What Should I Do After My Dog Has Gave Birth

What should I do when my dog gives birth?

Make sure u plan ahead and have someone who not afraid of handling blood and gook around around the time she will give birth. And u can actually tell when that will be because her stomach will as if it will bust open at any given time. Confine her in a comfortable and clean area. U don’t want her running around. Have some clean sissors, clean towels and some floss ready and clean gloves.As each puppy pops out let her do the mothering and interfere only if U see she isn’t doing anything. And in that case, help the pup out the plecenta, cut the cord off the pup and then use the floss to tie the cord. Throw out the placenta.If mother eats placenta it’s ok. She will need the caleries because those pups will be suckin out all her fat and Weight while milking. So keep her fed well and hydrated. Prepare to hand feed pups too. But let mom to the mothering. It’s amazing to watch. She just knows instinctly.Also watch some you tube videos on this matter. Probably better than the info I wrote cuz I’m citing from what I recall when my dog had puppies.Good luck. Hope it helps. dog just gave birth and she dont have no milk and the puppy keep crying what should i do?

If the mother is still giving birth she won't always have milk right away. Sometimes it takes a couple of hours for her to relax enough to release her milk. Keep the pups warm and dry and with the mother. Their crying will actually help to trigger her milk. If there is still no milk in about 6 - 8 hours, then you can get puppy replacement milk to give them. Take them and the mother to the vet to find out why she does not have milk for her puppies. It won't hurt the puppies to go for 6-8 hours without being fed right after they are born. They should be well nourished from their time in the womb. Please do not give them normal cows milk as they cannot digest it. If you feel that you must give them something tonight, then give them cooked turkey that has been run through the food processor or blender until it is a smooth paste.

How long after my dog gives birth can i give her a bath?

Do not give her a bath! Yes, she will be a mess for a bit, however, one of the biggest dangers on puppies is for them to get cold.
If you bathe momma, the pups will get damp laying up against her. You can't blow dry her, as she will not want to leave the pups alone that long.
When you are sure that she is done birthing, try to coax her to go to the bathroom. She may not do this for a few hours though, not wanting to leave her babies.
If she is still panting hard, she probably is not done yet. When she is finished giving birth, she should settle down for a nap.
Offer her plenty of water, even if you need to hold the bowl over to her for a few minutes.
Make sure her food and water is close to her box, so she can eat and drink without having to be far away from her pups.
She may not eat for quite awhile, even a day, if she ate the placenta's.

My dog keeps taking care of her dead puppy. She gave birth to three puppies. Two of them were born dead and the third died recently after a week. What can I do to dispose of the dead puppy without upsetting her?

It's best to remove the puppy as soon as possible. Some will argue this must be done ASAP, but others emphasize the importance of not removing it too quickly.If removed immediately, before she can grasp the fact that it is dead, taking it away may be very upsetting to her. Because mothers know (or have a rough idea of) how many puppies are in their litter, they tend to become extremely frantic when one is removed. (You will see--in both living and dead puppies--a mother "counts" her puppies by placing her nose to each, and when one goes missing she will search for it relentlessly).That being said, when/if she is able to grasp its death, she will mourn it. So unfortunately, this is going to be tough on her no matter what. But she can and will recover, more quickly than you might expect.So while this may be a bit disturbing for you, I recommend waiting a little while before taking the pup away might be the best option.If the mother or other pups seem ill in anyway, however, take the dead pup away and bring them to the vet ASAP.Do not let *too* much time pass, either. Parasites and other diseases that may have contributed to it's death can easily be passed to the mother and the other puppies. If too much of time has passed (over a day or two), to the point where the puppy begins to decay and she still insists on trying to care for it, then it is time to remove the puppy, despite the stress it may cause. She may follow it to the grave or search the house for it.*Opinions vary on this matter, but I personally believe that in this case, its best to try to remove it when she is not able to see you doing it.However, this is a severe and unlikely scenario...The most likely scenario is that she will soon realize it is dead (temperature, rigidity, scent, etc.), and when she does she will be more comfortable with you separating it from her.Also: call your vet to have the deceased puppy tested, to make sure it is not carrying a disease or anything else that could cause the rest of the litter harm. See web MD's section on Canine Herpes Virus for more info on diseases/illness & the importance of getting the litter tested.This website is also very helpful/provides general information on caring for new litters, and what to do when a puppy dies: Care of the Pregnant DogHope this helped!

First time dog giving birth??

My dog had pups three times. It takes a while for her to give birth. About an hour or two if she is a bigger dog. She will lick the bags on the pups off and eat them. That is a good sign. That helps her milk for them. Feel her tummy before the pups are born , when she is starting to give you a sad face like she is in pain. That means she is having contraction. If they are kicking that is a good sign. While she is giving birth before each one she has a liquid come out of her butt. That is the water breaking for each one. If she can't really stand up well a day after the birth, and she doesn't want to stand up but she can still walk kind of, that is a bad sign. You need to have her see a vet. But take the pups too. She will not part with her babies that well. If one of her babies came out feet first you need to have that pup see a vet fast. One of my dogs pups had that happen. We didn't see a vet. So we did our best to keep it alive. It died the next morning. If a pup dies make shure you let the momma lick it and care for it for at least a half an hour. Do not just take it out. Or bury it in the backyard either. She might sniff it out when she is going potty and run to it and dig it up. She will try to get it even on a chain that you would hook her up to. Well not a chain but a string thing. I can't explain it right now. Whatever you do, DO NOT let the dad (male) or any other dog around the pups and mama. She will get protective of her pups. Very protective of her pups. Even aggresive. Hope this helps.