What To Do Betrayed By Best Friend Drama/issues

Should I forgive my ex-bestfriend who once betrayed me?

Well, I think kindness and humility are the 2 most valuable traits in mankind.The irony is that they both are seldom found in mankind these days.I think I have been in a similar situation as yours too. Some couple of years back, I had certain issues over righteousness with my 'ex' best friend , resulting in the termination of our friendship.We were not on talking terms for over 7-8 months, after which one fine day, I got a text from her that she would want to be my friend again. Brave as I thought her step was, I politely declined the offer saying that I choose my friends with my own will and not with force.1 more month passed and one fine day we were both supposed to have an interview post which we both were in an elevator and kind of struck a conversation regarding how the interview went.We started talking again and now that its been more than 2 years, since that 'silly' incident happened, my ex best friend is my best friend again.We did not talk about that topic for the initial months, but we talk about it now.Coming back to you, why  am I  narrating my tale to you, is to tell you few things: 1. If given a chance, would I  like to change the events of old incidents. Hell Yes, why ? because I think we both were immature back then.2. I have now realized, that your best friend need not be an exact replica of you by mind.3. We need to just stop judging people around us , accept and love the way they are.4. Never close doors for a person who has guilt in him or her, very few people have the courage to showcase that.My best friend  has helped me handle some of the tough phases of life and I am glad I have her.Cutting long story short: Give people the chance they deserve, not everyone is like you, empathize with her, understand why she did what she did, BE KIND. That's the most valuable trait in mankind.

My best friend forever betrayed me?

I know exactly how you feel, my best friend also betrayed me but she tried to talk to me like everything is okay, but i didn't speak to her, ignored her, in fact she still doesn't know that i know what shes done, i was so shocked i trusted her completely and told her everything and so she told me everything too, i still don't understand why she did that to me. trust me, people like this will come and go in your life, you just have to decide who's worth forgiving tbh. You could try and talk to her, so even if it doesn't work out then at least you know that you tried your best, to save the friendship, at the end of the day if she is really your true friend, then she she will stay with you, and change her ways. it sounds like the other girls are influencing her to act like that, so after talking to her and things aren't resolved than, you'll just have to socialize with other girls, try and make new friends. If things get really bad you may have to get the teacher involved but don't sit in silence, this is bullying and that unacceptable no matter what. I hope everything gets better good luck mate :) things will get better, there's always drama with girls, that's a fact!

I need a best friend... :(?

I want someone to always be there for me. It's so hard for me to trust because my "friends" have often betrayed me. They can say hurtful things that really tears me up inside...
I need a best friend so badly.

I need someone I can hold onto when I feel like drowning
I need someone who I can confide in
I need someone who can comfort me, inspire and motivate me.
And most importantly, someone who warms up my icy-cold world.

It's not like I haven't tried. Because I have put is so, so, so much effort. But it always backfires. I do have friends, but I really want a friendship that is soul-mate type. That kind of intensity and love.

I really don't know what to do anymore

Bipolar friend betrayed me...?

I have a friend who is bipolar and she is
really kind and giving and considerate.

Your friend might also have a personality disorder,
which I have recently learned, is very different
from a mental illness.

A PD has more to do with character, and it
sounds like your friend has some serious character

She might have borderline personality disorder,
for example, or some other problem with intimacy.
People like that lash out at those close to them
in part from a fear of abandonment. They often cannot
ever consistently
admit they even have a problem with their behavior.

There's nothing you can do about it, unless she gets
help for the long haul.

I know it's really really hard when you have had
good times with her, but some time away from
her might be good for both of you.

You don't have to decide totally not to be her
friend any more, but you might say her behavior
has really really hurt you, and that you just need a
break to recover.

That might provide a boundary to her that you are
not willing to tolerate bad behavior that is hurtful to you.

If she truly has a PD, she might not react well to the

Often people like this don't seek help until they
realize they have hit rock bottom.

It's hard because,
while they can be helped by
dialectical behavioral therapy,
they often hide
their true nature from the therapist, because
their issues and problems in relationships are also
borne out in relationships with therapists.

