What Sickness Do I Have

What sickness do I have??!!?

====>>tips --->>>>>

What sickness do i have?

You may not have enough enzymes in your blood or stomach to properly break down what you are eating. Do you have diarrhea after you eat? Do you eat a lot of fast food? Do you drnk enough water? Do you drink sodas and juices that have a lot of sugar? It may simply be what you are eating. Fast food is very greasy and very bad for you. It is loaded with sodium, fat (bad fat), preservatives, sugar, and cholesterol. It sounds to me that you should first talk to a dietiician. If that doesn't help, see if your medical insurance covers care from a gastroenterlogist. Increase healthy foods like leafy veggies, lean meats, like chicken or pork, cut your sugar down. Stay away from sweets and alcohol as much as possible. Caffeine could be giving you the headaches as well, cut down soda drinks, coffee, tea. Increase your water intake. Drink at least 40oz a day, if not more. Please find a way to see a dietician, for starters.
Write a week's worth of what you eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. That will give you an indication of what you can improve as time goes on Continue to do it if it is helping your condition, but get an appointment .

You may also have a blocked intestine. Are you having trouble going to the bathroom at all?

What sickness do I have?

Sounds like you caught the winter crud… If you start getting fevers over 101.5º And you are not feeling better in a few days go to the doctor, they can test you for Influenza A & B, Strep, RSV, Rotovirus, cold… Common sense needs to rule whether you go to the doctor or not, are you better or worse than 3 days ago, have you ever felt like this before, anybody else you have been around going through same thing, germs are passable.

What sickness do I have?

A week ago I started to have headaches, Dizzy, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sorethroat, sneezing, weakness, shortness or breathe and till now I'm having these symtoms.
I went to the doctor a week ago when I started feeling sick and my doctor prescribed so flu medicines and vomiting medicines and also took robetism for cough and cold too but nothing seems to work. Idk what's wrong with me, I'm doing all I can to feel better but nothing seems to work.
I am 17, I'm not pregnant.

How do I get rid of motion sickness?

1.  If you’re prone to motion sickness, take 250 to 500 milligrams of ginger 10 to 20 minutes before your trip. It’s really potent in capsule form, but you can also chew on a fresh piece. If symptoms continue, take 500 to 1,000 milligrams every four hours. In one study, ginger worked just as well as Dramamine, but without the common side effects that can include dry mouth and blurred vision. There are also two homeopathic remedies that can stop nausea associated with motion sickness: ipecacuanha and tabacum. Adults in good health should take a 200c to 1M dose one to three times a day, and only when experiencing nausea.2. To ease queasiness when traveling, there’s an acupressure point you can press several times an hour before, and during, your trip. On the inside of your arm, measure three of your own finger widths below the wrist crease. At that distance, place your thumb on the point between your two arm bones and press firmly; maintain that constant pressure for two to three minutes while taking slow, deep breaths. This will start to calm you down and soothe your stomach. Wait 1 minute and repeat if you continue to feel nauseous.As even I suffer from it these 2 ways work effectively. :)Hope this helps. :)

Do I have motion sickness?

apparently you do on swing sets. some ppl only get motion sickness in certain situations, because the motion is different in each one. just because you get sick on a swing doesn't mean you'll get sick on a car, boat, plane, etc. it can vary.

answer mine?

What sickness do i have?

I have been throwing up for the past two days, and i do that about every hour, and i have had nonstop heavy diarrhea ( and i mean HEAVY! ) And i cant even keep pepto biso down. i havent slept more than an hour at a time, and we had to make the toilet comfterable so that i could sleep without fear that i would have diarrhea in my sleep. and i did. A lot. I drink a lot of water, but it just comes back up, or straight through me..... and i do not want to go to the doctor!

How do I know what kind of sickness I have?

Go to the link above & check your symptoms... sounds to me like a stomach virus.. goes around heavy this time of year... hope you get to feeling better....

p.s. if you don't start feeling better in a few days you probably need to go in and get checked out if its not a virus & its some sort of infection you will need antibiotics to shake it....

Merry Christmas!!