What Stones Can My Goldfish Have

Do goldfish need a bubble stone?

You have a VERY heavily overstocked tank. Comets need 25+ gallons each and eventually a pond (usually, they're pond fish) 10 gallons is way inadequate for your fish.

Normally, no, an air stone is not NEEDED generally if you have good water circulation and temperature with just your filter BUT if such an overstocked tank, I'd put one in there. If you decide not to use one, keep once handy anyway, you'll need it for certain medications. If you wan tot stay stocked like that (and kill your fish) you WILL get diseases you will want to treat.

Do goldfish need caves?

The Gold fish is a cold water fish zoologically name Carrassius auratus. However, it readily adapts to the tropical conditions and can live in ponds, lakes and aquarium. It belongs to the common carp family Cyprinidae. It is an omnivore. There are more than 100 varieties of the Gold fish in the world. As all animals have a fear of some one attacking them, the Gold fish also has this fear. It thus takes refuse amongst plants, below a stone or in some corner of the pond when it suspects something unusual in the water or pond or aquarium. Thus, it need only a temporary hiding place or a shelter and not the cave.

Why are my goldfish dying? There are stones, fake plants, it is oxygenated, there is a branch in the water. There is also a land area in the tank where my healthy tree frogs stay with a heating pad, fake plants, food.

The top cause of goldfish deaths is ammonia in the water. If you do not have a testing kit, take a sample of your water to your fish dealers. Most test the water for free if you are having fish deaths. Goldfish put out a LOT of urine, which is full of ammonia. I sometimes joke that is the reason they are mostly gold…excess urine.You may not even need to test the water to know if you have a problem: whenyou open the top of your tank and smell ammonia, your fish are swimming in toxic water.First thing to do is a 30% water change for fresh, unchlorinated water. You can get water conditioning drops that remove both chlorine and chloranamine. Do this once a week. You can also buy ammonia removal liquid water treatments, and I highly recommend keeping some on hand.Ammonia in the water not only depletes the oxygen fish need to live, it can scald their fins. I like Stress Coat to help repair the slime layer on their skin. Melafix is a good remedy too.Good luck with your fishy friends.

What can I use for a hiding spot for my goldfish?

Theres a lot of hiding spots and places for goldfish and u can even create one by yourself. U can use some caves, rocks, live or fake plants or some pots.

Yes u can use some cup, the plastic ones, these are safe for goldfish just wash them throughly when putting it on aquarium. U could try to decorate the cup by giving some rocks around it or some live or fake plants. It will look great.

No need to go to pet store, u can by yourself make some decorations, U can make some caves out of ur rocks, or u can buy lots of live and fake plants and ur goldfish might like it. I myself made a cave out of rocks and put it in my aquarium, my goldfish liked it and always goes through them or sometimesd hide in it.

PS: Wash anything throughly before putting it to ur aquarium. For more information search the internet.

My goldfish keeps eating the stones in the tank and spitting them out is it normal?

Goldfish are actually funny. Aside from the fact that they are probably looking for any food that could have possibly made it by them, they also like "playing" with the rocks. I had goldfish who used to re-decorate their tank for me and pile all their gravel in to one corner while I was gone. When I came home, the tank was totally turned upside down and nothing was where it was when I left. I love the personalities of these fish (as well as other breeds, all unique in their ways), and they always manage to keep me amused.
On an important note though......please make sure that the gravel is not real small compared to the fish. Reason being is that although this type of thing can be cute, it is actually possible for the fish to "choke to death" on a piece of gravel that they suck up and then cannot get back out. I read an article before (on newspaper, not online or I'd share it) of a lady who's goldfish sucked up a piece of gravel and couldn't get it back out. She actually put her hands in the tank, grabbed the fish and did a "fishy heimlich" maneuver. Honest to goodness, no lie. And the fish lived. I couldn't believe it, so I questioned my vet and he said yes, it could be done. So, I don't want to scare you to death, but just do be careful.
Good luck with your little clowns!! ;o)

Can I put stones from the beach in my fish tank?

When I move into my new house I am going to start keeping a fish tank. I have some nice round smooth stones which I have collected off the beach, and one piece of green glass which is totally worn down and smooth too. Will it be safe to put these in with goldfish and how should I clean and prepare them first? Thanks

Can you use air stones instead of an air pump for fish?

You will need an air pump to run the air stones. If you have that…I agree with James Flood - what you need is filtration. Chemical, biological, mechanical. To keep your water clear, clean and safe.If there is surface agitation there will be oxygen exchange.I use sponge filters to give me biological and mechanical filtration and introduce chemical filtration as and when needed.If you are running an air stone there is no reason (aesthetics aside) that you can’t put a sponge filter on the end. Best of both worlds that way.

If my goldfish is constantly picking at the bottom of the tank, is he hungry?

That is natural behaviour for carp species (including goldfish) which are bottom feeding fish. They dig around in the substrate looking for small invertebrates to eat. They don't forget that have already eaten. Studies have shown that goldfish can retain a memory for 6 months. The 3 second memory is a myth. They are hard wired to be searching for food most of the time, you do not need to give them any more.

Can I place my goldfish in a tank with only water? Would they get bored?

Goldfish are one of the more intelligent kinds of fish. They are also social animals.They need a lot of space, and things in their tanks to enrich their lives. Piles of rocks, plants, and even things they can push around to mimic rooting activity are all fun for them.If you go for live plants, be sure to have a proper substrate and anchor the roots firmly. In the wild, carp (which goldfish were bred from) love to dig up plants to eat the roots.Food can sort of an enrichment as well. Goldfish love skinned frozen peas (not too many!) you can attach a rolled up sheet of nori seaweed to the side of their tank with a feeder clip for them to nibble on, etc.I cannot emphasize the large tank issue. Goldfish need a minimum of 10 gals for fish, and at least 20 gals to be really healthy. That’s per fish. They need cooler water (you may need a chiller) heavy duty filtration that keeps the water moving, and proper food.Read up a bit (google is your friend) as good goldfish care is not throwing them in a bowl with a plastic plant and some pretty gravel. They do require a bit of care, but will reward you with their beauty and ability to recognize you.