What Should I Major In Possible Careers

What are some possible career paths for MIS majors?

As a MIS bachelor student, graduating in 2016, I think it's hard to draw a clear path for MIS majors. Because the world changes faster than our imagination. The career path has to change correspondingly. When I finished my intern and had lunch with my manager, I asked her is your career path the same as that you designed when you graduated from university? She denied.But to some extent, this question could be changed into what are some possible career  choices for MIS majors.

What are possible careers suitable with a "very superior" VCI on WAIS-III?

Vocational choices are best made according to one's interests and abilities. It sounds as if verbal intelligence is not something that will hold you back in any field that interests you. Your verbal intelligence is indeed an asset, but needn't be the sole determinant in your vocational choice.

At your college counseling center or career center, request a vocational test battery. Such a battery might include the Strong Interest Inventory, the VPI, the Self-Directed Search, an MBTI and similar instruments. The results on these instruments can be used as a guide to help you determine for which job field you might be best suited.

Best of luck to you in your decision-making process,
~Dr. B.~

What are the possible careers for a major in russian history and minor in russian language?

If you know the language well, you could look into translating or interpreting. Because of the large number of Russian immigrants in the US, there are lots of organizations that need interpreters (hospitals, schools, refugee resettlement agencies, etc.)

There's a massive list of "Possible Job Titles of Russian Studies Graduates" on the Rhodes College website:

Check out this University of Arizona website for "US Government Needs for Russian Language Expertise" and "Private Sector Employers with Language Needs"

And finally, a PDF from the University of Georgia Career Center entitled "What can I do with a major in Russian?"

Желаю вам удачи!

Studying Public Health & possible careers?

Public Health is a wonderful field to get in to. I suggest going to the CDC and looking at the different jobs they have listed, many of which you will find are for new graduates. You can consider epidemiology, or some other form of disease surveillance. It really depends on what your interests are; people in public health do so many different things, from checking restaurants and pools for compliance, to tracking a variety of diseases, to more hands on work like testing the public for TB or HIV. The sky is the limit in this field.
I worked in public health for about 4 years as a communicable disease surveillance specialist and loved it! Consider the University of Washington, they have an excellent undergrad as well as grad program. Call your local or state health department and ask if you can do a professional interview with someone, thats what I've done in the past. That way you can talk with someone who is actually dloing a job that you are interested in, and here things directly from them about the path they took to get where they are.

If you like healthcare, consider looking into Health Information Management. That ended up being where my interests turned after working in public health and I find that I have the best of many worlds. Good luck!

Careers with a major in global studies?

Your global studies can take you places - you can get into government admin of any country, the embassies, the different wings of the United Nations, and a lot many NGOs if your mind is for that.

An IATA course along with it can help you become successful in tourism or the international hotels and hospitality crew.

The pay is very encouraging in every one of the fields.