What Should The Title Of Obama

Why does obama get the title "first black president"?

I get that he is half black. But he should be considered "first interracial president" or "first mixed president". I just think that " first black president" should go to someone who had 2 black parents. Because really, obama is half white or hes not 100% black. And most interracial people dont consider themselves completely black or competely white. They considered themselves mixed.

What is Obama's official title?

The President of the United States. He should be addressed as Mr President. Look, I didn't vote for him, but the office commands respect.

Title for essay on MLK, Obama and race?

I just finished an essay on relating MLK's I Have A Dream and Obama's inauguration speech. I was suppose to tie race/discrimination into it, which I did... now I just need a good title.
something about hope vs. change, hope and change, etc. that will catch my teachers attention.
due this week!
please and thanks!

What do you think of President Obama using Title IX to make public schools let transgender students use restrooms matching their gender identity?

Good. Awesome. ’Bout time.Now, can I get a government mandate that blanket exclusions of gender related care in insurance policies are considered discriminatory and that gender related care deemed medically necessary by a qualified medical professional needs to be covered under insurance policies? Since lack of access to care contributes significantly to the suicide rate of trans people, this would be a nice way to save some lives.Oooh, oooh, or can I get a statement on the Civil Rights Act of 1968 that the amendment applied in 1974 to include protection on the basis of sex applies the same way to housing that it does to education? Can we put an end to people’s ability to refuse to rent or sell homes to transgender people? Given the sickening rate at which transgender people experience homelessness and housing discrimination, that would be nice.Or, wait… wait… how about a federal standard for updating birth certificates? Can we start using the same rules we use to update our passports to update every other piece of identity documentation we have so that we don’t have 50 different states each with different policies about recognizing trans people’s identities? Since an overwhelming amount of trans people have been unable to obtain identification documentation that matches their gender identity, setting them up for frequent outing and harassment, this could make hundreds of thousands of trans people in the US safer.Or… or… I know, I know… one battle at a time, but still so much work to be done. So, I’m happy to see this statement from the Obama Administration. But we’re not done yet and I’m not packing up my bags and declaring victory.

Do you think Michelle Obama is ugly?

She looks like a cross-dresser. Sorry, but honestly. I guess I'm bugged by the media's obvious kissing up, the whole Emperor is wearing no clothes thing that's going on. Hello, we're not all blind! (I have absolutely nothing against her, but don't like to be lied to, they don't have to say anything nasty about her looks, but why lie if you're really a journalist?)