What Style Of Writing Would You Call My Sports Articles

What are some words used to describe writing style? ?

u can use

1.)point out(which point out),to convey something
2.)in fact(initialising a fact)
3.)meanwhile(to convey another fact

also u can refer the samples of articles in web

What do you call a magazine writer?

Believe it or not, there's no precise word for this. "Writer" probably comes closest. A reporter is usually someone who works for the magazine regularly and has an assigned subject to cover. A freelancer is someone who is not an employee, but who submits stories to the magazine and is paid for each individual article. Freelancer is not really a title, although you could call someone a freelance writer. Some magazines would refer to their writers as correspondents, which is a particularly good term if they're reporting from a certain place (such as a correspondent in Paris who reports on new artwork at the Louvre).

Whoever said "editor" is completely wrong. The editor may or may not write stories, but even if they do, that is not their primary job for the magazine. The editor oversees the publication, assigns stories, reviews stories before publication, and sets the overall tone for the magazine.

What Do You Call Someone Who Writes For A Newspaper, Magazine,Etc.?

If they gather the information and then write about it, they're a journalist. If they write regular articles, but don't gather information as such (such as opinions), they may be contributors or columnists (for example, politicians in some countries have regular columns but aren't journalists)!

Why do we refer to people by their last names in articles, scientific papers, etc.? Would it be acceptable to use first names?

Here's an example- as a child you don't refer to an adult by their first name as this is disrespectful. As you grow older the relationship becomes more informal and eventually reach that point. So, perhaps the relationship to these esteemed professors is one that is held in a formal context.

My boyfriend just left for army basic training. how long will it be before i get to hear from him?

I was in the Army, and my husband is in the Army still. As soon as we got out of processing, which can be up to a week or even more, where they basically get all your info ready etc, you should get to where you will be training at, and they have you fill out alittle card giving you one address to mail it to that has your mailing address, We werent allowed to write anything else besides that. Within a few days I was mailing stuff out and I think by the 2nd week I made a phone call. My husband, who is in 1-9 CAV, an infantry division, didnt get a phone call till the end of his basic graduation, but he was able to write. Dont freak, believe me, he does wanna write and call, he just cant!!! I know exactly how he feels and how you feel. Good Luck!