What To Do If I Have A Stomach Ache

How to get rid of a stomach ache in the car?

If you mean you're car sick. Sit next to the driver, seeing the scenery go buy makes people less nauseous than sitting where they don't get a good view. Eat soda crackers, it settles the stomach..

What are some ways to sleep with a stomach ache?

Have you tried to find out what is causing the stomach pains?? Did you go to a healthcare practitioner? How often do you have them, are they lower or upper, are they caused by gas or a virus, do you have an intestinal disease? None of these things can be answered on Quora but you need to answer them.For gas pains or a simple stomach upset, put a heating pad on your stomach and press on the acupuncture points between your ribs on the midline of your body in front at the waistline, a little above and a little below. Press and hold for 3–5 minutes.Also press on the bottom edges of your rib cage, right and left, for a few minutes.. Wrap your hands all around them. You should elicit gurgling and that usually relieves gas pains, if that is what your problem is.

Do Tums help stomach aches?

A gastroenterologist once told me that we don't need acid to digest food, said it was left over from our caveman days to kill bacteria in old or tainted food. Sounded plausible to me because at the time I was on Prilosec which stops almost all acid production.

How to deal with a stomach ache at school?

I used to always get stomach aches in the morning. But that was because id eat or something. Now when i get a stomach ache i take pepto bismal. That stuff works like a charm for me and fast but you prrobably shouldnt take it everyday. But if laying seems to be the only thing that helps then maybe thats all you can do. Maybe u should try to eat. Or if you do eat try to wait a little while before you eat. See what happens. Good luck

How can I get rid of a stomach ache quickly?

Most stomach pains are caused by excess gas and/or extra acidity. The easiest way to tackle this problem is by drinking down a half glass of milk mixed with half a glass of plain club soda. It usually provides immediate relief.

What are some tips for fixing a stomach ache?

HeyStomach ache is the most common problem and is faced by everyone of us due to some reason. Most reasons are not that much serious so it could be solved by following some simple home remedies .Here are 5 best natural home remedies to soothe your upset stomach :-Soda & Other Bitters :- A bar is probably the last place you’d think to look for relief from nausea, but many people swear that by having five or six drops of cocktail bitters mixed into a cold glass of tonic, club soda, or ginger ale your stomach will be relieved. Most common bitters brands contain a blend of herbs such as cinnamon, fennel, mint, and ginger. These ingredients are the reason why bitters help ease nausea in some people.The BRAT Diet :- The banana, rice, applesauce, and toast (BRAT) diet is the most commonly used remedy for nausea and stomachaches. BRAT contains low-fiber, high-binding foods. This bland diet is perfect for when you’re feeling sick but still have to eat something.Want to know more?? Read at :-5 Best Natural Remedies For An Upset Stomach - Health Library

Why do I get a stomach ache after eating meat?

No easy answer. Could be the amount, ulcer, diseases of the intestine, pancreas, Constipation. If it persistent, especially if accompanied by weight loss, vomiting, bloating, blood from the bottom seek help immediately. Do not forget an internet chat is not a substitute for a discussion with your own, trusted health care professional.