What The Heck Should I Do

What do you do for the heck of it?

Nine months ago I enrolled in a yoga teacher training to become a certified yoga teacher. I did this with no intention to ever teach yoga.When I finished this course and got my certification I enrolled in another course for yoga therapeutics, to assist students into proper alignment. Still, no intention to ever teach.Friends often ask why I did all this work if I did not intend to apply it.I decided that not everywhere I went needed to come with a destination, and that the notion of doing things for the heck of it made more life-sense to me.If I approach everything thinking it all must have a purpose, everything I set out to do becomes more intimidating than it needs to be.I make it harder for myself to experience new things.I want to study what interests me to understand it better, and it doesn’t matter if what I learn is ever “put to use”. Learning is its own reward, and the same holds true for everything.Curiosity reveals new paths that are meant to be explored. (Maybe it killed the cat. But I am not a cat.)I remained in a job for years because the decision to leave seemed terrifying and final. I didn’t walk away until it dawned on me that if I did, I could return any time.When we’re all tangled up in one it’s hard to see, but decisions are seldom as big as we make them out to be.Everything changes anyway.Take Quora. I spend time here because I like it. So many people ask me where I’m going with it or what all this is for.I have no answers for either of these questions but can tell you my activity here has so far resulted in two books.If I had set out to write two books, I would not have been able to do it.Writing on Quora sounds like play. Writing two books sounds daunting.Regardless of how seriously we take things, the truth is life is more than anything the art of going nowhere.Pretty much everything I do is for the heck of it, and I would recommend this approach to anyone who has ever felt stuck.

What the heck should I draw?

I'm just in the mood to do a little art. And that art just so happens to be pencil drawings. So, yahoo answers, what the heck should I draw? I really dont care. Just looking for ideas. Should it be something romantic? Sports related? A celebrity? And if you suggest celebrity.....who? Thank you in advance for your suggestions

What should I do if my boyfriend and I love each other like heck and my mum has sweared me to not talk to him? Should I continue talking to him?

It's good to follow your mom's advice…also don't give up ur bf.Things change…have hope..But always give first priority to she know you more than anyone and also she is your well wisherGud if you Talk with her openly…do open discussion..if not ask directly related to your life…ask like your friend is going through so n so…what your opinion and like that…get to know what she thinks about the situation…Coz she has more maturity…n will be genuine.Talk more with mom..Better for some days don't talk also never give up on him and also anyone who like you and who cares you.

• What the heck should an 18 year old ask for Christmas?

I agree money is boring, but if you are saving for a car... practical.

However, a hope chest if you are moving out also sounds great!

You are going to NEED:
Saucepans and Frypan
And so on.
But all these things are small and you can buy yourself because they are not that expensive.

Also start asking people if they have have stuff they don't want.
ie - Encorage a bit of spring cleaning!!
Much of the above you could probably get donated by reletives who have too much crap! (Thats how I did it).
I have two sets of saucepans, both are like new, and a ton of tupperware - so you never know what nice things people have, but dont need anymore/or have too much of. So ask everyone and definitely start storing/collecting. You will be shocked how much you need and dont have when you really start to think about it. If you can get donations by way of family members, great!

But as far as Chrismas/birthday goes - Maybe ask them all to NOT buy you stuff before Christmas, but that you would rather wait and go on a bit of shopping spree AFTER Christmas in the post Christmas sales. They/you will save a fortune and get MUCH more for their/your money! And as you are no longer a child, do you really care if you have to wait an extra week?

Things that can be expensive and hard to save for once your costs go up after moving out are:
(Also always reduced in Post Christmas sales)
Coffee Machine
Washing machine
DVD player
Coffee table
Portable Telephone

Because its your birthday and Christmas combined - They might be willing to help pay for some of the bigger ticket items!! LOL
Good Luck!

EDIT: Xander's Mum is right - a good set of kitchen knives is a must!

And yes - Where ever possible, buy good quality second hand stuff. I got my first fridge, washing machine and dryer that way, dirt cheap... and they all lasted years!

Why the heck should I, with my tax money, pay for some idiot strangers health care?

You’re already paying for the military that protects his country, the police that protects his civil rights, the fire department that protect his property, the roads maintenance that protects his car… It’s not such a crazy idea that you would also pay for medical care that protects his health - civilised societies have almost universally agreed that some services are best centralised.There are considerable benefits to centralising health care. It’s substantially cheaper for everyone, it’s organised more sensibly based on needs, it advances preventive care and it gets tax payers back to work sooner. Disability costs society a lot more money than medical care - appropriate medical care can make the difference between decades of productive, tax revenue generating work and permanent disability.And of course there’s the ethical consideration of taking care of each other and not letting the poor die of treatable illness, but that doesn’t appear to be the American way.

Thinking about all my friends makes me wonder what the heck I am doing with my life. What should I do to not feel so upset?

Everybody has his/her own path in life. You are unique and your life has probably been different from your friends. You should embrace who you are, which is sometimes difficult.Though it may not be easy, try focusing on yourself and what you want. If you don’t want the same things as your friends it’s okay.What is it your friends are doing that makes you believe that you are wasting time? How are your choices different?You might consider going to a life coach or therapy, if you’re unsure about your goals.Some people have success early in life and it only lasts for a while. Others have success later. Still even some don’t blossom until mid-life or later, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I just found my mom's personal vibrator what the heck should I do?

Put it back and act like you never saw it.

Trust me. I found my mom's a while ago and its just something you don't want her to know that you know about.

You should talk to her about the other stuff though. If your family is desperate for money then she shouldn't be getting her nails done, being on, or getting her hair done. And drinking and driving? I'm sorry but what the hell? She's your mom, you need to confront her. How else is she going to stop? My mom is some what like yours. She refuses to do the laundry, help clean, help cook, or help by any food. She's to busy taking vacations with her friends, or going out almost every night. So I got a job to help out my dad with stuff. And i've done all the laundry and cooking since I was like 13. I'm actually kinda glad they're getting a divorce..
Good Luck dear.

(edit: I disagree with a lot of these answers. She's not acting like a brat at all. HER MOTHER takes her clothes and doesn't give them back, HER MOTHER drives drunk, and HER MOTHER cares more about having fun then what she's doing to her kid(s). How on earth is she acting like a brat by just wanting her mom back to normal?)

I own the domain What the heck should I do with it?

Yes you should look at your abilities and what you are capable to do.and if this is domain is old one and have high no of backlinks you can also park it and generate some money if you are not working on it.