What Season And Episode Does Andrea Go To The Prison

What happens to Andrea in The Walking Dead (TV series)?

Spoilers:She gets captured by the governor while she tries to escape to the prison. He then locks her in his torture chamber, and tries to force Milton to kill her but instead Milton tries to kill the governor. He fails and the governor stabs Milton and gives him a fatal wound. The governor leaves the room with the intended purpose to let Milton turn and kill Andrea. After he leaves Milton alerts Andrea to a pair of pliers he dropped behind the chair she is locked into and tells her to get them with her right foot and stab him in the head. Andra resists but is forced to do so because as she gets hold of the pliers Milton bites her on her shoulder after he turned.A couple hours pass…Ricks group on its retaliatory attack on Woodbury realizes that the governor killed all of the civilians and is let into Woodbury by Karen who convinces Sasha and Tyreese. Rick leads them all into the governors torture chambers and they discover Andrea. Andrea decides to kill her self to not become a walker. Rick gives Andrea his python and she says her signature line “I know how the safety works”. Michonne stays with Andrea while the rest wait outside. Andrea shoots herself and we can hear the python hit the ground. Thus the end of Season 3.

Why did Andrea die in The Walking Dead TV show?

Andrea died because she was too concerned with brokering peace between the Prison and Woodbury. She had two opportunities to kill the Governor but backed out each time.Michonne recognized the danger that the Governor posed and was successful in escaping Woodbury. Andrea could have but she held onto the idea that both groups could coexist: Something the Governor would not entertain.It wasn't until it was too late that she attempted to defect to the Prison and was captured by the Governor mere shouting distance from Rick. She died after being restrained in a chair and being bitten by a reanimated Milton.# Edit: Andrea killed herself AFTER being bitten by a reanimated Milton who she had already dispatched. Rick and the group found her while invading Woodbury and she was given a pistol to kill herself rather than turn.

The Walking Dead Season 3: [SPOILER] Why did Milton choose to stay in Woodbury when he had a chance to flee with Andrea?

I recall a scene where Milton tells Andrea that he knew the Governer before he was the Governor and he was a good man. Remember that Milton believed that the Walkers still maintained some essence of who they were before they turned. He was doing experiments to try and confirm this. He believed the Governor was still a good person, just like he believed the Walkers were still people, despite all evidence to the contrary.

What did you think of The Walking Dead Season 3 finale?

SPOILERS apply, of course.I'll admit I was a little underwhelmed.My biggest complaint with the finale is the continuing waste of Tyrese as a character. I really hope they figure out what to do with him but his contribution to the finale was... not shooting Rick, I guess? Having bad feelings about the Gov? Not saving Andrea, but acting as passive tour guide, leading Rick's group to where she's been held? He's such a good character in the graphic novel -- really one of the few people who stands up to Rick and doesn't take his crap -- that it's disappointing to see him squandered so far. I hold out hope for Season 4.Second, the Governor just leaves? I guess that sets him up to make a return next season, but it seemed out of character. I can sorta see him snapping and shooting his own people, but once he crossed that bridge, I was SURE he was going to go back and make one last desperate lunge at the prison (actually, I was worried he'd do an end-around, come in from a different direction, and kill Herschel/Beth/et. al. while Rick et. al. drove to Woodbury to end it -- I thought they'd save Andrea only to return to Governor-led carnage at the prison.I guess Andrea's resolution was the most fitting part. Working off the first point, I kind of hoped Tyrese would follow his doubts and find her in time, but I'm OK with how that played out.I did love when Carl schooled his dad on the value of mercy. I'm not saying Carl's right or wrong, but the delivery of that scene was great. As far as the incident, I'm marginally on Carl's side... if the kid really wanted to surrender, he would've dropped the gun quicker. I think he thought he was dealing with a kid and an old man and could bend the situation to his advantage and be a hero... it seemed like he kept trying to inch the barrel of his gun more in their direction as he was talking about surrendering.)And Daryl lives! P.S. Ummmm.... Milton? You couldn't have left her something more useful than pliers?

