What Songs Lift Your Spirit

I need a good song to lift my spirits.?

united nations of sound - are you ready


What lifts your spirits?

All of my answers are God God God! But it is so true. God always lifts me right up and dusts me off then he gives me a boot in the butt to keep pressing on. I love him so much for all that he does. I also find a lot of comfort and strength from Joel and Victoria Osteen. My boyfriend and my family also give me strength and Dave can always lift my spirits by making me laugh. Also music is a sure fire bet. Nothing like it. Being outside with nature is another good up lifter!

How could I!? I almost forgot to say my good friends on Y!A lift me up!

Who sings the song "lift me up" , "lift me over"?

This is one of those songs that you forgot about until you heard it again a few years later. In this case, this song was used in the beginning of a t.v. show on the A&E channel called, "God or the girl" Sun. 4-16-06 at 10:00pm. I'm not even sure if I even have the correct title of the song. For all that matters, I can only remember bits-n-pieces of the lyrics, and even some words are what it sounds like they're saying.

- this particular song is not old...maybe 5 to 7 yrs.
- It's not hard, or rock, or rap, country, or R&B.
- A male sings it and it sounds like more voices (male) come in when "lift me up(over)" is said.
- no drums or keyboards. It mainly sounds like a guitar (light not heavy).
"Lift me up" or "Lift me over" is repeated throughout the song.

some of the words are:
- ...if I can't ...after 40 days and..., lift over(up)
- ...when I'm tired, lift me up.

Man...if anyone can figure this one out with the limited stuff I've given you, I thank you VERY MUCH. Danny

What does "lift your spirits" mean?

When something makes you feel happy, peaceful, joyful, loving and energetic,
after feeling down.

To up-lift the spirit that is in you.