8. Virginity
9. Gossip
10. Violence

Self-harm is a problem but I don't think its that common amongst teenagers, at least not where I live. I think I have only met one person that had a habit of cutting themselves, but I guess it all depends on where your from. Where I live, cutting yourself/ going through depression (where you feel the need to commit suicide) is thought of as stupid, no one ever does it.

Sorry I think I worded it wrong, I didn't mean it in an offensive way. I didn't mean that the people that cut themselves are stupid, I meant the whole concept/idea is thought of as stupid. Calling people who do harm themselves stupid would be ignorant, we just don't understand the whole "idea" of it, but we don't think any less of them (definitely not stupid). We just think the whole idea of releasing pain by self-harm is quite ironic.

What problems did catherine the great face during her reign?

Well, at first Catherine wanted to modernise Russia, freeing the serfs and so on, but later she changed her mind and became more reactionary. If she had acted differently when she had the chance, the history of Russia might have been very different. As it was, instead of becoming more modern, the Russian nobility increased its power, serfdom was strengthened, and, despite the creation of St Petersburg as a brilliant cultural centre, all intellectual protest was stifled.

In foreign policy, Catherine started cautiously but gave way to expansionist aims. She suppressed Polish nationalist agitation and divided the country with Austria and Prussia in three partitions of 1772, 1793 and 1794.

Her problem seemed to be that she was trying to govern an enormous country, and became fearful of change. From wanting to be an enlightened, forward-thinking monarch, she became an entrenched reactionary.

How did Rome achieve it's empire and what problems did Rome face as a result of it's growing empire?

Rome became an Empire through great leaders with vision, drive, respect and the ability to motovate, manipulate, market, unite and follow trough. Like Julius Caesar and Octavianus although Octavianus was more of a great politician. After these two everyone else was a poor substitute.