What Should I Do If Half Of My Toenail Is Coming Off

Pinky toenail coming off?

Edit: I found out that apparently my pinky toenail grew out long and was sticking to my toe to make it look like it was a regular part of my toenail. Should I be worried that it hurts to try and pull it off?

My pinky toenail is coming off?

Go to a doctor.

Half of my toenail is coming off and the other half is still intact...?

It may grow a little unevenly but you should be able to file it back to normal shape once it grows out, and it should grow evenly from there. The nail may also be a little thicker than before, but not noticeably.

What should I do if half of my toenail is coming off?

Leave it it will fall off on it's own and no it doesn't hurt much I've lost many toenails in my life from stubbing my toes and have found in the cases where i have trimmed the nail back the remaining nail curls in and the sharp corners dig into the newly reforming nail bed, very painful. it should fall off in the next day or two (or three) just keep a band aid on it to stop it from catching on anything.

What should I do if my toenail is falling off?

As said, you should see a doctor and try to determine the cause. I've lost 4 nails, three fingernails + 1 big toenail, all to bruising damage to the nail bed. It's generally a slow process, the nail will first turn completely purple-blue then very gradually detach and fall off, and sometime in the process a new nail will likely start growing in. All of my nails grew back normally and painlessly on their own within a few months at most if I remember correctly, and you would never know they weren't my original nails, now. Don't worry too much about it, it will most likely be okay.

My toenail is falling off what should I do?

Just let it fall off, it might look weird for a while but a new nail will grow out before you know it. Make sure to disinfect just in case it was an infection that made it fall off in the first place this way your new nail will come out healthy. And if you were to contact a doctor they'll probably tell you the same thing, they can't do anything to avoid it from falling off.

Half of my big toenail came off!?

okay so this all started a few weeks ago when i was taking off old nail polish on my toes. i noticed my 2 big toes had a line going through them horizontally. i had no idea what it was so i left it alone. today after getting out the shower i was putting lotion on and suddenly that line split open and half the toenail just ripped off from both my toenails! it seemed as if only the top layer ripped off because i still had a little thin layer left from what was under the nail. but now that part looks like it wants to come off. what should i do?

Half of my nail came off what should i do?

my dogs were fighting and i used my hands to break them apart... i got bitten and my nail came off... half of it... now it is in pain... should i leave it or cover it up? but cover it up with what? i covered with plasters but the sticky part was stuck to my skin and when i peeled it off... it was TERRIBLE...

My toe nail is falling off but only one half what do I do?

You have damaged the matrix from which the nail grows. You need to see Podiatrist ASAP. He/she can assess and possibly repiair the matrix or remove the entire nail. In the meantime keep a bandaid or wrap on the toe to prevent snagging and pulling the remaining nail off.Hope this helps. Please be safe.Doc