What Style Of Art Does Susan Point Do

At what point can one call themselves an artist?

At whatever point one likes. Many people call themselves artists without putting the slightest effort into learning their craft. Sadly, the advent of the computer has deluded a whole generation of people into considering themselves artists because they can turn a knob, press a button and create 3D figures, a fractally-generated landscapes, or a Photoshop painting.Nevertheless, they are still artists.Others are reluctant to call themselves artists at all, and believe it or not, because they won’t, they’re not. I have a friend who is a brilliant woodcarver and turner; he would never call himself an artist. He’s proud to call himself an artisan, however, and if I had to choose between one label and the other, I’d be prouder to be called a great craftsman than a great artist.

Can you point out the fallacies and misleading uses of language in Charlton Heston's speech? HELP!?

This is the speech..i'm trying to write a paper for my Logic class and having a really hard time pointing out the fallacies. PLEASE HELP ME.

Compare and contrast John Keats’s “To Autumn” and Susan Hartley Swett’s “July.”?

Keats' Ode shows you many different aspects of Autumn:- the weather, the fruit, the birds, the flowers, the bees. He also gives you a sense of what is still to come (they think warm days will never cease:- but we know better). It is keenly observed, and rich in detail: it is poetry.

Susan Swett's poem is really not much more than a list of flowers and colourful wildlife: dragonflies, cornflowers, butterfly, poppies. It is the kind of prettified 'impression' of July that one would expect on a greeting card (the cheaper sort). It is advertisers copy.

1. Compare and contrast John Keats’s “To Autumn” and Susan Hartley Swett’s “July.” In your response, make sur?

This is a GCE essay question for literature. I could do it for you, but it'd take me at least an hour or more. Why don't you give it a try and then ask people to improve your answers and add on to it instead of asking them to do your homework for you? No one's gonna write an essay for you, you know.

Which is correct? "Susan and I" or "Susan and me"?

Here's my trick: remove Susan and see if it still sounds correct.

For example: Susan and me went to the zoo.

So, remove Susan to get: Me went to the zoo. Clearly wrong.

So, try: Susan and I went to the zoo.

Remove Susan to get: I went to the zoo. That's right.


What about: Bob gave a gift to Susan and I.

Remove Susan: Bob gave a gift to I. Clearly wrong.

So: Bob gave a gift to Susan and me.

Remove Susan: Bob gave a gift to me. Yes, that's right.

So, the rule depends on how "Susan and I/me" is used. As the subject or indirect object of the sentence, for example.

How do introverts handle extroverts?

In terms of social interaction, extroverts tend to keep their personality on the surface for all to see, they're generally concrete, positive, spontaneous, and interact easily with other extroverts.

Introverts on the other hand tend to be perceived as reserved, withdrawn, abstract, up-tight, serious, deceptive, cynical, negative, and don't interact well with extroverts.

As an introvert, let me tell you that being reserved or withdrawn does not imply a lack of personality or that you're boring or uninteresting.

But there is a conflict in our communication styles.

Firstly, what do you as an extrovert make of introverted people? and for introverts, what do you make of extroverts?

Secondly, this applying specifically to introverts - how do you manage relationships with extroverted people? what styles of interaction work for you? Ultimately, how do you maintain social harmony when extroverted perceptions of your behavior damage your wellbeing?
