What Should I Get Myself

Should I get myself a vibrator?!...?

it wont bore ur future partner if u do it in front of them ;)

How should I get a grip on myself?

I’m also going through a rough patch at the moment, and I’m trying to sort everything out.The best way to get a grip of your life is to first sleep, and when I mean sleep I mean go to bed get a nice pillow and cover yourself with a big blanket and sleep. The reason I say so is because, it’s like a stress relief and it makes you feel better and relaxes you giving your mind a piece of moment for itself to do whatever it wants. Whether dreaming or being pitch black.The next thing to do is listen too good music, music that makes you feel emotions and that can relate to what your going through.(if you want some references, just hit me up)Then take a paper and a pen or go to word on your laptop and write down, all the situations you are facing and find solutions for each of them one at a time.As soon as you have your solutions you should feel good and proud of yourself, which then you should listen to hip pop or rock music and go crazy to it. (a way to tell the devil not today)After that you need to make a list of things you want to improve and then make a list on ways to improve, you can either do a mind map, anyway that benefits you. Make a schedule for important things and make time for yourself.Also make a list of hobbies that you can do too keep yourself busy and away from stress, things that can distract you so that you can be calm and relaxed when sorting out problems, situations and other stuff regarding the need for your attention.With that all done, you should then eat something sweet like cake or brownies and watch a good movie. To remind yourself you are in control of your life and that when you want to fix something you will fix it and when you want to have fun you will have fun and when you feel like relaxing you can.Extra: For stress relief go to a mirror play some classic music, like Beethoven and Mozart. Then do funny faces and act like your the conductor and be silly and laugh.REMEMBER TO BE POSTIVE AND TAKE LIFE BY THE BALLS AND MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU, ENJOY LIFE AND BE HAPPY BECAUSE YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!Have a great day and I hope I helped.

What should I get myself for my 19th Birthday?

Well I haven't had a REAL birthday celebration in about 6 years. I think reason being that I am sooo anti-social and I only hang with not even a hand full of ppl. Anyway, I really just want to do something for myself that won't cost me an arm and a leg.

Any ideas?

What should I get myself for my 27th birthday?

that and a Bottle of vodka

What should I get myself as a little gift?

There are no requirements on gifts, however if you are at a point of celebrating a milestone (regardless of its size), and there is nothing immediate which comes to mind, it means that on top of having a new milestone, you've also changed a little as a person too.Since that's the case, you do not know what to gift to the new you.And while the abundance of feelings is there and there is no limit set on the size/costs of the gift, it also means that you're immeasurably blessed since you have no needs to satisfy.As such, you can instead direct this energy and emotions (and funds) towards something more productive. And instead of continuing being a consumer, do something nice for someone else.It could be a friend in need or a stranger in need.If that person asks for the reason, just tell them you don't need anything in return: you're celebrating something and ask that they be happy for you.If and when you come up with something materialistic which satisfies one of the needs of yours, you can get it. Still, this moment of inspiration and good energy won't be lost.(And at least one person would have sent their kind thoughts towards you).Good luck!

I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink?

No, no, no.

The Beatles

"I'm so tired"

I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink

I'm so tired I don't know what to do
I'm so tired my mind is set on you
I wonder should I call you but I know what you'd do

You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke, it's doing me harm
You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain
You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind

I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset
Although I'm so tired I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid get.

Should I get myself a makeout buddy?

The thing is that Ive always been the kind of girl who is friends with everyone and I really value friendships way too much to want to get romantically involved in any boy Im close to. It sounds so stupid. In fact, when boys start hinting and flirting or even flat out ask me out, I play the dense-card: I pretend NOT to get their signals and change the subject, or make a joke. And when Im not doing that, I always clearly establish that I DONT want a relationship, I DONT like dating, IM ANTI-PDA etc etc. Ugh. I dont know why I keep doing this. I think Im just terrified of getting intimate or even being in a romantic situation with someone. It freaks me out!! And the thing is, Im SO old now and Ive still never been kissed and never had a boyfriend. I know all I have to do is RESPOND for once, and not give the I-think-of-all-guys-as-my-best-friends-a... vibes. But I really dont know how to break out of that. I dont know how to respond to flirting, and i instinctively shrug off compliments. If the conversation so much as veers towards the romantic realm, I sort of knock it down with a joke or an eye-roll..and I CANT STOP IT!!

Anyway, thats the outline of my issue. I really want to break this habit of being JUST friends with the universe. My friends think I should just get a makeout buddy: some random guy to get the physical stuff out of the way [First base only--which is traumatic enough for me!!]-- someone whom I dont know well enough to care about.

I HAVE NO IDEA what to do. any sort of constructive advice would help! thanks