What Should I Do Can

How do you say "what should I do" in Japanese?

どうすればいい?どうすればいいですか?Dō sureba ii (desu ka)?This means "What should I do?"  in the sense of "What's the right/best thing to do?"なにをしますか?Nani (w)o shimasu ka?This means "What should I do?"  in the sense of "What do I do here and now because I'm looking at XXX and I'm clueless."  どうしましょうか?どういたしましょうか?Dō (ita)shimashō ka?This means "What shall/should I do?" strongly implying I'm going to do it for you, for your benefit.

Can I win Powerball, what should I do if I win?

If you buy one or more Powerball tickets, yes, you have a chance of winning. Just note that the chance of hitting the jackpot prize is so infinitesimally small, it's virtually impossible.

In other words, it doesn't hurt to dream but I wouldn't start planning for your windfall just yet.

What should I do when I can't understand something?

It depends on why you want to understand it.Understanding is the generation and maintenance of an appropriated model of something; schools (try to) give us models of domains/areas we know nothing about. The only model that matters is the one you build based on the one given to you.That is the model you will preserve, extend and transmit.When you have good reasons/motives for understanding, you automatically have the building materials and the fuel for producing your own model. It doesn't have to be accurate, optimal or acceptable to others: this will be the playground where you will be able to fail in your own terms, at your own pace; whatever growth, depth and confidence you gain here will stay with you for as long as you live.Understanding (and the lack of it) are the quintessential opportunities to probe your own boundaries and from there to choose your own battles.Borges said he was proud of all the books he had read more so than the ones he wrote; I believe I'm proud of my own ignorance, as I that guarantees a lifetime of joy and wonder.

What should I do when I can’t find a job?

First thing you should do is not to give up on job search. The moment you say I can’t find any job, you are essentially giving up. Finding a job may take a lot of time depending what are you searching and how are you searching.Here is what I suggest..Open up your mind and tell yourself that I am ready to do whatever job I get. Remember that your first (or next) job is only a stepping stone and not a job from where you are going to retire. All jobs provide some earning and some opportunities to learn. Also, getting another job becomes easier when you are already in a job.Know what you don’t know. Even when you search for a job, you may not get it because you may not have the skills and knowledge needed for doing the job. Go to NICEFIT and self assess your knowledge and skills before you apply for jobs.Search jobs based on your knowledge, skills, education and other eligibility factors. There are plenty of jobs available even if you have a basic graduation degreeWhile searching for jobs, tell that to as many people as possible. Write that in your LinkedIn and Facebook profile. Talk to people you know. Higher the number of people know about your effort in searching jobs, better is your chance of getting a jobGo to sites where jobs and internship openings get posted. Apply selectively based on your eligibility and the job requirementsTalk to startups.. many startups look for interns and free resources. Take up a position, even if it is free. The training you will get is of immense valueCreate a bunch of resumes and knock at the company doors asking for an opportunity. Offer to work. The very act of making that effort will impress many potential employers. I have hired someone because he knocked at the door and today he is a great asset.Find a guide or mentor, any professional who you have access to. Ask for help in guiding you in the process. Send a note to me ( if you don’t get anyone to helpImprove basic skills — Communication, Computer and at least one subject knowledge (be it Marketing, HR, Programming, Biology whatever). You can improve knowledge by reading from the Internet, taking free or paid learning lessons. Take classes, if needed. Lack of basic communication is often a reason for not getting a job.Last bot not the least, never give up. There are hundreds and thousands of employers are looking for talents and I am sure, some of them will be happy to welcome you in their organization.All the best,Susanta

I want to sleep but I can't. What should I do?

Many good answers already, I will recommend what works for me,Create neuro association for your body to get a signal from the mind to prepare for sleep; habitual actions like changing into the sleeping suit do that pretty well.Stay away from technology at least 2 hours prior to bed time.Calm and relax yourself before going to bed. I use breathing exercises through this app Breathe: Energize Relax Meditate Stress Exercises - Apps on Google Play. 5 Meditate breaths do the trick for me and calm me down quite well.Use a sleep aid; like i use binaural beats through Binaural Beats Meditation Brain Waves Sleep, Relax - Apps on Google Play; these are brain waves and help in impacting deep sleep.Hope this helps.

I don't know anything and can't do anything. What should I do?

Hi there! Let me get to the answer straight. Okay.  Look sometimes in life you begin to question yourself thinking what you're worth. You feel hopeless, you feel beaten down,  and in your case you feel like you're good at nothing. I've been there too. So the first rules to not feel the same way is to begin.  Forget about failures and mistakes. You may feel like you know nothing, but my dear friend, we all born with a purpose to fulfill buring our lifetime. You feel this way is because you don't know what's your purpose yet. I can't give you a step by step guide for this though. Its the most challenging step. Now remember what I said in the beginning? Forget about failures, and just start.  And that begins with loving what you do.  Now you might say you don't know anything to do. But there is always something you're good at unknowingly. Now coming to the not knowing part. To know you have to read or gain experiences in real life. That will begin by reading books. There is no shortcuts in this.  To gain real life experience you can come to quora and read what different people has to say about different things or you can go explore the world for yourself.

Is it correct to say "he can do this", as the rule says 'does' is used with he/she/it?

Memorize this rule:Modal auxiliary verbs are always followed by the base form of the main verb.These are the modal auxiliaries:can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, and mustUnlike other verbs, modal verbs have only one form.I canyou canhe canshe canwe canthey canThe verb that comes after the modal is always in the base form.CORRECT:He can speak English.INCORRECT:*He can speaks English.*He can speaking English.*He can spoke English.*He can spoken English.

What should I do if I can't eat anything?

Lack of appetite alone does not indicate an eating disorder.  You could be developing an eating disorder, or it could be the depression, or you might have some other illness.  People who are sick often have no appetite.  People who are in hospital usually lose weight and it's not just because the food is rather lousy.  They just don't feel like eating.You really should consult a doctor and see if there is a physical reason for your problem.In the mean time, make an effort to eat really high-density foods so that when you do eat, you get a lot of benefit.  Avocados with some salad dressing (if you like them) are good because you can eat them quickly and they have quite a few calories.  That's just an example.  Choose healthy foods you like and are no-fuss.  If all you want is canned peaches, then let it be canned peaches.  Or scrambled eggs.  Several small meals will be easier on you than one large meal.Another quick meal is Ensure or any of those other so-called meal replacements.  You should not be living off these, but adding one a day will help.  Again, they are quick to eat and provide a lot nutrients in a short time.