What Small Schooling Fish Would Mingle Well With A Male Betta

How can guppies and betta fish live together in the same tank?

Betta fish are amazing pets, they have a bad name because they almost always fish a new betta fish or a more intimadating fish immediately. However i have a 20 gallon tank where i keep my 3 betta fish and they all live in harmony. I leave the clear bag in the water long after theyre done adjusting so they can get all aggression out before i release the fish and put them together. You never want to danger your fish so keep in mind if they still go at the bag between them for more than 15 minuets seperate them because it causes unnecessary stress to the fish. It creates a beautiful tank when you keep bettas in a community tank i would recomend it if they can live together with no fin nipping.

Can Mollies Live With Betta Fish?

From what the Vet told my friend...
Beta fish cannot be with anything else. They kill everything or get killed.
Wonder how they are still around? lol
Good luck!

What other fish are compatible with GloFish?

That completely depends on which kind of glo fish. Barbs are somewhat aggressive, as are danios. Tetras are very passive.Mollies are good fish to mix with these species as they're bigger. Get more mollies than glo fish and you should be ok.(Figure appx 1 fish per gallon of water. And you should have one algae eater in a ten gallon tank: either a plecostamus or loach...But plecostamus turn into monsters, so beware).All glo fish are schooling fish, as are mollies, meaning they do better as a group.A good mix would be a school of danios and barbs (say, 4 of each) in a ten gallon tank. Or, six tetras and four mollies. Or four mollies, and two barbs and two danios. Or four tetras and either three danios or three barbs. I hope this makes logical sense.