What To Do If Your Best Friend Pretends To Be Your Friend

What do you do when a friend pretends to be mad at you for fun?

Omg, I've had one friend that has done this to me, and she totally didn't act like she was kidding. She acted pretty mad. That's why I actually thought she was mad at me, or that she was in a bad mood, and had a bad day. After that, she said it was just a joke, and that she was kidding, but she got everyone in the group to go against me. I forgave her, but I went off with another group of my friends, because I thought that was a dirty joke, since she told everyone else about it, except for me, obviously, since the joke was ON me. And, that whole time she was "pretending" to whisper to her other friends, gave me dirty looks and glares, and kept on exchanging meaningful glances to her other friends. Was I overreacting, or did I do the right thing?

I found out my friend is only pretending to be my friend, what do I do?

Menu A) Say nothing, just disappear out of her life and find new activities to do / places to go and people who actually are capable of being true friends. Menu B) Confront her, yell and scream, tell her how hurt you are, and then disappear. If someone can be that phony, I sincerely doubt she’ll be affected in any way by your rant, so I’d choose menu A and not waste any more of your precious life.

Why do people pretend to be friends?

I'm 30 yrs old. I've known some people who I considered to be my friends for a long time. I've been so good and nice to them. I would help them out and be there when they needed me. But when I'm in need of help they don't even lift a finger to help. They leave me high and dry. I don't get it. Why be friends with someone for so many years and not help them especially if that person has been so good to them. So, I am at a lost and told myself I would be a fool to be there when they need me. I will continue to hang out with them but thats it. My question is why be good "friends" for years and not have there backs? Also should I continue being friends, not "bros", just to be social?

My friends only pretend to like me...?

because they feel sorry for me. I've been labeled the "weird girl" in my class, and I kind of am. I don't want to be, I just- I don't know. I'm kind of awkward. Anyways, they just put up with me at lunch and in group projects, and pretend to like seeing me. I've always felt like that, but kept reassuring myself that they did like hanging out with me. Here are a few examples:
1. They kind of ignore me every day at lunch and break.
2. In November, one of the girls in my social circle was having a birthday sleepover. Two of the others asked me if I was going before I knew about it, and I said I wasn't invited. Later, the birthday friend texted me and told me about it (she told the others in person), and I think it was just because the others told her how sad I looked and basically guilted her into finally inviting me.
3. A few days ago, my friends had this thing where two of them "got married" for fun at one of their houses. I only found out about it because of a photo on facebook. There are seven girls in my social group, including me. All of the other six were there. That one really stung.
4. Lots of times, they'll give me weird looks whenever I say something, which I usually don't do. Sometimes, I'll sit down, and a few minutes later, they'll all leave at the same time to "get food" or "go to the library".

What do I do? All of this really hurts :"(.
P.S.: I'm 13, so are the other girls, but one is 12. We're in 8th grade but the one is in 7th.

My friend and I are pretending to be dating.?

act like a couple whos blissfully infatated with each other kiss hug hold hands and flirt...becareful you may find ya like it...and ya wont be pretending any more...why doesnt someone just tell this girl that its none of her business who either of ya like or choose to be friends with and to stop being a control freak and butting in where she doesnt belong (preferably he should tell her) shes not his girlfriend right!?? Right??? so who is she to tell him anything or you for that matter...if shes just a friend she needs to learn quit actting like a jelouse girlfriend. This way you dont have to pretend anything...and do it cause ya want to...why go thru all that just because of her petty jealousy...seems a bit out of the way to get rid of her...honesty... How ya dish it out is up to ya...but dont pretend...thats a good way to get hurt..."oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive"...just be honest, if ya wanna date him do it but because ya like him that way. Good luck