What The Hell Happen To Me Why I Keep Eating Non Stop

What would happen if a very obese person stopped eating?

Their body would start dropping excess weight.

Animals stop eating when they have imbalances, and obesity is an imbalance. It's not normal or healthy.

A human can survive on their body stores for a number of weeks/months, AS LONG AS THEY DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS.

It's not easy to do, but fasting is recommended in many parts of the world.

The longest I've fasted for is 5 days. I did it to correct an imbalance and it worked.

If the obese person fasted for a while, while drinking liquids, and then transitioned into healthy eating habits, they would most likely be able to continue with it and change their life for the better.

This works, I've seen it work first hand.


Adding, the excess skin issue, it's all about strength training. The girl that said about losing so much, I have lost a majorly significant amount of weight through diet and exercise. I'm talking, I lost 121 lbs, pure diet and exercise. I'm now a Certified Personal Trainer, I changed my life completely. The excess skin, while some of just wont completely rebound, MOST ALL OF IT WILL OVER TIME with STRENGTH TRAINING and removing excess fat under the skin. The only thing I had to get done was a tummy tuck, because it was such an issue, but the rest of you will rebound. When I got my tummy tuck, I did not have any fat removed or abdominal muscles tightened. I had no excess fat in my abdomen and my muscles had tightened from working out and strength training. It is possible to look good after a significant weight loss.

Also, everyone who is saying that it's bad to stop eating, needs to do some research on fasting. I do not understand why the Western world does not accept fasting as an acceptable way of natural healing. I suppose if people fasted instead of getting bypasses and taking pills, people would lose money. In fasting you don't starve, you drink water, and sometimes other liquids. If you have excess weight and you have no significant health problems such as insulin dependent diabetes, then you should have NO PROBLEM fasting for a while.

What happens to your biology when you stop eating meat?

I stopped eating meat for about a year.So, not very long.However, the thing that stuck out to me the most (at first) was that your bowel movements just aren't the same.There was just… so much of it. I would have bowel movements multiple times a day (which doesn't happen now, since I eat anything). The stool was much softer but it just Happened. So. Much.You get used to having to go more often. However, I don't remember ever having constipation as I do now (or at least as often as I do now).Really, it depends on what you're eating, so people can have different reactions, but that was one thing I remember distinctly.Certain types of plats just go right through the digestive system, meaning, you poop more.It would probably be beneficial for me to return to a vegetarian diet, because I have such an annoying digestive system, but I could also probably just stop consuming dairy products and achieve the same results.When I stopped, I just started eating meat like normal. There weren't any negative consequences.

Will i be sent to hell for beastiality?? even if i stop?

It's going to be hard to stop. Fighting something you're sexually attracted to is one of the hardest things to do on Earth. I praise you for your faith and your desire to follow God's will. He's pleased with that, and he will love you no matter what. His son Jesus died to make up for your shortcomings and mistakes.
Having said that, bestiality is wrong, and you should repent. pray to God, tell him your sorry, and ask for forgiveness. then ask him to help you fight your temptations and give you strength to overcome them. then try your absolute best not to do it again.
and if you do, don't be discouraged, that's what Satan wants. He wants you to feel like a "stupid idiot" as you said. Because of Christ's atonement, you have as many chances as you need, but you do need to do your absolute best and try your hardest to beat this. Don't be afraid to talk to God. He loves you no matter what.

According to Hindu scriptures, what would happen to me if I eat cow meat?

There are 7 mothers listed in scriptures. They are…'adau mata guru-patni, brahmani raja-patnika dhenur dhatri tatha prthvi saptaita matarah' Meaning:Real mother & Guru-patni, the wife of spiritual master or teacher. Brahmani, the wife of a brahmana, and Raja-patnika, the queen. Dhenu, the cow, Dhatri, nurse, as well as the Earth. Earth is mother because she gives us so many things like fruits, flowers, grains for our eating. Mother gives milk & food for eating. Cow gives us milk. So cow is also one of our mothers.SRI CHAITANYA CHARITAMRITA, Adilila, Chapter 17, verse 166,Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirms:o-ange yata loma tata sahasra vatsara go-vadhi raurava-madhye pace nirantarCow killers and cow eaters are condemned to rot in hell for as many thousands of years as there are for each hair on the body of every cow they eat from.It is further written - Those who fail to give cows reverence and protection and choose to foolishly oppose and whimsically ignore the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures by selling a cow for slaughter, by killing a cow, by eating cows flesh and by permittings the slaughter of cows will all rot in the darkest regions of hell for as many thousands of years as there are hairs on the body of each cow slain. There is no atonement for the killing of a cow.