What Should I Do Suicidal

My Friend's Suicidal: What Should I Do?

I am truly impressed with your enthusiasm to keep his spirits lit. There are a few things that you have pointed out here that can be connected. When person cuts themselves it's usually a way of showing a form of rebellion, keep in mind rebellion isn't always a negative thing. A person becomes so frustrated with the things going on around them that this is the best way of resolving it, and to be correct medically if you will, a cut causes the body to react with dopamine in order to mask the pain. So, you're friend is releasing stress basically...maybe not the best way. Now then, when a person who does these things still can't find rest about what is truly bothering them, they will come to the thought of suicide. A logical person, when cornered into having suicide as their only option are usually going through a very oppressive situation, one where to them there is no other way out of the situation. Your actions are very good, however if he really has a bad case of "the fox on the chain" he might feel like he's burdening you, so please I recommend you don't do any thing that's overly fancy.
So far I have lead you to the causes of his symptoms, however the source is a whole different question. You have pointed out that he is a good Christian boy, I am not sure what section he is from; Catholic or other. But usually it is very common for young Christians to later on adapt an Atheist point of view or Agnostic. Which is the result of being pressured into believing something that seems distant. I am pointing this out mainly because in the Bible, it is written that God is against suicide and if he's finding that to be an option than he must be feeling very lost, alone, confused and very helpless (that no one will understand what is really bothering his mind). Honestly, he really needs to be accepted for whatever he may tell you if you can get him to confess what is really bothering him, he needs to understand that he is not crazy.

What should I do if suicidal thoughts come to my mind?

Calm down. Just think about the good things in your life. Breathe: sit down in a comfortable position and simply become mindful of your breathing, inhale positivity and exhale all things negative. Imagine your body being invaded with lavender light, picture it flowing through your body like a river. I'm not encouraging the consumption of drugs, but if you really need it, then hit up with a joint or something.  Don't abuse any drugs, just saying if you really need it then go ahead. Do things that make you happy. Go out into nature and absorb the Suns energy. Most importantly, calm down. Cheers. :)

I’ve been suicidal lately. What should I do?

First I will be praying for you as I write this, that you do not act out something permanent because of a temporary situation.Suicidal thoughts can be a result of undiagnosed clinical depression. However, many times this feeling comes from a recent loss or disappointment in our lives and we are fearful of how we will get through it.I have been there, about 40 years ago I had been deserted and left pregnant with my 4 son, after living and taking care of my 3 other son’s as a single mother for 9 years. When this happened I was 32 and scared to death and felt so alone. I remember laying on my bed one night thinking it might be better for me my unborn child and my other son’s if I just died and considered suicide. I was crying and so very depressed and yet I felt this impression in my heart from God telling me not to do this. Since I have been a Christian since I was 24 I heard him and knew I could not take this action.And today at 73 I am so glad HE stopped me, that son will soon be 40 and while none of my children care much about me, I am thankful I gave him life and he has a beautiful little girl today that means so much to him that I would have taken from him had I proceeded that day.Also, God gave me a career as a nurse 3 years later that gave me 35 wonderful years helping others which is my calling and has given me memories today I would not trade for anything.Life is precious and you are here for a reason. If you are seriously depressed and at risk of doing this please seek help and one day you will look back on this time just as I have many times in my life and many joys and hurts I knew nothing about that night, and yet be thankful you are here. You are loved and you have a purpose and I pray you will hear my words and get whatever help and support you need to move beyond this time.I have included two links one is the National Suicide Hotline and please call if you are truly at risk of taking this action. The other is a link where you can talk with a professional and find help and support.HomeCounseling Services and Referrals

Suicide hotline is busy.. what should i Do?

You can email me if you need someone to talk to.

My email is

My tourettes is driving me suicidal, what should I do?

I'm 28, and I've had tourettes since I was 16. This condition is driving me crazy and I try everything I can to be normal. I drink and smoke just to feel a since of being normal. I had a few relationship in life, and one that last for 2 years. After that relationship I really haven't had any relationship Because I feel awkward and like an OutKast. I can't drive ( cause my head /neck twitches) and people question why I don't drive at this age . It's been really rough this past 12 years and I'm really ready to give up. I can only get jobs in warehouses tbh cause even when I interview I get looked at funny and questioned what's wrong with me.What should I do

My crush has made me suicidal, i dont know what to do anymore i cant get her, what should i do?

I was so in your place just last year
don't do it
it really isnt worth it
the pain will still be there even a year later
but you CAN live w/o her
there are many other girls out there
there is no need to be fustrated
the best thing you could do is just ignore her for a while
obviously she is casuing you pain
and when you ahve pain you have to get rid of it in some sort of way
obviously no murder :P
haha sorry if u werent in the mood for that joke
in any case
however, as a freind,i will not command you to do it
but tink about how selfish that is
to everyone around you
your other friends
your other familiy members
people like that
is it fair to them if u just dissapear? is it realy?
and sure
i sound like ur everyday freakin psychiatrist who u may be thinking that im totally crazy
but man
dont despair about it
be happy aobut all the other htingsi n life
the fact that you can freakin breath
and walk
and talk
and hear
and see
and smell
think aobut it
and just dwell on waht i said
but for every action theres a reaction
so if theres a big action like killing yourself
there will be a HUGE reaction amongst the popel who are still living
i wish you a good long life with ANOTHER girl who will fill all ur dream :D

I'm feeling depressed and possibly suicidal, what should I do?

If you want a friend you can email me ...i hope i dont get exed for this... lol oh well :)