What The Heck Is Taking You So Long To Fix Your System Maintenance Issue. Going On Three Days.

Was car maintenance a problem in the 1950's?

Car maintenance was actually easier back then. Engines and drive train systems were simplistic and did not require much to keep them going. Vehicles lasted longer back then too. They were made to last. Anyone with a little mechanical ability could work on cars back then. All they needed was a set of tools and a little know how. Most of your high schools made it mandatory that all the boys went to auto mechanics class in high schools. It was nothing for the family car to last for 20 years without a problem and then be passed on to a son for more years.

As time has progressed, car manufacturers lost sight of making a quality product that would last. Then couple that with federal mandates for car manufacturers to have to make engines that put out low emissions and they evolved into over priced cars that do not last and nobody can work on them except the dealer. This is one of the reasons the Japanese have done so well. Honda and Nissan make a car that LASTS and has little to no maintenance. Toyota too, think about it, the only problem you have ever heard about a Toyota is the accelerator issue that just came out.

Your grandfather could purchase a Ford truck for $2000 dollars and put gas in it for .16 cents a gallon, and when it broke down he could run to the hardware store and buy a set of plugs and a condenser and do it all himself in 20 minutes.

Now, this generation is driving cars that cost @ $60,000 dollars and gas is almost $3 a gallon, and if your car breaks down you must have a computer to talk to it and only the dealers have those now and or the cars today are so complex that you must remove the whole front end just to replace a headlight.

So you tell me, was car maintenance easier back in 1950? YES SIR!

How long after taking suboxone can you take opiates? Why is that waiting period recommended?

You can take opiates right after taking your suboxone dose but of course it will block the new opiate depending on the dose of suboxone you are on and how long you have been taking it.  Less than 4 mg of suboxone does not do a great job of blocking so you should be able to feel the opiate (assuming a stronger opiate like Oxycodone or Hydrocodone) almost fully 12 hours after your last suboxone dose that was less than 4mg.  If you are planning on slipping up though I must remind you how easy it is to fall back into that money & life draining addiction that requires you to does every 4 hours and completely takes over your life.  Also please don't forget that when you do finally want to go back on Suboxone how extremely hard it is.  Remember that means waiting over 24 hours from your last dose of the other opiate or you risk going into full precipitated agonizing withdrawal that will not go away no matter how much suboxone or of the new opiate you take until it runs its course.  Also keep in mind that if you do wait longer than 24 hours and do somehow avoid precipitated withdrawal you are more than likely going to feel crappy for a few days going back on the suboxone, goose bumps, chills, diarrhea, sweaty & depression........Hopefully you decide to stay on the suboxone that more than likely gave you your life back by now.

How long should i wait to get it smog tested after an oil change? Will a higher grade oil help me pass my test?

Getting the oil changed, tires rotated, air pressure, all fluid topped off(coolant), and replacing the air filter. Should I immediately get it taken in or wait a few days. does it matter?

Any reason why my Xbox 360's fan isn't working?

It has been doing fine since I bought it about two months ago but its' fan just stopped working a few days ago. I can't remember how long the warranty lasted on the 360 because of my temporary loss of the receipt. If, by chance, I was to lose my receipt forever, could I buy an Xbox 360 Intercooler I've been hearing about replace the one that has gone kaput inside?

--Thanks for anyones GOOD answers.

Can Metformin cause problem with vision? Is it permanent?

I understand that vision problem can be caused by diabetes. But one of the side effects listed in Metformin's prescription information says that you can get "blurred vision" if you "do not consume enough calories from food" (Metformin causes me a loss of appetite therefore I've been eating a lot less.)

So I stop taking Metformin and has been eating more calories starting 3 days ago but so far, my vision did not improve.

I would like to mention that without Metformin my blood sugar count was in normal range about 95% of the time. It only goes above high when we eat out (bigger portion of food than normal) and that isn't often.

Also, I would like to mention that I never had vision problems until a week ago when I changed by Metformin dosage froIm 1 to 2 pills a day.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!