Some are able to admit to the disorder and then
truly work on themselves.

My guess is she has a personality disorder because
that is related to hurting people close to them.

My friend(s) betrayed me...what should I do??!!?

It seems she has a different aspect on being someone's " best friend" then you do. I think you should confront her about your feelings towards everything and if she really is your friend she'll agree and put in an effort to work it out. As for the boy there's a chance she didn't tell you because she felt bad for liking the same person. But for her talking behind your back. If she speaks badly of you then that's not a characteristic in a friend that you should want. Try to work things out if you really do care about her friendship but if not I'm sure you can make tons of other friends :)

I Feel Betrayed By My Ex Girlfriend?

first off you need to stop making excuses for her, saying she "isn't a bad person" just because your in love is not a good thing. she is a bad person. she is an opportunist who doesn't give a crap. it's all about her needs. she don't care about you. if she did care about you she would have asked you to the prom instead she didn't even bother to pick up a phone. i wouldn't give her the satisfaction if i was you. why be her backup plan?

Don't think so little of yourself. you have needs too. if you let women like that walk all over you they will do it forever and not even consider your feelings. why does she need your sympathy when she already is getting all the sympathy in the world. she got what she needed. what did you get out of it?

i hate it when girls do that because in most cases you can be doing everything right and they will just up and leave and give off some bogus excuse like "you didn't pay enough attention" which is the standard lie of a cheating woman who just wants to jump ship and doesn't want to admit what she really is. that's why these types of women are always feeling sorry for themselves because deep down they know they are rotten but because guys are always "excusing them" and calling them great people they find ways to exist despite their ugliness.

The only reason she may be telling you she still likes you is because the FAT GUY already got his fill and he's taking her for granted. now she wants to "sneak" back into your good graces and pretend that she is doing it because she just had to get her mind right. but it's not true at all. she broke up with you because she was under the impression that she had something better and now she knows she doesn't or she is looking to use you as leverage against the other guy.

you have to ask yourself one simple question... if she was ugly would you tolerate this?

Cause other than her looks she doesn't seem like a great person at all. She is a ZERO. you deserve better.

How do you deal with your friends' betrayal?

I think a good rule of thumb to follow in many situations is to not take things personally.At first, betrayal hurts. Your trust in them is shattered, you might become resentful, upset, and there’s a missing hole in your heart where the person you knew as your friend used to be.However, always try to understand the whole situation from all perspectives. Your friend might have betrayed you for many reasons that have nothing to do with you. They might be dealing with their own insecurities, troubles at home, pressure, etc. Try not to become bitter when you accept that they betrayed you for some reason.If the betrayal was a small thing and you still believe your friend to be trustworthy, you could talk to your friend and try to understand what motivated them, or perhaps, optimistically, what you thought was a betrayal was a misunderstanding. Let them know how you felt about the situation and try to move on together from there.If through discussion with the friend, you discover that they are not good for you (e.g. they have zero regard for your wellbeing, they are manipulative, etc.) or if the betrayal was a major red flag, you might be better off gradually distancing yourself from them. Even if you are angry and emotional, there’s no need to make a dramatic or hateful exit; don’t make unnecessary enemies. Just slowly stop talking to them, avoid places where they go, be unavailable to hang out. You can greet them like an acquaintance but don’t talk about personal things with your former friend again unless you want to rekindle the friendship, which imo is generally a bad idea because you open the doors to let them hurt you again. There are other people out there with stellar character who will treat you better.Generally, I would recommend distancing yourself from people who betray others and instead spending time with caring and honest people. Family (parents, siblings, pets) is my closest source of support. If you feel utterly alone and without support, that’s okay too. Find strength in yourself and your independence. You can focus on your self-growth, hobbies, athletics, academics, arts, or whatever you want to shape your own identity. Write your own piece about how to deal with betrayal!Don’t grow bitter, don’t hurt others in retaliation, remember to love yourself, and I wish you the best in the future.Peace.