What happened to Andrea in The Walking Dead (comics) in contrast to her character in the TV series?

In the comic book version of the Walking Dead universe, Andrea is a much more integral part of the core group. She initially develops a relationship with Dale, and becomes a foster parent along with him to a pair of twin boys who are orphaned early on in the series - these boys are an analog to the girls Carol ‘adopts’ in the TV version…right up the point where one of them becomes psychotic and murders his brother, because ‘he’ll just come back’. (In the comic book version of events, Carol - a very different Carol - died at the prison. Sophia is alive in the book to this day, but not seen very often.) After Dale dies (again, differently than in the TV show), Andrea eventually ends up in a relationship with Rick. (Michonne is later matched with Ezekiel.) Following a three year ‘jump’ in the comic book timeline, Rick and Andrea regard themselves as married, to the point where Carl refers to her as ‘mom’. During an assault by a herd of walkers, Andrea receives a very minor, but nevertheless lethal, injury. She takes days to succumb, and has the chance to say goodbye to everyone. Rick dispatches her with a knife to the temple when she finally, inexorably turns.The TV version of Andrea spends much less time with the core group, having been found by Michonne wandering the woods feverishly following the collapse of the community at Harshell’s farm. Andrea and Michonne both end up spending a significant amount of time in Woodbury, to the point where Andrea ends up in a relationship with the Governor. Eventually, Andrea sees the Governor for the lunatic he is, but too late. She dies at his hands, strapped to a chair in a room with a walker. She escapes, but too late to avoid being bitten. She takes Michonne’s gun and kills herself before she can turn.The further out both versions of TWD progress, the more profound the differences become. I highly recommend anyone who is a fan of either universe but not both to give the other version a try!

Walking dead season finale worst of all time?

I have to admit that I felt really let down tonight. I thought the whole purpose of the slow season was to build up a lot of suspense and tension for when it finally hit the fan. I thought it would turn into Armageddon, or something. All season built up to this huge war that never even really happened. It was pretty WTF when The Governor took out his own soldiers, though. I didn't see that coming at all. But I'm really disappointed that The Governor is still alive. I really wanted to see someone take him out. After the heartbreaker last week, it would've been really gratifying to see Daryl get that honor. But, anyhow, this season was all about the prison group vs Woodbury, so I really feel that they should've ended that chapter with The Governor's death and then have everyone start over fresh in a new place with new conflicts next season. It sucks that they're dragging it out. Right now, I can't wait to see who gets to off The Governor, but by October, I'm not sure if I'll even still care. They should've done it while everyone was still on the edge of their seats waiting for it to happen. So I'm not really happy about that. I don't know. I mean, I like the storyline with Andrea, and everything. I thought the episode would've made a good first half of a season finale. But when it went over 5 minutes, it kind of got my hopes up that it was going to be a two hour show and that Rick, Daryl and Michonne were going to go after The Governor after Andrea died, but then it just ended, so that sucked. So I do think it was a good episode, but it could've been better if they made it longer.

I am confused about The Walking Dead!?

It's a version of Swine Flu, which is why the pigs being sick was key. Swine Flu is one of the most violent and deadly strains of flu. In 1918 it killed approximately 50 million people and was more devastating than WWI. It's especially notorious for killing those who are young and strong. Secondary bacterial infections also took advantage and killed people, which is why Herschel sent Daryl and his group after antibiotics. Antibiotics have no effect on viral diseases like the flu, but can treat the secondary bacterial infections.

Andrea had a normal version of the flu last season. Normal varieties of the disease are much less likely to kill, especially if someone is young and in good health.

As for leaving the prison, where exactly would they go? At least the prison is fortified. The prison itself isn't spreading the disease, it's the people. Leaving just means they'll be sick in a less fortified place, plus they'll have to locate a new home and move all of their belongings, come up with water sources etc, all while dealing with sick people.