What Should I Say In This Email To My Older Sister

Would it be weird to email an old teacher?

I graduated three years ago, but I was back at my old high school last night for an event for my younger sister, and I saw my old guidance counselor there. I smiled and said "hi" and we asked each other how we were, but that was it. This guidance counselor was seriously amazing and helped me so much with troubles I was having througout 11th adn 12th grade. I feel bad I didn't hug her and only talked to her for a minute, but I get so nervous in social situations like that.

Anyway, I was thinking of sending her a quick email today on her school email (they have them online), just saying how nice it was to see her and that I still appreciate everything she did for me. Would that be weird? I don't want to seem creepy, or be annoying since I know she's probably busy.

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks.

How do I ask my older sister to try to pay me back the roughly $1,000 she owes me?

First of all realize that the reason you shouldn’t lend money to family or friends is because if they can’t repay there will be hard feelings and relationships can end forever. And you have to decide whether the money is more important than the relationship. Did you have your sister sign a promissory note to repay, an IOU or anything that acknowledges how much she borrowed, when she borrowed it and when you were expecting to be repaid? If this was all verbal you may first need to get something in writing. So send her an email or letter. Make sure it is dated. In your letter/email/note write I need you to pay the $5000 that you borrowed. If she writes back and says it was only $1000 you have the acknowledgment that she borrowed $1000. Save that. Then you need to ask her to start making payments on the loan. But I have to warn you that this may make your sister angry and feel like you are picking on her, or nagging her. She may feel guilty and avoid being near you. Situations like this tend to put strains on families and members end up not talking for years. If you are not prepared for this possibility you need to be very diplomatic with your sister. Do not get mad. And whatever you do, do not discuss this with any other family member as your sister might feel betrayed by you or think you are trying to get the family against her by choosing sides. Speak in private. Make arrangements for her to pay installments. She probably is behind on many bills and yours will go to the bottom of the stack because you are not going to repossess her car or turn off her lights. When you speak with her, do not be judgmental. Ask her for a date when you can expect a payment. Tell her you will call her a week in advance to remind her. If she can’t pay ask when she thinks she might be able to make a payment. If she never seems to be able to make a payment, consider forgiving the loan but regardless of what you decide, never loan money to her again if you are expecting to be repaid.

My sister is dating an older man. She's underage.?

This is tough.........The way you went about getting this information was wrong, but the information you got was serious and needs to be dealt with before something bad happens to your sister. You don't give much information though........How old is your sister and how old is the man? Is he someone she is just "seeing" online, or is she actually dating him? How serious has it become, or is it flirting?

Something definitely needs to be done! I just don't know what to tell you to do without the other information. One advice would be to tell your sister that you know about the man and tell her that she needs to end the relationship or you will go to your parents and let them know, or to the police. Another suggestion, depending on the seriousness of the problem, would be to go to your parents and tell them what you know and let them deal with the problem. They can contact the police and the police with go after him as a pedophile. Good Luck!! Please do something though! Your sister's safety is at stake.


How to deal with dishonest sister?

FIRST protect your email and other computer accounts with new passwords that she won't be able to guess. Don't store your passwords on the computer if you share a machine. If you can, have your own account on the computer so she can't even get into your space.

Make sure she knows you don't want her "borrowing" or taking your things. If she continues to do so, talk to her about each thing so she knows she is accountable.

If it continues to be a problem, well, I hate to say this, but you'll need to discuss it with your parents.

Remember to stay calm and not get emotionally carried away because that will just make you sound hysterical and not as credible. When you have discussions with your sister or parents, state facts rather than opinions.

Good luck!

My 12 year old sister attempted suicide. Don't know what to do or say or feel. Just scared.?

You seem like a really nice person. I really would love to talk to you.. My account isnt letting me email you so maybe can you email me at my other account?

Which is correct: "my sister and I" or "me and my sister"?

"I" and "me" are both pronouns that we use to refer to ourselves. Use "I" when it is the subject of the verb, and use "me" when it is the object of the verb or follow a preposition (with me, after us, etc). Remember that "I" is always written as a capital letter according to this site.People most often make mistakes using "I" and "me" when they are talking about more than one person. For example:My husband andI are going on vacation to Hawaii. (correct)My husband and me are going on vacation to Hawaii. (incorrect)Linda, Janet and I are friends. (correct)Linda, Janet and me are friends. (incorrect)You and I are having a dinner tonight. (correct)You and me are having a dinner tonight. (incorrect)My parents took my brother, sister, and me to the zoo every year when we were growing up. (correct)My parents took my brother, sister, and I to the zoo every year when we were growing up. (incorrect)Note that we mention the other person(s) first. In the above sentences we can't say "I and my husband", "I, Linda and Janet", etc.The easiest way to decide whether "I" or "me" is correct is to make the sentence using only "I" and see if it makes sense:I am going on vacation to Hawaii. (correct)Me am going on vacation to Hawaii. (incorrect)