What Should I Write As My Exercise Level For Tdee


Or refer me to a good YouTube video ,
I need it dumb down because some of it is not making any sense and if u did a caloric deficit before what can I do ,please tell what workout u did ( I’m trying to lose weight in time for prom)

How intense should your workout be to gain 1 pound of muscle per week?

Fruit pies man? Are you kidding? There are much better sources for calories than those carb, fat and sugar loaded pieces of garbage. Look I'll break it down real simple, and this is assuming you have your diet under control. If not, send me an e-mail. Here you go:
1. Get your diet down right, I personally say 1.5g of protein per pound of body weight
2. Take some creatine. Right now I'm taking CEE, (Creatine Ethyl Ester) but do some research and read reviews.
3. Drink some fast carbs and protein after your workouts
4. Give your muscles time to rest, if you're constantly tearing them up, they'll never heal, and grow much slower
5. Avoid simple carbs (sugar) eat whole grains.
6. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR FORM DOWN. I don't want to sound like I'm yelling, but I am. I saw some kids that looked like they were 14 years old in the gym the other day doing dumbbell rows with 50lb dumbbells. They only thing they were working was an injury. Watch yourself in the mirror, concentrate on "squeezing" or "isolating" the muscle(s) you are working. That actually took me a long time to realize, that you have to mentally work your muscles as well as physically. You can't just "arm, pick up weight" you have to use a slow, controlled movement, and *concentrate* on getting a specific muscle, using a few other muscles as possible, unless you are doing compound lifts, like deadlifts.
7. Stay motivated. For me, the more I read and learn, the more I want to spread knowledge and try new things.
8. Right now working a 5 day split, workout for 60-75 minutes, with 1 minute rest.
9. Keep your muscles guessing. Don't write something up on paper and just continue to do it for 6 months. Stay similar, but switch it up. I usually write up what I'm going to do at the gym, and usually change several things before I finish
10. Eat a lot. If you are going to be working out 5 times a week, make sure your body is getting the fuel it needs.
Peace and good luck.

Does the TDEE count laughing, talking, etc.? how does the TDEE work?

I just started using Pacer, a pedometer app, and today it told me I took 3375 steps, and burned 58 cals. Now, do those 58 cals count as exercise calories and would I add them to my TDEE, or does the TDEE already take those into account?

I'm assuming, since my BMR is about 1118 and my TDEE is about 1337, that those 58 calories are part of my TDEE and not additional.

The only issue is I'm very freaked out because I eat my TDEE or more every day without exercising at all. And apparently today, I really only burned 58 stupid calories. AND that's my active day of the week. So have I been eating way too much at 1337 lately?

Cause, wouldn't my TDEE then be 1118+58? Which would actually be only a mere 1176!?

The app is called Pacer and it supposedly takes into account my steps would this not include my fidgeting, laughing, talking, etc, which would be where the rest of my TDEE would come in? Cause what's left with my TDEE would be 161 calories! That's a lot to overeat every day! I don't want to gain any insidious, slow moving weight. I've been eating too much chocolate, etc. lately (like one or two a day for a month plus other gross treats) and don't want to gain weight THAT way, not ANY way.

So I wanna my TDEE my safety net for this thing? What does my TDEE even include? Those 58 cals? Those 161 cals would be burned elsewhere aside from my walking and breathing? HELP

"Energy Conservation and Management".How to conserve energy?

Hey friend! I hope this helps!
Whenever you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for such fossil fuels as coal, oil, and natural gas. Less burning of fossil fuels also means lower emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary contributor to global warming, and other pollutants.

Turn your refrigerator down. Refrigerators account for about 20% of Household electricity use. Use a thermometer to set your refrigerator temperature as close to 37 degrees and your freezer as close to 3 degrees as possible. Make sure that its energy saver switch is turned on. Also, check the gaskets around your refrigerator/freezer doors to make sure they are clean and sealed tightly.

Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Energy is lost when air conditioners and hot-air furnaces have to work harder to draw air through dirty filters. Cleaning a dirty air conditioner filter can save 5 percent of the energy used. That could save 175 pounds of CO2 per year.

Wrap your water heater in an insulating jacket, which costs just $10 to $20. It can save 1100 lbs. of CO2 per year for an electric water heater, or 220 pounds for a gas heater.

When you next buy a car, choose one that gets good mileage. If your new car gets 40 miles per gallon instead of 25, and you drive 10,000 miles per year, you'll reduce your annual CO2 emissions by 3,300 pounds. (fact)

your car has an air conditioner, so make sure its coolant is recovered and recycled whenever you have it service coz The CFCs from one auto air conditioner can add the equivalent of 4800 pounds of CO2 emissions per year.

Keep track of the environmental voting records of candidates for office. Stay abreast of environmental issues on both local and national levels, and write or call your elected officials to express your concerns about energy efficiency and global warming.

Bye friend! Hope you rate my answer as the best!
Luck Malabar Hornbill