What Right Do Liberals Have To Question The Tea Party Or Anyone For That Matter

Why are there so many ignorant Liberals and Conservatives on yahoo answers?

I think it's the nature of a public message board, a virtual "free for all" about any topic. I prefer to "hang around" politics as it appears to be the most lively. Speaking for myself, I'll ask "serious" questions but like my right-wing counterparts, I enjoy a good "joust" trying to come up with witty and cutting answers, it's just the nature of Y-answers. You're right not all are ignorant but you have the choice to engage them or not, these are troubled times and I try to laugh and look on the bright side of things whenever possible.

Anyone remembering Tea Party Protesters got arrested by the police?

There were no arrests of Tea Party supporters, but they could have arrested some trouble making liberal interlopers who were at rallies trying to make Tea party people look like bad racist and vandals.

Liberals seem to be louder than Conservatives?

at least while Obama is in power..

so why are they so shocked when you confront them (after they are wrong)? instead of answering your question they point to something wrong that the Conservatives did - as justification to their wrongs...

So 2 wrongs make a right?

*for the record I don't support the extreme left or the extreme right -- i think we need a combination of both sides to have a balanced system but what we have here is a bunch of fowl mouthed extremist and 2 ignorant parties cross-fighting.. This is what is destroying the country and the world for that matter.

If we had two countries, one filled with liberals only and the other filled with conservatives only, in the long run, which country will perform better?

As others have said, if you had to a country filled with only one ideology the outcome would probably be a disaster. However, the reality of the current American political landscape (which I will assume the question refers to) is not one in which liberals and conservatives can be clearly separated into two distinct classes. As a matter of fact, there are so many shades of liberals that I would argue they on their own cover most of the political landscape in many European countries. Conservatives are maybe a bit more “homogeneous”, but still, there is a huge difference between the Tea Party and Trumpism, despite the fact that they have been artificially united in the White House.So, given that, I think that any answer that will claim that a country under a single ideology will fail is operating under the utopian consideration that there is such a party or group of people that are strictly liberal or conservatives. If you read Matt Bennier’s answer it should be clear that this is not the case. Therefore, in my opinion, the right interpretation for this question is to answer it as if it was referring to the Democrats, which are traditionally considered liberals in the US, and the Republicans, which are referred to as “conservatives”.So, given this “loose” definition, which would be the most likely to succeed in the long run. There is clear data on this: the spectrum covered by Democrats is far more successful in most metrics you can use. I hope discussing social metrics is not even necessary since that is one that clearly “liberals” completely dominate. So, let’s look at the economy, which is supposedly where conservatives shine. It turns out, data clearly points in the opposite direction: democrats again clearly win. Let’s see some examples.States/countries with liberal majorities tend to do better long termStates dominated by liberals enjoy a much better economy than conservatives. See the following map where state surface is normalized by GDP:The US as a whole does better under democrat governmentsEven the stock market performs better under democratsConclusionOf course you can claim that all that data is influenced by context and contextual variables. And yes, it is hard to claim causality from it. However, since this is a speculative question, it is as good as it gets. Given what we know today, a liberal-only country would perform better than a conservative-only one.

Was Dylan Roof a Tea Party Member that watched FOX religiously?

Come on Lib's here's your chance and the chance of your fearless leader to take advantage of this tragedy! Drive it on home! Please forget like with all the other killers from Santa Barbara, the Colorado Theater, Arizona, Connecticut that they were from Godless households. Forget that they all perpetrated their heinous crimes in Gun Free Zones. You must organize, riot and loot. It's your way, here's your chance with the blessing of your imperial leader! Obey!

What subject matter will get your question deleted the fastest?

1. The violence of Islam

2. IQ and race

3. Democrats are anti-American

4. Liberals believe in nothing and therefore can believe in anything

5. Quotas based on skin color and gender are, ipso facto, racist

How do I keep liberal Yahoo from putting my conservative email (Tea Party info) into Spam ?

Everything I receive from Tea Party news and information to Rush Limbaugh daily updates on his radio program all are put automatically in Spam. I did not specify this and I want it to quit. True garbage manages to get through to my in box. But, that which has never been designated as Spam to begin with is put there... and it is ALWAYS email from conservative groups and organizations.