What Sort Of Weed I Bought

If I bought a 1/4 pound of weed for $450. How much could I sell each gram for?

Do you know how to use a calculator? Seriously…I will still help you..There are 453 grams in 1 pound. Take 1/4 of that and you have a little over 113 grams.Now devide the the price you paid by the number of grams you have. 450/113 = 4.008$ a gram.Now i assume you will smoke some of it and also probably want to make a profit.A very normal price for 1g is 10$. so by paying 4$ a gram, you are in a good position to make a profit and also keep some for yourself.At 10$ for 1g, you shouldn’t have much trouble selling..The only problem is that it is probably illegal to buy, sell, and distribute weed where you live.Oh.. One last thing…If you really plan on starting selling weed, you should definitely learn to count and use a calculator.. otherwise you’ll get fucked real quick.

How much should a gram of skunk weed be bought for?

depends where you live. i live on the east coast, and the average price for some dank is around 30-40/g. i also lived on the west coast in so cal, and prices there were about 15-25/g. it all ranges, but what I'd be more concerned about was making sure it is legitimate. of course, when you say skunk, I'm thinking of the stuff out of high times. don't pay for anything unless you have no doubt in your mind it's good.

Question about weed I bought.?

Growers have their own strains with their own names. You may have heard of Northern Lights, White Rhino, Green Crack, Sour Diesel, Lemon Kush, Purple Haze, Blue Dream, Strawberry Cough, etc. These are actual names and if grown correctly, they produce different highs. These kinds, among others, are also the highest quality of marijuana.

Some dealers, when they get their weed to sell, are told by the growers what kind they have. These are the reputable dealers and you can normally trust what they say. Having a little knowledge of identification goes a long way here to ensure you're getting legit buds.

Some dealers will just give names to weed to help it sell better. They have no idea what they're talking about.

Your dealer sold you "baby loud," which is just something he made up. I've heard that "loud" is what we call "headies" where I'm from. You're getting it for $10 a g? Unless you live in a state with medical then I doubt it's good marijuana. That's really cheap. Standard headies' prices in PA are $20/g, maybe $15/g if you know a guy high up in the chain.

What's the most weed you've ever bought?

4 lbs for a smoke out party! lol good times ...........very good times!

Can you fly with weed you bought legally in Colorado?

A2A - thank you.No, not legally. There are still federal-level drug laws and local state law does not nullify such “superior” laws.There are lots of people still being arrested for growing marijuana in Colorado. Growing dope is a serious crime even in Colorado, unless you can prove your enterprise is NOT growing for export. This is a serious, felony beef, for which conviction can earn you long prison time, and cost you your right to vote and other civil rights.

Can you notice if weed you bought is K2? Or whatever the dangerous weed look-alike is?

Absolutely Yes, cannabis buds look very unique due to the cannabis plant being a very unique plant. Nothing else looks that close to it.That being said…unless you have no clue what cannabis buds look like and/or never seen them before, smelled them, etc. …then I suppose an unsuspecting person who is totally new and unfamiliar with cannabis could be fooled into getting some fake, dangerous, rip-off crap as “spice” from some ghetto scum-bag.The way these scuzz-bags try to con unsuspecting people, is by saying it’s “shake” or “ground-up” or something like that. Fake-weed is going too looking like shredded up plant material…so it is unidentifiable to someone who doesn’t know any better.Cannabis buds are going to be green solid/dense nuggets of bud— a.k.a. the flower of the plant.Just look up some pictures if you aren’t sure..and to be safe don’t acquire it from someone you don’t know or trust and don’t take it if it looks “shredded” or “ground”.

What is the most expensive weed you have bought? Why, and was it worth it?

Thanks for asking but I don’t smoke, have never bought it and don’t know anything about strains. I am a strong proponent of legalizing it, though.I have a lot of friends who smoke and on occasion they may say whatever it is they are smoking at the time is “good stuff.” I’d ask them what constitutes “good stuff” but I’m not entirely sure they have a valid answer.I will guess a fast high. I mean, isn’t high just a high? Is the intoxication from vodka, whiskey or rum the same? They may be differing proofs but drunk is drunk . . . IDK, I’m not a drinker either.Smoking anything is bad for the lungs and heart. Drinking makes you fat. Sorry, I want to live forever. LOOK OUT FOR THAT TRU

Can you infuse store bought vape juice with weed?

Well, there's not a really simple answer to that and it boils (ha!) down to solubility and mixability. Those are different things.One can vape cannabis oil or wax (messier) with the same basic vaping gear but different catridges/atomizers as compared to standard e-liquid.At least one answer on here is simply incorrect when it asserts that PG/VG is a suitable solvent for 'weed' (meaning concentrates extracted from decarbed flower). You can use heat and stirring/shaking to get a suspension of small globules of oil within an e-liquid base, and if thin enough, it might wick and vape reasonably well. That's not a solution, will separate and should maybe be thought of as a per-session or temporary way to accomplish your goal.The better path is to keep in mind that cannabinoids are lipid (fat) soluble under normal circumstances and the best 'workaround' for portability, discreet use and flavor addition is to go with a liquidizer or oil for thinning and then add small amounts of flavorants or strongly flavored e-liquid, rather than the other way around. Pre-heat rigs are also handy to enhance the 'wickability/vapability' in mixes you create.Good luck and don't dry hit.

Gave my friend weed which I bought from someone else when I was 15. He gave me $15. Will this prevent me from becoming a police officer when I’m 21? There is no record.

Word of advice my friend I would have never posted this on the internet if this is 100% true. However, if you are honest and upfront about it to the agency you are applying for then I assume not? It is a very sticky situation you have presented and made public on the internet. Not trying to be rude by any means. And to the other answer about beating the polygraph. If you are honest about your life the Polygraph will not fabricate anything about it. Be honest and calm and you shouldn't have an issue (in regards to the polygraph).

How natural or adulterated is weed bought on the street?

Today strains are selected to reach an unnatural high THC content.Often the weed is made heavier by mixing it with hairspray, iron filings and other undesirable stuff. Also when it is not grown for ones own use, it is pretty much guaranteed that there are pesticides and fungus on it.Anyway, you shouldn’t smoke anything. Inhaling the smoke of burned stuff (including plants) is toxic and causes all kind of diseases and illnesses which decreases your quality of life and shorten your lifespan.