What Race/ethnicity Am I

If my ethnicity is Arab, What is my race?

Your race is caucasian. This is because you fall into the 'Arabid' category which is a sub-type of the Mediterranean race. You are also semetic therefore you fit into this category perfectly.

Arabs are a sub-race of the caucasian race as a whole. So yes, you are indeed caucasian.
Remember that caucasian does not refer to your skin tone. ;)

What is my race/ethnicity? I'm confused ?

Both of my parents are from el Salvador my grandparents are from el salvador and so were my ansterors. But I was born in Virgnia and I speak some Spanish. So what am I? Hispanic? Latina? American? Latin-American? What's my race/ethnicity?

What race/ethnicity do you wish you were?

Don't wish too hard, Ive seen some Blasian and Blacanise chicks that were jacked up. The cocktail doesn't always come out pretty. I don't wish to be anything but what I am.

Race and Ethnicity: Am I Tri-racial?

On my side, I come from a nordic mother and a germanic father, with traces from a cosaque ancester (certainly asiatic) and a lot of celtic and latin sources. I'd be glad to expore my genetics : certainly funny! So, I am sorry for you ... Scientifically (or observing e.g. French Laws) , you have just ONE RACE: the Human race.And you know what?...You are also as free as any other human being, and free to F. all people wanting to set you in a race, or even a hundred ones! This kind of intolerance (racism) is the begining of facism.

Race and Ethnicity: I'm Mexican but I am very white, how can that be?

Amigo!Mexican is not an ethnicity, but a nationality.Anyone born in Mexican territory, or born in a foreign country to Mexican-born parents or anyone who comes from abroad to live in Mexico and then applies for the nationality is automatically Mexican.We come in different sizes, colors and shapes.We have green-eyed, blond hair Mexican people and we have dark hair and dark skin mexican people.We have them with red hair, and we have mexicans with brown hair.We have mexicans with blue eyes and we have mexicans with brown eyes.But , if you want to know the exact reason why you are white, then it has to do , not with the place you were born in, but from your ancestry and it is probable that some of them came from Europe.As simple as that.You said your parents are faired skinned, meaning that your grandparents or greatgranparents probably had the same color of skin, and the ones that came after them.

What race am I, if My ethnicity is Hispanic/ Latino?

Spaniards are caucasian.

But were all your great grandparents from Spain, or only some? The others might have been native American/amerindian.

What race and ethnicity are Egyptian people??

My friend is Egyptian and he has tan skin and i guess he has "Arab" hair, my other friend is Egyptian and he is kind of light tan and has short hair like a black person. I seen Egyptian people on t.v and they look Arab, but Egyptian in south Egyptian are black aka the cultural group Nubians,

They are African but what is there race and ethnicity??

What race or ethnicity am I if I'm born in the US and my parents are born in Guyana?

Since you were born in the U.S. you are a U.S. citizen. Thus your nationality is U.S. As I understand it Guyana doesn’t recognize dual citizenship so you would not get that nationality from your parents.Your question does not provide enough information for us to determine your race or ethnicity. Guyana - Wikipedia tells me thatThe present population of Guyana is racially and ethnically heterogeneous, with ethnic groups originating from India, Africa, Europe, and China, as well as indigenous or aboriginal peoples.If your family has a long history in Guyana then you probably have ancestry from one or more of those groups. But your parents or grandparents could also have moved to Guyana from somewhere else. You could be Dutch, British, Indonesian or almost anything.Guyana - Wikipedia goes on to state that:The largest ethnic group is the Indo-Guyanese (also known as East Indians), the descendants of indentured servants from India, who make up 43.5% of the population, according to the 2002 census. They are followed by the Afro-Guyanese, the descendants of slaves from Africa, who constitute 30.2%. Guyanese of mixed heritage make up 16.7%, while the indigenous peoples (known locally as Amerindians) make up 9.1%.This suggests that you would probably have some Indian, African or Native American ancestry, but then again, you may not.

What ethnicity am i if im egyptian?

heey, so im egyptian and i was just wondering what my ethnicity is.. am i white/Caucasian or black/african descended or middle eastern or pacific islander or asian or east indian or native american or latino/hispanic or other? lol i know that im definitely not some of these but i know i have to be one of them; but which one?
thanks for all the answers (:

What race/ethnicity am I if I was born in Spain but my parents are from Morocco?