What Seven Letter Word Has Hundrends Of Letters In It

What 7 letter word has hundreds of letters in it?

mailbox. It has 7 letters and can have more than a hundred letters in it.

What seven-letter word has hundreds of letters in it?

mailbox has 7 letters but I doubt one would contain hundred of letters

fanmail is prob right, didn't think of that and alphabet only has 26

Which seven letter word may have hundreds of letters in it?

It’s amazing to me the answers to some of these questions. This particular query has MULTIPLE correct answers depending on the meaning one assigns to the word “letters”. ‘Clever’ respondees are caught in the trap of believing this question to be a riddle rather than simply a poorly worded sentence. The more OBVIOUS answer given the contextual meaning of “letter” implied in the beginnng of the sentence is CABINET. Clearly that “cabinet” could contain typeset for a printer or newspaper, or house numbers in a hardware store, or the embroidery emblems for a seamstress who specialized in team jerseys. Open your minds and don’t infer meaning to sentences where it doesn’t exist and we could all utilize the english language more effectively, cleverness aside.

If a word has seven letters, what is that word called?

It’s called “letters”. At least, that’s what letters is called.Another name for it is “a seven letter word”.

How can this seven letter word be complete _U_R_Y_?

MurraysIt's a dark red-purple colour

What is a seven letter word that has “couxsid” letters in it? The "s" has to be the fifth letter.

Xu disco, a dance hall in Vietnam that costs one xu to enter. A xu is a hundredth of a dong.(Well, that’s two words, and I don’t know if there are any discos that charge just one xu, but it’s the best I could come up with.)

What 7 letter word has thousands of letters in it?


What is this seven letter word?"A_s_de_"

The seven letter word is "APSIDES"driver hate it,doctor use it,child play with it,it come twice in month.APSIS = Synonym of Apsiddes.Apsis: Either of two points on the orbit of a planet or satellite that are nearest to or furthest the body round which it moves.

Which two-letter word has a thousand letters in it?

Question : Which two-letter word has a thousand letters in it?Answer : The two-lettered word is “PO”. “PO” stands for “P.O.”, which is the abbreviated form of post office.