What Should I Restrict My Calorie Intake To

How to stop restricting calories?

The truth is that you feel healthier and more energetic with the proper amount of caloric intake. Counting calories is a good way to keep on top of weight control, but balance it out with how much you are exercising; too thin is unhealthy as well. It can start to throw off your normal healthy hormone cycle. When the female body is stressed to the point that it needs to start rationing energy resources, it makes the decision to only supply energy to body systems that are needed for survival and things like reproduction and the menstruation cycle are thrown off. You may end up with amenorrhea or the absence of a mistral cycle. You may think "Yeah!!!" but there is a serious down side. This is also coincided with bone density loss due to depressed levels of estrogen. This leads to increased risk of stress fractures among other things. The end message I am trying to convey here is that exercise and a balanced diet (One that matches metabolistic calorie consumption, exercise caloric burning to the amount of daily caloric intake) will give you more energy and an overall healthier appearance.
Charles, human physiology student and exercise physiology guru

When you restrict calories...?

I notice when I restrict calories, and I'm a little hungry, my legs will hurt. Then my arms hurt. The next day I lose weight. The weight loss process does not go on until the legs and/or arms hurt. Is this my body getting rid of fat and muscle to supply energy?

Please, spare the lectures on calorie restricting. I'm an adult, I know. But whoever answers this question with detail, and knows the answer, will get best answer. Thanks!

What happens if I eat too many calories and then restrict my intake the day after?

There are some terrible answers to this. What you are talking about is a blend of intermittent fasting and overeating.In terms of weight loss and weight gain, it comes down to calories in versus calories out. Calories in being what you eat and calories out being what you spend in energy simply living, and through activity.If you ate 500 calories more than your total daily energy expenditure one day and 500 less the next you would essentially be level and would maintain weight.If you ate 1000 more calories than you burn one day and then eat 500 less than you burn the next you will have added 500 kcal to your net. This would equate to a few ounces of added weight if all other factors are controlled.Calorie restriction is not an inherently bad thing at all. Many top athletes use intermittent fasting to achieve their goals. I advise that you look up the term intermittent fasting on a quality site like bodybuilding (.com) and go from there.Ignore people saying you will “ruin” your metabolism, they are talking complete crapola!

How much weight can I lose in 3 Months if I restrict my calorie intake to 1000 kcal a day and go for a 1 hour jog every day?

The answer to your question is, way too much.Lets assume you are normal person and don't exercise. We will say you burn 2000 calories a day on average or 14,000 weekly. Restricting your calories by 1000 everyday means you will eat around 1000 calories a day or 7000 per week.1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories assuming you are cutting out 7000 calories a week means you would essentially be removing 2 pounds of fat per week. This sounds great until you add in the running aspect.Running for an hour a day will most likely burn anywhere from 600–800 calories but lets use 600 as the example. This means you will burn an extra 4200 calories a week bring your total fat loss close to 3.5 pounds per week. This is EXTREMELY aggressive and can lead to some serious health problems.This weight will vary slightly based on how much you weigh. You will also be putting your body into somewhat of a starvation mode causing weight loss to stall.3 months is around 12 weeks which means you will have lost over 40 pounds. Again this is extremely unhealthy and would not recommend.Another important note is that many people want to lose weight to look good and get healthier. If you are this aggressive about your weight loss you will lose some of your muscle in the process. I would aim to lose closer to 1 pound a week and trying to build muscle while you lose fat. The weight might not show on the scale immediately because muscle weighs more than fat but you will be losing the unhealthy weight.Take your time and become healthy rather than losing all the weight at once. This will allow you to create a healthier life and keep the weight off once it is gone.

How to limit caloric intake without severely restricting intake of vitamins and minerals?

you could just take a multiple vitamin, mineral pill to be sure...

but if you switch from junk food to nutritious food, you'll lower calories while actually getting more vitamins and minerals

Calorie intake for 16 year old guy, 6'2" 177 pounds?

Well heres a formula that i use and find its effective
rate yourself from 12 to 17 on activity 12 being not being active at all (couch potato) and 17 being very active (athlete)
Multiply your weight x 12-17 that would be the calorie intake per day to maintain your weight, if you want to lose a pound a week subtract 3500 from a WEEK so say your a 14 and you weigh 177lbs and you want to lose a pound a week
14 x 177 = 2480 cal per day x 7 days = 17,346 cal per week subtract 3500 so 13,846 cal per week to lose 1lb a week then divide by 7 = 1978 cal per day
just subtract 500cal a day from 2480 a day to lose a lb a week, if you want to lose more then one lb a day subtract more, this is probably the safest way to lose weight
in my honest opinion unless your like 25% body fat you dont ned to lose weight im 5-11 and 148, only about 8% body fat though
gl to you on losing weight though

Is there any app on which I can enter my calorie intake manually?

Calorie Calculator is one such app where you can enter your calorie intake manually too.

When I try to restrict my daily caloric intake, I actually end up eating more, what am I doing wrong?

1. I found that the most important thing for me was to cut out all sugar and starchy food (including wheat). Sugar and digested starch, which also turns into sugar causes your pancreas to secrete insulin, which set you up to fail with any diet attempt. Sugar and starch consumption leads to hypoglycemia 2 to 3 hours after a meal and you get very hungry eating anything in sight. When you cut out sugar and starchy foods, you are cutting out the hypoglycemic episodes and it is much easier to follow any diet. My wife and I did this in 2001 and lost 50 pounds each. We have never regained it back and are as slim as we were when we succeeded in doing this. 2. The second part to this is to exercise regularly. We go to the gym every day and we also do a lot of ballroom dancing. But you could go for long, brisk walks or do a bit of jogging. We eat a lot a low glycemic carbs including vegetables and fruit, lean meats and moderate amounts of good fats: omega-3-fatty acids from fish and fish oil capsules, olive oil and coconut oil.It can be done. It is not that difficult.

How do I limit food intake without counting calories?

Maintaining a healthy weight is a simple formula of energy in (calories consumed) and energy out (calories burned). Maintaining that formula is not so simple. Many diets today fall into two categories, either the forbidden/miracle foods group (Atkins, Paleo, Ornish) or the food accounting group (calorie counting, weight watches, etc). The real issue you are dealing with, however, is excess. And you need to deal with that in a way you can leverage habit vs. will power. One diet I like, which is really a lifestyle approach to eating, is the brainchild of Reinhard Engels. It’s called the No “S” Diet. Essentially, it’s 16 words: “No Sweets, No Seconds and No Snacks except on days that start with the letter S”. So, for the average person, that’s 3 plates of food per day. Put on it what you will. No sugary drinks, no candy, no deserts, no seconds and no snacking during the week. Save that stuff for the weekend. The beauty of this diet is it’s simplicity, there’s nothing to think about.Once you have the habit down, than you can start focusing on what you put on your plate. For instance, I like the Paleo Diet, and as such, emphasize more veggies, fruits, nuts and meats, because of the health benefits I’ve seen from that style of eating. It’s not for everybody, but you get the idea. Fight one battle at a time. Start by making a habit of just 3 plates a day (or more frequent small meals if you have blood sugar issues), and you will cut down the volume you are consuming. Then on the weekend, Desert and treats will really be a treat, because they are infrequent, and not a daily occurrence.