What Should I Do About My Job Conundrum

What is a "double conundrum"?

Double is:
having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities

Conundrum is:
A Conundrum is a puzzling question. In one variety of conundrum, the question is posed as a riddle and the answer is or involves a pun. More broadly, a conundrum is any problem where the answer is very complex, possibly unsolvable without deep investigation. A mystery or paradox can often be phrased as a conundrum.

Whats the difference between a conundrum, an oxymoron, and a paradox?

A conundrum is a problem or puzzle which is difficult or impossible to solve
ex....this theological conundrum of the existence of evil and suffering in a world created by a good God.

If you describe a phrase as oxymoron, you mean that what it refers to combines two contradictory qualities or ideas and therefore seems impossible.
ex....This has made many Americans conclude that business ethics is an oxymoron.

You describe a situation as a paradox when it involves two or more facts or qualities which seem to contradict each other.
ex...The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial system.
ex...Death itself is a paradox, the end yet the beginning.

A paradox is a statement in which it seems that if one part of it is true, the other part of it cannot be true.
ex...Although I am so successful I'm really rather a failure. That's a paradox, isn't it ?

Is a belief in God a moral conundrum?

It depends on how you feel about God. I was raised by my great grandmother who read the Bible every night and relayed the story to me of the upcoming apocalypse and how if you believed in God you would be saved. I don’t know what to believe, and I wonder if it’s bad to even question if heaven really exist. Part of me really feels that it’s all man-made stories passed down Forever and ever ; as guidelines to keep people on the straight and narrow by using the fear of God and going to hell for doing bad things. Is believing in God a conundrum for you? Only you can answer that I feel. I like to believe he’s there, I like to believe there is a higher power.. but I don’t claim blind faith to any religion. I strongly believe in The Golden Rule and Love Thy Neighbor, and for me I hope following those two things are enough to get me into heaven, but even if heaven isn’t there, I’ll have peace in life knowing I helped others and lived with love in my heart. If you’re asking wether you should feel guilty if you don’t believe in God, to that I would say no, you should not feel guilty, but rather have a hope in your heart that he exists and will one day right all the wrong that is this world. There are lots of stories on the news about child abuse, and there are times when I wonder IF he’s there, why does he allow these things to happen? My mom says that all people are born with free will, and God can’t control what people do, but I still don’t understand how he would let other’s free will harm others! Maybe God or the universe deals karma to those who hurt others.. it’s just that we don’t always know the outcome, but that is where faith comes in. Faith that wrong will be righted, faith that the night will bring the light, and faith in knowing evil cannot exist without good. I sound like a sappy action hero movie. I want to believe, but it’s just that we can never really know until our day comes. It’s human nature to question everything. I don’t think God is so merciless that he would strike us down for saying, I’m hoping you are there, but we aren’t really ever going to know. It’s so much bigger than us, how can we KNOW without a doubt (and with all the scientific proof of evolution) how we came to be on this earth. Just my two cents, maybe something to think on.. if I’m way off from your original question, let me know. - c

Can anybody explain the 'Coventry Conundrum'? (Sherlock)?

During the Second World War, the British were reading the Germans code. They new at one point that the Germans were going to hit Coventry with a large air raid, The conundrum was that if they evacuated the city of ambushed the Luftwaffe, then they would likely give away that they were reading the German code. As the Allies were getting an assload of intel from reading the enemy's mail, do they let the city burn costing lives from the raid and potentially saving lives as the war went on, or save lives in Coventry but loose more later.

In the TV show, it was the same for the aircraft that was rigged with loads of dead bodies - do they go ahead and allow the terrorists to blow it up over the ocean (with the corpses onboard) or stop the attack, but give away that they knew what the bad guys were going to do.

I thought that it was pretty well explained in the TV episode - how did you miss that?

Could someone help with the following conundrum: when my friend in Spain writes in Spanish I basically understand him, but why do I have more difficulty answering him orally?

Probably because the parts of your brain that process writing compared to the parts that process speech are totally different. It is easier to process writing also you are thinking about it more and you can take more time to figure out what is written. Speaking is a whole other ballgame. When reading, it is less of an effort to recognize the words and structure, but when you have to speak it you have to work harder at more immediately retrieving the words from memory and linking them together in something you hope makes proper sense. It is using much more of your brain, much more quickly than the reading experience. Also, you are trying to tackle what your friend is telling you while you are trying to figure out what to say, so the whole communication process is more rushed. While reading there is much less pressure to respond, so you are more relaxed. With experience and practice though speaking gets much easier.

A LIBERAL CONUNDRUM: If a Muslim barber refuses on religious grounds to cut the hair of a lesbian, whose side does a liberal take?

A good liberal will look the other way and sweep it under the rug while buying the lesbian a haircut out of YOUR pocket.

A conundrum wrapped in an enigma sprinkled with mysteriousness...?

It seems like a fetish. Thinking about girls is exciting to you, even though you don't want to be with them. Just like some girls get turned on by thinking about rape, but they of course never wantto actually get raped, know what I mean? In fact I do have a similar experience. I am definitely a lesbian, men don't disgust me I just don't want sex with them, it is a serious turn off. Yet when I masturbate I sometimes love thinking about a girl with a c0ck, even though I'd never want that in real life, it's just an exciting idea. Though I also have no problem getting turned on by only thinking about women. But I wouldn't worry too much, it doesn't seem like this is affecting you that much, as long as secretly thinking about girls does the trick when you're with a guy it's fine. As for your sexuality? Who cares. I don't like the words gay and straight. Because I personally think every one is slighly bi in their own special way. Which can be proven in your example. You are gay, but you do have a kink for straight sexual thoughts. To me that's normal. But if you slap on the label of homosexual then those thoughts are wrong. Utter ridiculousness. But to say you're bi isn't true either, you only want to be with guys and you know you don't like girls, so you're not bi curious either. SO what are you? Again, who cares, you are who you are. If you would like a label, use Queer. Or my favourite, Homoflexible. Which means you're gay but may have some type of straight element, it doesn't make you bi though. Best of luck!