What Time Should Teenagers Go To Bed At

What time do you make your teenagers go to bed?

My oldest is 14 and I have never set a bedtime for her because she's a early bird by nature. She's falling over her own two feet come 9:00 and she just goes to bed... There have been times that she will stay up later because of something on T.V. and as long as she can get up in the morning I don't mess with her... I have gone into her room at 8pm because she's MIA and find her under the sheets asleep, dead to the world... I think a 16 year old should be able to decide what time to go to bed as long as they don't try to stay up until 3am and sleep through school. My 9 year old goes to her room at 9 and will watch tv for a hour and go to sleep, everyone is different as far as sleep goes, some require more sleep than others. When I was 16 I went to bed at 11:00 by my choice... Talk to your parents maybe you can reason with them!!!

What time should teenagers should go to bed, on school night?

Based on my experience as a parent with a son who is also addicted to games, I would say that 10 p.m. would be an appropriate time for them to go to bed. If they do not want to comply with the bed time you have set for them, I would simply take the system from them for a week.

Teens - What time do you go to bed?

Foster Child aged 14 nearly 15. Home by 21:30 bed by 22:30 weekdays. Home by 22:30 bed by 23:30 weekends. Enforced. Would like to be out later staying up later.
Hope its helpfull.

When is the best time to sleep for a teenager?

Teenagers need more sleep than fully grown adults do. According to the National Sleep Foundation, teenagers need 8 to 10 hours (whereas adults need 7 to 9). Unfortunately, many teens do not get that recommended amount of sleep.Teenagers also experience something unique called a “phase shift”. Basically, their circadian rhythms (their biological “clock” for sleep), urge them to go to sleep later and wake up later. This is one of the issues with school beginning so early - teen’s circadian rhythms are telling them they still need to be sleeping! Elderly people experience “phase shifting” too, just in the opposite direction - their bodies tell them to go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.In conclusion, I would say that teenagers should look at what time they need to be awake for school, and work their way backwards to ensure they get enough sleep. Something that can also help teens (and everyone) fall asleep faster: minimizing blue light exposure (phones, laptops, televisions) before bedtime, not studying or reading in bed, and keeping a consistent nightly schedule.

How many hours should a teenager sleep for?

That is, a teenager who goes to high school.

I hear that 8 to 9 hours is very good but starting to sleep late at midnight and waking up early at 8 am doesn’t sound like good sleep even though it’s 8 hrs.