What Should I Take Creatine Or Protein Both

When should i take creatine and protein?

Creatine is not the best for you...But it does provide a good energy boost. If you take creatine, do it 20-30 minutes before you workout so you have time for the energy to kick in. Protein is a great after workout thing. It builds and repairs ripped muscles, but DO NOT take protein in pill form. It's not good. Eat foods with a lot of protein, but in moderation. Too much protein turns to waste. Good luck.

Whey protein vs. Creatine?

whey and creatine are completely different things. Protein has chains of amino acids which help rebuild muscles. Creatine helps water be absorbed into the cells.

Can you take creatine and protein together?

You should take creatine both throughout the day before your workout, and a protein shake after, but you can take creatine post if you wanted to.

Look into how to take creatine and how much of it on youtube or google

Can I have both whey protein and creatine on the same day? Will it cause any negative/ill effects?

Hi,Nice question I had this question in last july and I figure out by myself with a little research online. I am sure I would help you what you want to knowHere is a thing! I have heard rumors that creatine hurts kidney in a long run, well at first I digest that fact but I dont believe it in my subconscious mind and I started little digging about fact.I came across with lot of articles saying how creatine works , its very essential to understand what creatine does to your body in initial phase. There are two phase in creatine consuption. Intially you need to take 3 scoops in a day for a week and then start taking 2 scoop for a month. You will significantly change in the weight you are lifting. Try this on bench press because I did that and it really worked I am lifting 60% more weight now than I was before . I suggest try muscletech creatine.Creatine increase muscle synthesis process and main thing it does it to increase muscle strength.I am telling you all this based on my person experience about creatine. Back to your question , yes you can take whey protein and creatine together. I take them daily with 2 scoop of whey and 7gm of creatine mix into it.Now what it does , you might feel little dehydration initially, dont worry its nothing, BUT KEY point is to drink lot of water while you are on creatine.Hope this helps.Thanks

Should I be taking Creatine and Whey Protein?

i suggest taking the creatine from the start. It is suggested taking 25g's for the first (i think 3) days, not all in one serving. then taking 5g's a day, right after working out, and on rest days, take the creatine right when you wake up, before any food. The creatine will help you lose weight because it speeds up your metabolism. Although it won't look like it because all the added water to your muscles will make them look fuller. While taking creatine, be sure to keep up your hydration, because if you don't, it could cause damage to your kidneys. Also, you shouldn't take creatine for more then 12 weeks in a row.

short answer: yes, take both

Question about creatine and protein shakes?

I use to take protein shakes, but i ended up gaining weight. So i heard of creatine(monohydrate) and started taking it. Now, do i need to take protein shakes with creatine or will the creatine supply me with enough protein i need. Or should i look for alternatives for protein. I know u gain water weight from taking creatine and drinking lots of water. I need to increase my bench and curl, and get more shape, without the bulge.

Should i take creatine and protein during Ramadan?

Hey im a high school football player and i currently take both protein and creatine. I take creatine after im done with my lift and protein about 30 mins after i eat when i come home. Im going to fast Ramadan and im not sure whether i should be taking both creatine and protein. Would i be able to take the creatine when i wake up at 3 am to eat before the sun rises and protein after i eat after the sun goes down? I need to know id appreciate it a lot.